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The Neocolonialists Hidden Agenda For Ghana

Mon, 8 Nov 2010 Source: The Emperor

Years ago, I was in Amsterdam, the Netherlands on a visit with a friend. On arrival, we decided, out of boredom, to check out the city’s famous Red Light District. For those of you who have never been to Amsterdam before, the Red Light District is an area in the city reserved for prostitutes. Once there, we made up our minds to have a bit of fun. Of course, not sexually. I, for one, was curious as to how much the ladies charged for their services. So, we went around asking them. To my utter surprise, I discovered that the Red Light District was segregated. One part of the area was home to Black prostitutes. The other part was predominantly White. Ironically, each section had its own price. For instance, whilst the Black prostitutes were charging 25 Euros for their services, their White colleagues, on the other hand, were charging twice that amount. My initial reaction was; what the heck is going on here?

So, what did I do? Well, I asked one of those Black prostitutes if she could tell me why the prices differ. Her answer was; “We and the Whites are in the same business. We even service better than them. However, in order for us to survive in this business, we must keep our prices at a low. Otherwise, nobody would come to us.” In my curiosity, I asked her why nobody would come if they don’t. Her answer to me was; “because of our skin color, we automatically labelled inferior.”

“Sometimes, a client would tell me how much he wants to pay.” “It’s either I take it or leave it,” she said. All of a sudden, something dawned on me. It felt like an awakening, an epiphany even. I said to my friend, look, this is what Ghana and most of the African countries have been dealing with ever since their so-called independence. Folks, for years, the Western countries have been trading, but not fairly with us.

In a normal market setting, a seller of commodity is the one who determines the prices of his/her commodity, not the buyer. However, when it comes to us doing business with the West, they want to see the opposite happen. As a result, they keep paying us less to nothing for our exports to enrich their economies, whilst we continue to borrow from them to produce cheaply for them. Then again, this has always been part of the Neocolonialists hidden agenda. The Neocolonialists want to control our economics, together with our politics--by controlling our income revenue. To them, the less income revenue available to us, the better for them. Hence, their sole determination to determine their purchasing prices of our commodities. You see, their main objective is to keep us depending on loans so that we could forever remain indebted, poor, underdeveloped, and under their control.

Of course, the presence of less monies in our country would automatically lead to less job creation for the masses. When a country isn’t capable of creating jobs for its citizenry, there would be brain-drain. The country’s best and brightest would leave eventually. The country could continue to produce brilliant minds from its universities. However, none of these brilliant minds would stay to help build the country. All of them would leave for a better pay and a life somewhere foreign. When this happens, the development of the country would never be realized. The Neocolonialists would then move in and claim the resources of the country without any opposition from the country's best and brightest, for all of them would be gone. In Ghana today, all our best minds are gone. All our best technocrats are gone. Our natural politicians have followed suit.

Our best scientific, medicine, and technological minds are employed somewhere foreign. Our best economists are functioning on foreign shores. Our potential future leaders are wiping floors in England and elsewhere, just to make a living. You see, there’s nobody at home who could stop these Neocolonialists, except our old mothers, fathers, and cash-strapped brothers and sisters who would sell just ‘bout anything for nothing. Look at, for instance, how they handled the oil deal. Folks, sooner or later, the Neocolonialists, with their racist and White superior mentality, would wipe them out with the AIDS virus and claim the land and its wealth fully for themselves. Then again, this has been their hidden agenda for the continent of Africa and its people from the word go. Right now, Africans are dying in their numbers from the AIDS virus, and nobody knows how that came to be. Brothers and sisters, doesn’t it make you wonder?

Welcome 2 the Dawn!


The Emperor

Columnist: The Emperor