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The Mightiest Tree is Rumoured to Have Uprooted in Kumawuman

Sat, 28 Mar 2015 Source: Adofo, Rockson

How does it profit a man if he acquires all the wealth of the world, but loses his precious life? It is also said, "Obstinacy is the cause of the horns of the hornbill". I have published views and revelations pertaining to whom God in His infinite wisdom has designated to ascend to the Kumawu Koduah Stool. I mean, who God has appointed to succeed the late Barimah Asumadu Sakyi II as Kumawuhene. However, the purported "mightiest tree" in Kumawuman maintained an intransigent position. She was resolutely determined to let not come to pass God's wish for His appointed one, and His plans for the welfare of the entire Kumawuman citizens and their locality.

This mightiest tree, but without birds sitting in its branches or making their nests in her blooming canopy, because of its inhabitable nature, was without significance to the soil and space it occupied. Without having any recognisable importance to Kumawuman people, but extremely rude in her interactions with people, seeing everyone she came into contact as inferior, she is alleged by rife rumours doing rounds in Kumawuman and among Kumawuman citizens worldwide, to have fallen.

This rumour is yet to be confirmed. At this stage, I shall advise both the sympathisers and the enemies of this "mightiest tree" to neither be neither inconsolable nor jubilant.

Death is a journey that every human being will make at a point in their life. The bible says at Hebrew 9:27-28: 27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: 28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation"

Should this rumour become a reality, those that instigated her obstinate, ruinous acts against Kumawuman and her inhabitants must consciously consider themselves as being guilty of complicity in fraud. I shall reserve further views until the rumour is confirmed as true or false.

Again, Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah (Dr Yaw Sarfo), the purported Kumawuhene who is without any recognition among Kumawuman people, was alleged to have secretly left Kumawu to an unknown destination for a week. He was alleged to have been taken by one of his father's brothers to the North ("Esiremu") to secure him some powerful spiritual (juju) protection.

Is there any need for that? What is that protection for; to prevent God from being able to punish him should he disobey His command as he is exactly seen to be doing at the moment?

Dr Yaw Sarfo has illegally been imposed on Kumawuman against the wishes of both God and the people of Kumawuman. I have continually been publishing prophetic revelations, research work etc., on the internet in attempts to communicate vital information to him. However, him, suffering from "like mother like daughter" or "like father like son" syndrome, does not listen. He has allowed himself to be manipulated by Asantehene, Kumawuhemaa and the Asanteman Council with false hope of protection from DCOP Nathan Kofi Boakye's unprofessional and biased police personnel.

There is no any effective protection that is worth more than that from God. To Dr Yaw Sarfo, I say, go back and read my last four months published views on Kumawu chieftaincy dispute, your protection from God lies in there.

Should you disobey my admonition and revelations therein stated, then I am afraid, you risk the fiery anger of God.

As the mightiest tree is allegedly uprooted with the few birds that perched in its shady branches chirping and fluttering about, I shall advise all those disobeying the command of God about the Kumawu stool dispute to learn a lesson from the rumours, and then think twice before they take their next step of action.

In the meantime, I shall advise that we debunk the rumours until it is officially confirmed that the mightiest tree has indeed fallen. For it is said, "We crane our neck to see what is going but not what is coming our way".

"Mmenam na me retetee se odupon baatan bi atutu wo Kumawu"

Rockson Adofo

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson