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The return of the man of peace & vision - Nana Akufo Addo!!

Sat, 19 Oct 2013 Source: Amankwah-Sarfo, Fred

There are strong signals and authentic indications that should the electorates of the party return the New Patriotic Party’s Presidential candidate in the 2012, Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo Addo would contest the 2016 Presidential elections on the ticket of the New Patriotic Party once again, all in the hands of the Lord!!

This should settle the hearts and minds of some grass root supporters of the party who have vowed to assume apathy in the party and national politics if the man of peace and vision decides to step out of political life. It is therefore reassuring that Nana Akufo Addo would be seeking for re-election as the N.P.P’s flag-bearer in the 2016 presidential elections.

The Time Table for the New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) internal elections has been released by the party’s National Chairman on behalf the Steering Committee of the party. The modalities of the elections enshrine in party’s amended constitution is to be used, where elections into various positions with the party structure would be along the expanded Electoral College from the polling station through constituency to regional and national levels.

In addition to the eminent return of the man of peace and vision, some very distinguished leaders of our party may be lacing their shoes to contest the flag-bearership position of N.P.P. All these personalities have dutifully contributed their quota to the N.P.P and deserve recommendation and support. Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo Addo is not averse to political contest, he believes in the basic fundamental principle of democracy that is freedom to choose leaders in properly conducted election devoid of acrimony, cohesion and disrespect.

The party’s success has been attained by many personalities and every individual and/or groups in the party must be accorded the same recognition with respect, decorum and circumspection. The two main possible contenders in my humble opinion are Nana Akufo Addo and Mr. Alan Kyeremanten. These two gentlemen both have excellent credentials to lead the party into 2016 elections. Both men have shown great rapport for the development of the party and both are equally qualified to lead the party.

The contest for the leadership positions in the party should therefore not be reduced to verification, insults, and innuendoes, insinuations and intimidations by “supporters” of any of them. The interactions and discussions especially on some social media networks would not led to the benefit of any of our two most likely candidates for the 2016 presidential election. It is my respectful view that the efforts being put out to run down each other could be channeled to exposure of the strengths in our preferred choice. Choices are sacred and fundamental; we cannot possibly win others to our course if we are seen to be denigrating divergent views. Each of the likely candidates have the SWOTs – strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; the management of these parameters along the lines of SMART – specifics, measurable, attainable, realistic and time frame may be the best to ensure that the N.P.P wins the 2016 general election.

The Supreme Court of Ghana brought finality on the outcome of the 2012 presidential election on 29th August 2013 after eight (8) months of electoral petition never seen in the annals of democracy in Ghana and in fact on the Africa continent. The magnanimity with which the controversial verdic of the Justice Atuguba led panel of judges was accepted by NPP 2012 presidential candidates really pushed the political and the peaceful and visionary status of the man - Nana Akufo Addo.

On the very day of the controversial verdict of the Supreme Court of Ghana, the man of peace and vision in his accepted speech told his supporters, Ghanaians and the world that he was taking a well-deserved short break from politics, consult his maker and get some rest, reflect and then announce whatever decision he came to in the not too distant future. Some people were a bit worried that Nana Addo’s statement meant that he was taking a bow from politics at a time Ghana and indeed Africa needed him the most.

Nana Addo has shown Africa leaders and the world that there is a more refined, legal and civilized way of addressing electoral disputes. In fact, the Kenyans may have taken a cue from this man of peace and vision. Unlike the previous elections in Kenya where electoral disputes culminated into violence leading to mayhem, death and destruction of property and instability in the east African country, this time around the law courts and the legal regime in Kenya was allow to work.

Nana Akufo Addo by this gesture caused even his worst critics to run over themselves sending him goodwill messages and paying him courtesy calls in his humble Nima residence in Accra. For many days after the verdict of the Supreme Court on the election petition, the environs of his home, bequeathed to him by his deceased father had many distinguished national and international personalities and groups trooping in to congratulate the man of peace and vision.

The list of visitors included the National Chief Imam, Shiekh Dr. Alhaji Nuhu Sharubutu, and the Christian Council of Ghana, The Ghana Peace Council, the former President of South Africa, President De-Clerk and the United Nations Envoy in Ghana.

In addition to these visits, many letters of congratulation and appreciation to this humble son of Ghana poured in from leaders across the country and beyond. The stature of Nana Akufo Addo has been firmly established without any equivocation of doubt as a man of Peace and Vision.

In his acceptance speech Nana Akufo Addo said inter alia that:

“It is now up to all of us Ghanaians to put the dispute behind us and come together to iron out our differences, ease the tensions among us, and come together to build our country”. He also said:

“There are myriads of problems facing us as a people. This is the time for us all to come together and work to find solutions to the challenges that confront our people”.

It is in this statement among many others that the man, Nana Akufo Addo has been aptly described as the man of peace and vision. The best chance therefore for the NPP to win the 2016 elections is to return the man of peace and vision to the electorate as our presidential candidate.

It has become evidently clear that the John Mahama administration does not have the wherewithal to move this country forward. Well into the fifth year of their administration, the NDC government has no answers to the myriad of problems confronting the ordinary Ghanaians. The management of the socio-economic issues in Ghana has become a landmine field for the government. It is not surprising because as posit by the National Chief Imam, Shiekh Dr. Alhaji Nuhu Sharubutu. - “Anybody who forces his way into leadership position will not succeed while in office”.

The man of peace and vision is urging his supporters and all Ghanaians to put that behind us and “This is the time for us all to come together and work to find solutions to the challenges that confront our people”. – Nana Akufo Addo

While it has been firmly acknowledged that the conduct of the 2012 general elections were flawed in many instances and that the results declaring President John Dramani Mahama as the elected president of Ghana by the electoral commissioner, Dr. Kwadwo Afrari Gyan and ‘affirmed’ by the Supreme Court of Ghana, there are some issues within our party that could have been handle differently in the run up of the 2012 election.

It is with much respect and humility that I suggest that a true introspection of some of our own conducts, utterances and attitudes either as individuals and/or collectively must be undertaken to assess what might have accounted for the voting pattern in the 2012 election and every pragmatic measure put in place to prevent same and enhance our chances for VICTORY 2016.

In the hands of the Lord, the return of the man of peace and vision is as true as day follows night.


Signed: Fred Amankwah–Sarfo (0544331324)

Columnist: Amankwah-Sarfo, Fred