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This Nonsense must stop!

Fri, 22 Jun 2012 Source: Adofo, Rockson

The unprecedented usage of the radio stations to explain, argue and counteract government policies as ongoing in Ghana should stop with immediate effect. This is as usual, an order from above. I see it very nauseating, reprehensible, laughable and demeaning the way Ghanaian politicians under the current NDC administration have unprecedentedly resorted to propagating, expounding and or implementing government policies on the airwaves.

Government Ministers, politicians from the entire political spectrum, their mostly ill-informed supporters calling themselves Radio Serial Callers or whatever, have all found succour and solace in the radio stations in the bizarre hope of advancing their weird course. This in my mind is not auguring well for the real socio-economic emancipation of my beloved country of birth and origin, Ghana. I find the current trend of governance in Ghana where individuals are paid monthly gargantuan sums of money just to hop from one radio station to another throwing dust into people’s eyes in defence of the government or their political parties very worrying.

Take the owner cum editor of the Insight newspaper, Kwesi Pratt, for example. This obnoxious gentleman, a self-acclaimed social commentator on Ghanaian politics, as partial as he is, draws a huge monthly dollar-salary on the NDC government’s payroll, it is alleged. He draws the salary just for jumping from one radio station to another spewing rubbish in defence of the most corrupt, incompetent, confused and ignominious NDC government as ever known in Ghana and headed by President Mills.

Why should the government pay a multitude of selected individuals to go on air on daily basis to defend him or explain his policies to the Ghanaian public and the world? This clearly proves that the government is not performing satisfactorily. The money wasted on paying these bunch of lazy individuals for no significant job done but propagating deceit, could have been used to erect at least decent public toilets in our cities, especially Accra, where some people for lack of toilet facilities in their homes are obliged to defecate in the open on refuse dumpsites, nearby bushes etc.

The fact the government is not pulling his weight but wrought in unprecedented gargantuan corruption the stench of which, has reached the Higher Firmaments to choke the heavenly beings, has compelled the NDC to engage the services of some “greedy bastards” to frequent the radio stations to defend them. NPP have also fallen into the same trap in the hope of not only refuting the lies in saturation on our radio airwaves by the NDC but also would want to attract some supporters by way of challenging and making known their own policies.

This bizarre attitude of propaganda is not healthy for the development of Ghana. What has become of the circulation of Government signed White papers on policy implementation? Do Ghanaians think government policies can best be implemented over the lies told on radio stations? We should have outgrown this silliness or pettiness by now. Yes, I am for exposing the official government corruption which could have otherwise been brushed under the carpet in both the airwaves and the print media. Anything else must be attested to or physically verifiable on the ground.

Political parties choosing Propaganda Secretaries is just as nonsense as those chosen are. What are the duties of the Propaganda Secretaries, NDC party and government please tell me. I do not expect these lazy political parasites to continue to suck the little precious economic life of Ghanaians for no justifiable work done.

I will admonish Ghanaians to hold our elected politicians responsible for all their actions. We should ensure they do the work as it is expected of them for which reasons we voted them to power but not for the childish lies they often tell us on air. Our continual acceptance of their lies makes all of us equally fools as they are, in the eyes of God.

I will be coming out harder. Please note I will be out with the Movement VENUS in support of Nana Akuffo-Addo for election December 7, 2012.

VENUS in my current understanding is an acronym for “Volunteers Ensuring Nana’s Ultimate Success” but in the T-Shirts due to be printed, Volunteers will be written Volunteer as the shirts will be worn individually and speak about the person as an individual volunteer. Mind you Venus in the broader sense is the second planet in the order of nearness to the Sun in our Solar system.

Rockson Adofo

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson