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Victory 2024: The Akamba factor

Akamba Joshua Hamidu Akamba is the national organiser for the NDC

Thu, 3 Feb 2022 Source: Citizen Kojo Nyame

In politics, the ability of a political party to critically examine the strength, weaknesses, and inefficiencies of the opponents and map out strategies to exploit same to its advantage, is so crucial in winning political power.

This explains why the National Organiser of the NDC, Joshua Hamidu Akamba has become the greatest obstacle to the NPP in their quest to break the 8-year jinx as a party in power now.

The point is that Captain Akamba, as he is affectionately called, possesses all the qualities and attributes that every credible organiser of any party desirous of power must have.

This is one of the reasons during the run-up to internal political party elections, aspirants spell out what they are made of by giving out their credentials to the delegates.

As a matter of fact, Captain Akamba has become a thorn in the flesh of the NPP hence desperate attempts by the party to run him down, just to make him look bad to delegates.

A financier of the party, Mr. Kennedy Agyapong’s constants display of open hatred and calls on the national security apparatus to needlessly tame Akamba, give an attestation that the Captain has become too hot for his party.

In one of his desperate moves, Ken Agyapong “barked” on a live TV programme warning that Joshua Akamba was vigorously working against the government.

This did not only sound just funny but also unreasonable because there is no way Akamba, as an elected executive of the NDC was going to dance and dine with the NPP.

As if the level of hatred and desperation exhibited by Ken Agypong were not enough, other top brass of the party have made similar desperate moves to try and pin Akamba down.

His only crime is that he is just too superb and discharges his duties so well that the NPP sees him as a major threat to their quest to win a record three consecutive elections.

As the party’s field marshal, Captain Akamba’s effective role in the run-up to the 2020 elections cannot be overemphasised as he effectively coordinated all units of the party.

For nothing at all, Akamba together with other executives remarkably fought so hard to ensure that the NDC increased its seat in parliament from 106 to 137

It would be recalled that during the voter registration exercise in 2020, several intimidatory mechanisms were put in place to frustrate residents communities along our borders especially communities loyal to the NDC.

When things were moving from bad to worse, Captain Akamba bravely took it upon himself to ensure that injustice that was being perpetrated by government forces to deny Ghanaians their voting rights were stopped.

As the party’s field marshal, Akamba is seen everywhere in the country organising the support base of the party from Paga to Cape Coast, Elubo to Aflao.

Akamba attends to all invited programmes from branch, ward, constituencies, and regions including TEIN without fail no matter how tight his schedules would be.

As usual, Akamba has been seen working so hard to ensure that the part does not fall apart after the last elections so that victory could be won come 2024.

It is against Akamba’s strong mental fortitude and high level of understanding of political party organisation that has made him a thorn in the flesh of the NPP.

Following this, the NPP is allegedly orchestrating to oust Akamba from his position in the NDC so that their quest to “break the 8” could be realised.

As part of their orchestration, the NPP is said to have planned to sponsor a candidate from the Ashanti Region against Captain Akamba.

Interestingly, the NPP has allegedly tasked its “Attack Dogs” on social media to unleash venom on Akamba and find means to peddle all forms of lies and falsehood so as to make him unpopular.

These are all calculated attempts by the NPP to get rid of Joshua Akamba from his own political party because he is too resilient and tactically upright in the party organisation.

Akamaba’s ability to do better SWOT analysis of the NPP and map out strategies to contain them has become a nightmare for the elephant party.

This means that going into the crucial 2024 elections, the NDC as a party would need Akamba more than ever to be able to do proper organisation to ensure absolute victory.

Therefore, it would be completely suicidal for the NDC to buy into the NPP strategy and change him at this point where all efforts must be marshalled against the NPP instead.

As a matter of fact, the choices of the delegates would definitely determine the fortune or otherwise of the party as manifested several times in the political circles.

Delegates, must, therefore, not fall for the needless propaganda and devilish machinations being peddled by the NPP because they believe at this point that destruction of the NDC party is the surest bet for their victory.

Columnist: Citizen Kojo Nyame