









Umaru Sanda Amadu writes on Ayawaso mayhem

POLICE SWAT.jpeg The attired men, through their actions, sparked chaos at the La Bawaleshi Center

Sun, 3 Feb 2019 Source: Umaru Sanda Amadu

Two men jump out of a #Ghana Police Service branded vehicle and slap a sitting Member of Ghana's Parliament during the conduct of a by-election. Twelve hours on, the IGP can't even tell us a cock and bull story.

His officers have variously said they don't "know or own" the men who jumped out of the police pick up truck and their counterparts who were seen in masks and wielding dangerous weapons in Ghana police branded vehicles.

Is our IGP saying the vehicles we bought for the service were used for transporting thugs to beat up citizens at election centres without his knowledge? Can anyone just get a ride on a police vehicle and assault civilians at will?

All the men and women paid to speak for the service are telling us they can't speak on the issue.

What is the guarantee that the men in police patrol vehicles who signal me to stop on the road are actually "known and owned" by the Ghana police service? Every Tom, Harry and his Dick can now parade himself as a police man and no one would know.

It makes sense now, when a sitting MP (Ken Agyapong) from the governing party told the BBC he doesn't trust the police. Clearly, he knew that those men perching on the buckets of police vehicles aren't members of the service at all. They are MP slappers.

If even sitting MPs aren't safe, I can only pray for journalists who have no protection at all but are obliged to be at these election centres.

If this isn't a joke, tell me what is!


Columnist: Umaru Sanda Amadu
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