Supplications have been made throughout the world. And it’s purposely to ask Allah to make the days to Ramadan very short, in order that the world will devout its time to observe a sincere form of worship — fasting.
Believers know that their days are much numbered on earth, and how imperfect they stand, in an attempt at living their lives according to the dictates of Allah. So looking forward to that day wherein Allah opens His doors to his slaves, is always ideal.
Ramadan is the season in which sins are forgiven, more rewards are reaped and mankind sees the goodliness in him being brought to bear by his own effort. In such a month, people dedicate their precious time to the abandoned souls. And the community glitters as its flushes any life of rogue from its belly. It affords the sinful man a chance to repent sincerely to his Lord. Also, it subjects the rich to comprehend what the poor goes through whenever he’s penniless. Even so, if you want to take your morning meal and evening meal (both to start and break the fast), preference is given to the mosque – to eat together with everyone.
Ramadan is full of radiance. Both the learned and unlettered come together to probably listen to the Imam (leader) irrespective of his qualification. The professor would have to sit on his academic credentials and follow the prayer of an erudite Imam. There's no show of superiority – all under one umbrella of worship.
There’s virtually nothing to be equated to fasting. And there’s something flabbergasting about Ramadan. It brings much joy, compared to the mundane entertainment or festivals. It weighs heavier than any football league played on the face of the earth, and so on.
Ramadan is here and fasting is pretty underway. This time, we have warmly welcomed it in vogue, reminiscence of the end product of Fasting, articulated by Jesus Christ (as). Mark 9:28-29: “But Jesus (as) took him by the hand, and lifted him up; and he arose. And when he was come into the house, his disciples asked him privately, Why couldn’t we cast him out? And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by Prayer and Fasting”. I hope you’ve gotten the import now?
Fasting isn't a waged war against hunger and thirst, but surely, a quest for spiritual growth. Thus all Prophets were once commanded to observe fasting. “O you who’ve believed, fasting has been made obligatory unto you, as it was made unto those who have passed you, that you may attain piety”. Qur’an 2:183.
Let us not forget to pray to As-Shafi (The Healer), for we need Him to gift our able men and women in the lab the knowledge to come out with the vaccine, so that the novel coronavirus would be combated.
Have a most blessed day.
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