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The devastating state of Tema Motorway: A call for urgent action

Tema Motorway23 A file photo

Tue, 12 Sep 2023 Source: Michael Agbesi Kelly

The Tema Motorway, a crucial transportation artery connecting Accra and Tema in Ghana, is currently in a state of disrepair. This once vital road network, which facilitated the smooth flow of goods and commuters, now stands as a symbol of neglect and frustration.

The deteriorating condition of the Tema Motorway has far-reaching consequences for both individuals and the nation’s economy, demanding immediate attention and action.

Potholes and crumbling infrastructure: The most visible sign of the motorway’s decay is the proliferation of potholes that pockmark its surface. These craters pose a significant risk to motorists, causing damage to vehicles and endangering lives. The lack of regular maintenance has allowed these potholes to expand, making navigation treacherous and resulting in increased travel times and congestion.

Traffic congestion and delays: The deteriorating state of the Tema Motorway has contributed to severe traffic congestion, particularly during peak hours. The presence of potholes and uneven surfaces forces drivers to slow down, leading to long queues and frustrating delays. This congestion not only affects commuters but also disrupts the movement of goods and hampers economic productivity.

Safety hazards and accidents: The crumbling infrastructure of the motorway poses significant safety hazards. Uneven road surfaces and missing signage increase the risk of accidents, putting the lives of drivers, passengers, and pedestrians at stake. The absence of proper lighting along certain stretches of the motorway further compounds safety concerns, especially during nighttime travel.

Negative economic impact: The deteriorating state of the Tema Motorway has severe implications for Ghana’s economy. The motorway serves as a vital link between the industrial corridor of Accra and the bustling port city of Tema. However, the current condition hinders the smooth flow of goods, leading to delays, increased transportation costs, and potential damage to goods. This negatively impacts businesses, trade, and the overall economic growth of the nation.

Strain on vehicle maintenance: The poor condition of the motorway places an additional financial burden on vehicle owners. Potholes and rough surfaces damage tires, suspension systems, and other vehicle components, requiring frequent and costly repairs. This strain on vehicle maintenance further exacerbates the financial challenges faced by individuals and businesses relying on the motorway for transportation.

In conclusion, the state of the Tema Motorway is a pressing issue that demands immediate attention from authorities and policymakers. Neglecting this critical transportation artery not only affects the safety and well-being of individuals but also hampers economic growth and development. Urgent action is required to address the crumbling infrastructure, repair potholes, improve road signage, and enhance safety measures.

By investing in the rehabilitation and maintenance of the Tema Motorway, Ghana can restore this vital link, ensuring the smooth flow of goods, reducing travel times, and promoting economic prosperity for all.

Columnist: Michael Agbesi Kelly