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To Ghana's Politicians: Take Heed

Tue, 2 Jan 2007 Source: Okyere Bonna

Leaders of Ghana we salute you! For all those honest and hard working officials we say thank you for putting Ghana first and we look up to you for a better ear in 2007.

For all those greedy and corrupt politicians who brought shame to our nation we say mend your ways. You preach by example and lead our citizens down the nasty road of corruptness. You have failed the democratic standard of government by the people and for the people. You may be likened to dishwashers who clean the outside of a container while leaving the inside dirty (Luke 11:39). You strive to look good externally, to the outside world, while at home you lack credibility and nobility. With your mouths you acknowledge that colonialism was a bad thing, even as you lay claim to the nation and do as you please with it.

Let us all in 2007 be a part of the new Ghana. Let us all embrace positive change and have a rebirth - an internal life-changing birth. How long will one remain an enemy of his own brethren? Let our 50 years as a nation compel us to transform our ways and to lead by example. Together let us pray and hope that 2007 will bring Ghana closer to achieving our goal of self-reliance.

In 2007 we urge our fine and noble sons and daughters of Ghana, - the cabinet, parliament and the judiciary (all arms of government) - to move past the trivia. Please get us to the real questions and issues for which you sought our votes and support. The Ghanaian people need new roads, schools, healthcare centers and solid infrastructures that will provide them jobs. Your capacity for trivia is a weakness that needs to be checked. Jesus described the dangers of getting lost in details when telling the Pharisees that a fault of their religion was to major on minor issues.

We trust and pray that in 2007 you are going to quit the distraction to development, including unhealthy partisanship, bigotry and divisiveness. Will you please stop all this trivial talk and attend the needs of the populace? Politicians and political parties, can you promise Ghanaians that in 2007 you would endeavor to not only work together to execute a vision for Ghana but also allow fresh and new candidates with vision and energy to drive our political parties ahead?

What we need include: educational reforms, good road construction, water systems, and health facilities. The sad fact is many of those funds meant for these projects have been wasted on trivia. Our hospitals and schools are still waiting for improvements. Ghana has not changed much since independence in 1957.

In pleasing the few you displease the many. To play the favoritism game is to say, "I love everybody. It's people I can't stand" (De Haan II, president of RBC Ministries). Submitting to the full practice of the law is the only way you can advance the nation. Would our government give us the rule of law in 2007? There is no substitute for a heart of love and justice. Paul made it clear when he said that even spiritual gifts, knowledge, faith, and self-sacrifice are trivial pursuits if done without love (1 Cor. 13).

Take heed, Ghanaian political leader. The people are losing patience with you. They await your genuine care and concern.

Happy New Year and all the best for Ghana in 2007

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Okyere Bonna