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The Stupidity Of Rawlings Never Ceases To amaze Me

Wed, 6 Jun 2012 Source: Poku, Kwadwo

BY Kwadwo Poku

For the past couple of days I have been trying so had to exercise restrain after reading the comments made by Rawlings at the June 4 celebrations. As I sat agglutinated to my PC, reading the words; "June 4 coup was a divine intervention. It was given to us by God", I quickly turned of the computer to compose myself because my temperature was boiling hot and needed a cool off. After realizing the stupid comments came from the pig of Rawlings, a spontaneous combustion of laughter erupted from my mouth which led to my 5 yr old daughter quizzing the words; what is wrong with you daddy?

Folks, before I deal with this pesky man in the next paragraph let me go on record to say this. I am not "shocprised" that he made such stupid comments, after all what do you expect from a lunatic fringed cultic moron. What really "chaks" me off is the fact that human beings born of women, sat at his footstool and listened to him exhibit utter buffoonery and ignorance. How sad! We had an out- going military regime (SMC II), a constitution tried and tested through referendum, the formations of political parties, date for elections cast in stone, Ghanaians elated about a looming democracy on the horizon and we are to buy the silly notion that the disruption on June 4th ' 79 was a divine intervention. If indeed it was a divine intervention, why is he still bellyaching about the same corruptions and so called murders that precipitated the ' 79 coup.

Rawlings, if I were you, I would have gone to church on June 4th to thank God for preserving my life after all the evil I have committed instead of celebrating a dastardly act. Look at the demises of Ghaddafi, Charles Taylor, Mubarak et al, and after being favored by history and the national fatigue of wasting our leaders by firing squads, you reciprocate the gesture by being so dump and stupid. Let me tell you something, you are a criminal legitimized by a sham constitution and not a smart man, so don't delude yourself. And it is so sad that a fraction of our country men and women continues to allow themselves to be used and abused by your duplicitous ways. A murderer like you, have the stones to accuse someone of murder. Only in Ghana will this twerp be stomached.

Kwadwo Poku NY

Columnist: Poku, Kwadwo