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Understanding Allah’s traditions in creation

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Sat, 25 Jun 2016 Source: Sheik Ishaak Nuamah

Access to the general rule in relation to its first dimension, namely, the dimension of material occurrences is within the reach of the believer and non-believer alike.

The only required condition is that the individual searching for it must pursue it with seriousness and consistent activity.

The second dimension of the general rule relates to the rules that govern people’s activities and attitudes and the results that could be derived thereof as a result of compliance or non-compliance with those rules.

In other words, the rules are so structured that compliance leads to success, progress and happiness and non-compliance leads to decay of the self and society.

Indeed, it is this second dimension of the general rule that is to be addressed in this write-up.

It has to be noted that this second dimension of the general rule is also prevalent in the Holy Quran and the “Sunnat” of the Prophet (SAW) and it is generally referred to as the “Sunnat” of Allah, the Almighty, in creation relating to the activities of people.

The “Sunnat” of Allah, the Almighty could be referred to as the path that has been set by Him, the Almighty, to be followed. And, this path here again has the elements of stability, continuity and consistency.

The Quran states:

“(This is) the established way of Allah with those who passed on before; and you will not find in the way of Allah any change”Quran 33:62.

It is important to mention that the only way for ascertaining the “Sunnat” (tradition, way) of Allah, the Almighty, in creation is due ponderance over His word and the “Sunnat” of His Messenger, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

And, as the Holy Quran rightly notes:

“And who is more truthful than Allah in statement (utterance).” Quran 4:87.

The benefits of knowing the traditions (ways) in creation in relation to the attitudes and activities of men are diverse and the best of them all is that knowledge of them provides a consistent guide for man in his daily activities and interactions.

The writer is a Theologian/ Educationist

[email protected]

Columnist: Sheik Ishaak Nuamah