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The elephants have lost it in Mamprugu

Bawumiacohort Bawumia Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia

Wed, 12 Oct 2016 Source: Ali Majeed

By Ali Majeed

For the fact that Dr. Mahmoud Bawumia hails from the soil of mamprugu does not guarantee that, the the elephant fraternity will have any impact in this year presidential and parliamentary elections.

The incontrovertible fact is that the running mate of the New Patriotic Party is a native of mamprugu but what has he done to deserve the total support of mamprugu?

There is no scar of development in mamprugu which can be attributed to the efforts of Dr. Mahmud Bawumia during his working time before his nomination as the running mate to Nana Addo in 2008 to date.

It is not about having a mamprusi vice president but development of mamprugu with any party that is development oriented. Mamprugu is better off in the administration of his Excellency Wumpini John Dramani Mahama. Why do I say this?let's call a spade but not a big spoon.

Dr. Mahmud Bawumia vice presidency is not going to do anything different in mamprugu. He could have done that when he was the deputy governor of bank of Ghana. There is a saying in mampruli that the beginning of any good thing signifies it's prosperity.

It is interesting to know that those who now make noise in the camp of the New Patriotic Party never heard of the nomenclature Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia until his nomination in 2008 as the running mate.

It is indeed a fact that a good friend is worth better than a blood brother sometimes. I never knew this particular proverb can be possible anywhere on this earth but his Excellency Wumpini John Dramani Mahama has really proven to the good people of mamprugu that he is capable of making mamprugu more better place than before.

The leadership of the new patriotic party especially the flagbearer Nana Addo and Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia do not really know what change means and that is why his Excellency Wumpini John Dramani Mahama has said said "change is already happening everywhere in the country".

The good people mamprugu don't need change because change is already happening in mamprugu. The change NPP members are crying for is already happening in the hometown of the maverick northern regional chairman of the new patriotic party where president John Dramani Mahama government is putting up a community day Snr high school in namong the birth place of Mr. Bugri Naabu.

Change is already happening in mamprugu in which communities within Bunkurugu-Yunyoo district where Bugri Naabu belongs are connected to the national grid and their roads under construction.

Change is already happening in the home district of Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia where a community day Snr high school is been put up in Nasia. Change is already happening where roads within walewale township, wungu, zangum and walewale-nalerigu are under construction by the Mahama led administration.

Change is already happening in wungu, kparigu and Nasia where their acute water shortage has been fixed completely. Change is already happening when Mahama led administration connected 22 communities within Bawumia home district to national grid as against only 7 communities in the eight -year rule of the NPP in west mamprusi district.

Change is already happening in mamprugu where mamprugu moaduri district for the first time been hooked to the national grid by the Mahama led administration of which the NPP could not even connect a single community in mamprugu moaduri with their eight year long ruled of the country.

Change is already happening in mamprugu with his Excellency Wumpini John Dramani Mahama establishing college of education in mamprugu to train professional teachers for mamprugu and the nation at large.

Change is already happening in mamprugu with the massive infrastructural development of his Excellency Wumpini John Dramani Mahama across the length and breadth of mamprugu the home land of Dr. Mahama Bawumia.

With the indelible achievements of his Excellency Wumpini John Dramani Mahama and the National Democratic Congress, the elephants should stop advocating for change because change is already happening in Ghana with a visionary leader who gave Nana Addo's hometown water and a university.

The good people of mamprugu will never relent in their efforts to vote massively for Wumpini John Dramani Mahama based on his achievements to Mamprugu. We are going to vote massively for JM come December 7 for more development because Nana Addo and the new patriotic party can't be trusted.

To be continued....

# JM Zang-tugi

# victory in all the five constituencies in mamprugu

# Mamprugu for JM

Abdul Majeed Ali(founding member and interim executive of students network for JM and PCs in mamprugu). Writer's e-mail: [email protected]

Columnist: Ali Majeed