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Tamale South deserve better now.

Wed, 9 Oct 2013 Source: Hardi, Ibrahim

I believe that we have a mission as NDC members to rescue our constituencies and our societies from the plight it is in currently, which we must rise up and correct, but which we are failing to do perhaps, because of fear and others. If you would eschew pettiness and bigotry; if you would recognize that the writer is also an NDC member like you, who, although might not have reached the heights you are, but is seriously concerned about the welfare and development of our constituencies and societies, you can reason along with me.

To some of us in the Tamale South constituency, this Constitutional review has been long overdue and must be taken with all the seriousness it deserves and not be toyed with, since it will shape the future direction of the NDC party. Wont it surprise you that two consecutive parliamentary primaries elections,our Mp want unopposed?. Fellow NDC members in the Tamale south, do you want us to remain as jokers in the eyes of others?, Do you want us to remain backward when we can do something about it?, Do you want us to be content with mediocrity?. The time is now!!!!!!!!. Are you afraid that when you complain about obvious wrongs in our constituency it would damage you?, Is that a more important interest than bringing our constituency to a standard all of us can be proud of?, For those who want to be seen as good people while crying in silent,the time is now, make sure you get your membership cards. Is it their fear that when they complain about obvious misdeeds in our constituency, people would begin to associate them with some kind of inclinations that they hate? Is that a more important consideration than making our constituency a civilized and respectable society? Should all of us remain silent and be described as backward hoping that someday God will perform a miracle and things would change in Tamale south for the better?, fellow comrades, let’s not disappoint our constituency. The time is now for us to speak out and begin to shape our constituency in a new and better direction. Lets make sure Tamale South remains where people respect us not we respect them,because the current positions they are occupying its not their academic works that put them there but the thumb of the ordinary person like me and you. Surprisingly, individual characters have changed and the “values” of the party have also changed dramatically from “all men are equal” to “the fewer the merrier”. This can best be described as the height of unguided political deceit.

The cent of reforms in the ndc should be a good news that will help us redeem our image. We are expecting help from all of us that will ensure a progressive and qualitative change of our constituency and society. Help that we can believe in. All of us, true ndc members, who care very much about the progress and welfare of our constituency will have a role to play in ensuring that the help we envisage comes to reality. All of us must rise up to the occasion and contribute in any way that would be necessary to help our beloved constituency. Yes,we can do it,its should not be difficult,we have to start from somewhere. Let’s show our love for Tamale South by damning selfishness; let’s show our love for Tamale South by encouraging ourselves and others that we can actually make it like any other constituencies. We need the will to do it and it starts right in your bedroom, your living room, your house. Don’t disappoint Tamale South because the time is now. When the clarion call is made at your door, stand up and be counted. Our generation and the ones that would follow will forever be proud of you.

Comrades, I want to urge you to resolve to support a noble cause and make our society a proud place to belong. Don’t ever think this is a dream that would never come to reality. All that you need to do is to support the idea in any way that may be necessary.

Ibrahim Hardi 0208235615

Email:[email protected]

Columnist: Hardi, Ibrahim