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The Caesars, the Anthonys, the Cassius and the Brutus in Ghanaian politics

Mon, 15 Sep 2008 Source: Damptey, Daniel Danquah

When Shakespeare wrote his tragedy “Julius Caesar” he had veil

Yesterday, when I was thinking of what to write as my weekly contribution towards digging deep into our archives, a veil was taken off my eyes and straight away I began to see the light.

In a trance like manner like what happened when Peter was told that he should not call what God has cleansed unholy, I believe I have the mandate to open the eyes of my fellow Ghanaians who are yet to see the light.

It dawned on me that when Shakespeare wrote his tragedy titled “Julius Caesar”, he had some Ghanaian characters in mind. The characters, Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony can be equated to Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo- Addo whiles Brutus and Cassius are synonymous with Atta Mills, Asiedu Nketia and John Jerry Rawlings can be equated with Cassius.

Rawlings, like Brutus is a self- righteous and ineffectual idealist. He is a character who feels that whatever he does or says is correct. He attaches too much importance to his own opinions about situations. As an idealist his opinions are always too naïve and unrealistic. He is able to push his idealism and self- righteousness through because he had over-riding power over members of his nefarious contraption There is every reason to show that like Brutus, Rawlings and Atta Mills opinions are a product of their self-righteousness’ and idealism. As idealists, Rawlings and Mills have reposed so much confidence in themselves. On hearing from some novices that Akosombo Dam was in danger if it was not shut down, Mills quickly called a press conference without going to the scene to get first hand information from the experts at the scene of the controversy. He reads outs figures thinking that Ghanaians will swallow all their lies hook, line and sinker. But alas, they thought the average Ghanaian was like the Ancient Roman Plebeian who could easily be persuaded. But he got the shock of their lives when almost every Ghanaian of objective mind condemned him for putting the cart before the horse. Mills and Rawlings are so much blind-folded by their idealism that they cannot even get the implication of Nana Addo’s growing popularity.

In fact, Mrs. Naadu Mills and Mrs. Konadu Agyemang Rawlings can be comparable to Portia, wife of Brutus in the tragedy. Portia in the play is the observant wife who can easily get to know the state of mind of her husband, Brutus. Portia has been terribly disturbed by Brutus restlessness. Her desire to know Brutus’ mind is expressed with every opportunity. Her plight is revealed in the concern she shows over Brutus’ state of mind. Portia: Is Brutus sick, and is it physical. To walk unbraced and suck up the humours of the dark morning?

It is a known fact that Brutus and Portia are legally married. So it is with Rawlings and Konadu Agyemang Rawlings on one hand and Atta Mills and Naadu Mills on the other. They share moments of joy and sorrow together. Thus, when Rawlings made known his intention to eliminate the three Judges and the retired Army officer, Konadu Agyemang Rawlings, like Lady Macbeth gave him her total support. If not, why should the keys to the vehicle used in abducting the unfortunate victims were picked from her dressing table? The same applies to Mills who went for his only son, born outside wedlock, only after persistent taunting from his political opponents. But for sake of their happiness, Naadu Mills, who couldn’t cope with staying with another woman’s child, rather advised the husband to send the child to live with his sister. Why not advise Mills to bring the child home?

Rawlings, like Brutus stands out distinct as an over-bearing leader with a clearly defined motive geared towards spreading vicious lies about Kuffour and Akufo-Addo. This is the guiding philosophy which Rawlings, assisted by Prof Mills intends to plants in the minds of Ghanaians. Their point of view is dangerous and many Ghanaians are not happy about their stand. What Mills lacks is the beastial stamina that we find in villains like Rawlings who are prepared to set evil loose. Rawlings and Mills, like Brutus have a secret to keep, but Ghanaians have the right to make them uncover their minds. But a tragic event of the type which Brutus and Rawlings are organizing should not be brought to the light of the day until it takes place. But Ghanaians are already aware and prepared to nip the plot in the bud.

Now, Rebecca Akufo-Addo can be likened to Calphurnia, the wife of Julius Caesar. Calphurnia has every reason to warn against Caesars visit to the capitol where evil doers are set to destroy the strength of her life. Rebecca has been an integral part of Nana’s campaign taking it upon her self to lead the wives of the other presidential aspirants to spread the good news of the party without insults. Konadu Agyemang Rawlings, like lady Macbeth and Portia is portrayed as a restless woman who has been subject to mental torture by her participation in some unnatural acts and refusing to call her husband to order when he appears to stray from the paths of decency and righteousness. Johnson Asiedu Nketia and John Jerry Rawlings at times behave like Cassius in the play, “Julius Caesar. Both of them, together with John Atta Mills, want to diminish Nana Akufo- Addo’s status before the people of Ghana. The three always contrive to bring Nana low with their frivolous and unfounded allegations while at the same time, elevating Atta Mills by stressing his alleged public image. Both go about it indifferent ways. That Mills is subtle, whist those of Rawlings and Asiedu Nketia are too direct, in their approach does not matter, both men are moving towards the same goal- the destruction of Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

But from the time he joined the political terrain, the name, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo was allowed to ring fear into the ears of his opponents. He shows military preparedness and ability to evaluate the strategy of his political opponents and arrive at just conclusions. He is not frightened by outward show of power. Rawlings, Mills and the NDC will sooner or later come face to face with the reality of life - the life they have attempted to build up by foul and bloody means. This type of life is bound to break down on the slightest note of warning and threat within and without their surroundings.

Like Brutus, Mills attitude to life is quite at variance with that of Nana. – The idealistic way of Mills as against the realistic way of Nana. Elegized by the greatest bully that ever bestrides this narrow world of ours, Mills is living under the false assumption that he will attain power through violence. But when Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo and members of his campaign team speak, the readers and audience are emotionally involved. Their speeches appeal to the zenith or deepest part of their soul and this is capable of working on their emotion and reason. The speeches of the Nefarious Triumvirate, comprising Rawlings, Mills and Asiedu Nketia on the other hand appeal to only their nadir- the lowest part of their soul which, even if it impresses them, it is only for a short time.

All their accusations/allegations against members of the Nipa Pa Party/ Nobles Peoples Party and their actions are not based on facts, but on mere suspicions. Infact, one can correctly assert that the hierarchy of the NDC is playing the role of the devil incarnate. I mean those who do not at anytime in the course of their evil practices develop the slightest compunction. Their utterances portray them as characters with little or no human feelings. They speak like people who are completely dehumanized, for their words and actions are too harsh to the ear. Concerned people therefore feel that by their words and actions, they may throw the whole country into chaos given the chance. Expressions like “Ghana will be worst off than Kenya and Zimbabwe combined” and “NPP plans to rig the elections and if that happens, we shall match them boot for boot”. When asked to provide evidence, they say they have none. Wasn’t it mere suspicion that made Brutus to join the conspiracy to murder Julius Caesar – an act which set in motion a chain-reaction that eventually plunged ancient Rome into a civil war? Were hardworking Ghanaians not made to forgo their hard-earned money and property during the [P] NDC regime on mere suspicion that the victims might have cheated on their way to the top? Cassius instigated Brutus and others to murder Caesar on mere suspicion that Caesar was likely to become a dictator without giving any reasons.

Rawlings, Ata Mills and others in the contraption go about pontificating that they are angels and that Dan Abodakpi and Tsatsu Tsikata were given a raw deal by the NPP Administration. But when I asked them a question on why Tsatsu Tsikata was sacked by the very man who is now singing Tsatus’s praises as the best thing to have ever happened in the history of the GNPC, the answer is not forthcoming. Somebody even have the guts to send me an e-mail to the effect that Tsatsu Tsikata was not sacked.

Be as it may, I am still waiting for an answer to my question. Why did Rawlings sack Tsatsu Tsikata? Was it on account of incompetence? To me, John Jerry Rawlings has emerged as a totalitarian dictator who is not ready to listen to the suggestions and opinions of others just as Marcus Brutus is depicted in “Julius Caesar”. He and his hand-picked successor, Atta Mills are so self- righteous that they feel all Ghanaians show keep quiet when it comes to policy making. As we are all aware of, the NDC needs a well-laid down code of ethics to ensure loyalty and discipline. Probably, if there had been strong ties binding them to a just cause, Rawlings would not have sacked his Special Aide, Victor Smith and the Rawlingses would not have made that reckless statement to the effect that both President John Agyekum Kufuor and the NPP flag-bearer, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo were not qualified lawyers- only to have that statement rebuffed by Atta Mills, moments after it had been made. The difference between Mills and Rawlings is a product of lack of dedication to a just cause.

Both John Jerry Rawlings and John Evans Atta Mills keep committing blunders after blunders which they did not realize or choose not to realize. If they can realize their mistakes, they will be seeing things in their right perspective. Both Mills and Rawlings are having a strong impulse to do something drastic and this makes them approach every situation with excessive naivety like fanning the embers of ethnicity – Rawlings telling Ewes that they are being marginalized in the scheme of things and Mils accusing Kufuor of insensitivity to the plight of fishermen because the sea could not be found in Ashanti Region where Kufuor hails from. The Volta Regional Chairman of the NDC, Modestos Ahiable has made damming comments about a war of attrition against the Ewes by the Ashantis but nobody said anything about it. When Dan Abodakpi was jailed and the leadership of the party went to Keta to heap insults on the sitting President and accused him of trying to exterminate or annihilate the Ewes, nobody raised any eyebrow. Yet when I brought out statistics to show that tribalism was more prevalent under Rawlings regimes than under Kufuor, they hawks in the NDC descended heavily on me with insults to the extent of some calling me “a stupid goat” and “an ignorant fool”. What does this tell you about those who are aspiring to lead this great nation of civilized citizens? They cannot tolerate the views of others! All that I tried to do in my previous write up was to advise Ghanaians to stop accusing the present administration of ethnicity, because if we want to talk about it, it reared its ugly head very much during the Rawlings era. Yet we all lived under it, so there was no reason to bring about such an issue. Was there anything I did wrong here? However, I would still insist that those who call themselves Ghanaians and are concerned about what goes on in the country should read the Hansard which captured the Debate on the ethnic composition of the Ghana Armed Forces and they would be shocked to the marrow by the contributions of members of the NDC to the debate. It is such lack of tolerance and insensitivity to the plight and feelings of others, apart from themselves which has created an unending atmosphere of hopelessness and disaster in the National Democratic Congress.

Rawlings and Mills see in Akufo-Addo, a Mark Anthony who is described by Cassius as a “shrewd contriver” whose action can throw their party into confusion. Thus, every means, whether orthodox or otherwise must be employed to halt his [Nana’s] rise to fame and prominence and that is exactly the script they are enacting. But Nana, together with his campaign team is an equal match for them. His intellectual ability and political sagacity and eloquence are things Rawlings and Atta Mills find difficult to counteract.

So, when Atta Mills confesses that he, unlike Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo was not born with a silver spoon, he [Mills] like Cassius. Is indirectly alluding to his own inferiority complex and magnifying the greatness of his opponent.

“Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world Like a colossus and we petty men Walk under his legs”

As stated earlier on, both Rawlings and Mills are playing the role of a devil advocate. They sometimes represent the evil that man has got to tussle with in life. They cannot be satisfied with the position in which they find themselves. They feel and believe that it is an insult to live under Kufuor and Nana Addo’s Governments when both are human beings like themselves. It is like “if you miss the ball, don’t miss the man” If they cannot have it no other person should have it. The pull Him Down Syndrome is at work.. But this is not how God wants things to be in this country

Whether they like it or not, come December 7, 2008, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo will be elected President of this Great Nation of ours. Come January, 7, the baton of leadership will be handed over to the President-elect to continue the good works of President John Agyekum Kufuor. So ride on, Nana, for you have fought a good fight and won the race. You moment of glory is at hand.

On this note I urge all those who believe in all the freedoms enshrined in our Constitution to brace up for that great day and use the power of the thumb to ensure that God’s wish comes true. Nana and Bawumia all the way!

Daniel Danquah Damptey

[email protected]


Columnist: Damptey, Daniel Danquah