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The toxic proliferation of some ignorant prophets in Ghana

CHURCH FILE PHOTO Most of the so-called men of God in Ghana are illiterates in regards to Biblical scholarship

Wed, 31 Jul 2019 Source: Rev. Yaw Obeng-Aduasare

The Bible is a Divine Document which must be only handled by competent women and men who have adequately prepared themselves to read and translate the original languages of the Bible. It means the servants of God who can read and translate the Torah, the Old Testament Hebrew and the Koin Greek, the New Testament Greek should only be allowed to handle the Biblical Canon.

Unfortunately in Ghana, most prophets parading themselves as men of God can not even read and translate one single sentence from the original languages of the Bible. In fact, they should cease henceforth to call themselves men of God. The English translations of the Bible you are currently using does not carry the authentic message of the Bible, unfortunately, our local Bible was translated from the English Bible into our diverse local languages so we are therefore in dilemma in terms of our understanding of the Bible.

In fact, this writer posits that most of the so-called men of God in Ghana are illiterates in regards to Biblical scholarship. It is therefore not a far fetch preposition to depict them as ignoramuses in regards to their Biblical knowledge. In fact, we must make the conscious effort to translate the Original Biblical Canon into our local languages as Christians if we want to be faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Indeed the unethical, immoral and vile pronouncements which appeared on the Ghanaweb on July 28, 2019, titled, "Sack All Ashanti Appointees in Your Government". proclaimed by the Founder and Leader of Alabaster International Ministry, Prophet Kofi Oduro has mischeviously tried to instigate other tribes in Ghana against two tribes in Ghana. He raves that Ashantis and Kwahus are tribalistic without any logical proof. Rev. Oduro must be informed that Ghanaians are too much smarter than his divide and rule tactics. Your diabolical incendiary speech does not come from the Flowering-Spirit of Jesus Christ.

Furthermore, the thinking process of Prophet Oduro does not measure up to that of a Junior High School student. His vile generalization speech, "Ashantis and Kwahus are tribalistic" denotes a person who lacks Logical Thinking Skills. To be frank, Prophet Oduro has miserably failed his class in Junior High School Logic for making a fallacious statement, "Ashantis and Kwahus are tribalistic". In Logic such sweeping statement is called, a Fallacy; therefore, next time he should rather say, some Ashantis and Kwahus are tribalistic to escape self-inflicted public ridicule.

In addition to the Rev. Oduro there is another vile-spewing character called, Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi, the Founder and Leader of the Glorious Wave International Church who in a publication which appeared on the Ghanaweb on July 29, 2019 and he goes on to rave, "Fanti women are foolish sometimes and Ewes are too dormant. But for Ashanti women no! ...if you marry Ashanti lady, you import problem forever".

He claims to have done research but lacks the data to support his ravings. He has zero data to support his hypothesis. In fact, based on the empty pronouncements of Pastor Kobi he does not possess the prerequisite to conduct research. He has also miserably failed his first class in Logic class at the Junior High School Level. In fact, he is just spewing out meaningless hot air to feel important in his head. However, it must be made clear to him that he does not have an iota of spiritual power over any Ghanaian. To be frank, his little gods have deserted him and they have put him up for a miserable public ridicule.

Oh! what a miserable soul, the same ignorant character, Prophet Kobi is still at it again today. In an article published on July 30, 2019 on the Ghanaweb, he rants on, " If Ghanaians make a mistake and attack me I can spiritually defeat and break it into pieces, I am telling you today, I am not a national thing, I am a spiritual, international embodiment, don't joke with me".

Mr. Kobi, you do not have any spiritual power to change your own destiny and that of the whole country, Ghana. Fellow Ghanaians, it must be pointed out to the soit-disant Rev. Kobi that he does not have any spiritual power to bring chaos in Ghana and in fact he is talking like an insane person.

THE POTENTATE POWERS OF AMEN, the only Faithful and the True Eyewitness to the creation of the Cosmos (Rev. 3 :14) will forgive you if you repent. Please stop inviting the curse of Tutankhamen on yourself. You are miserable soul and you must repent now!


Columnist: Rev. Yaw Obeng-Aduasare