









When Akufo-Addo spits on Ghanaians

AKUFO ADDO 21 President Akufo-Addo

Tue, 17 Jan 2017 Source: Mifetu, Seth

Sometimes things happen and we wonder how it happened.

After several warnings to awaken political conscience of Ghanaians about a change that has the potentials of mutilating the political future of the country; Ghanaians either by mistake of the majority or just turning deaf ears to the several warnings or both, had elevated undeserving Mr. Akufo-Addo to the highest office of the land during the December 7, 2016 Presidential polls.

It was unimaginable swift turn of the political table that greeted every discerning Ghanaians with disbelieve and uncertainty ever.

Though Ghanaians were not too excited about the outcome of the December 2016 polls, yet, in a democratic dispensation, the decision of the majority whether by mistake or goodwill, must be respected, regardless of how damaging it is to the country’s reputation.

On January 7, 2017, Ghana honored the product of the December 2016 Presidential polls by swearing-in Mr. Akuffo-Addo who took the Presidential Oath, in the name of Almighty God swear (solemnly affirm) to be faithful and true to the Republic of Ghana.

Then, he was set to give his inaugural speech to clearly spell out to his Countrymen, his vision for Ghana.

Instantly with all pleasure, Akufo-Addo defiled his Oath of office by delivering plagiarized speech to his Compatriots and the world. His speech was copied from many heads of states such as former U.S Presidents, John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, Current President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria and among others.

What a spit in the face?

Plagiarism is a mental weakness and moral failure. And in fact, the stigma of Ghana’s leader stealing intellectually is more agonizing to the soul than the ridicule plagiarism had subjected Ghanaians to in the mix of foreign nationals.

Akufo-Addo’s unyielding obduracy in the face of proof has not only deepened the political uncertainty that engulfed the 2016 polls, it has also dent Ghana’s intellectual fabric internationally.

Akufo-Addo has failed to be faithful and truth to the Republic of Ghana as he stated in his presidential Oath.

Where then is the Akufo-Addo’s vision for his country? For the first time, Ghana, beacon of democracy has been disgrace internationally by its leader.

Akufo-Addo should take responsibility of his intellectual theft, apologized to Ghanaians and give them a new inaugural speech devoid of detailed copying. God safe Ghana from gross incompetent government of intellectual thefts.

Columnist: Mifetu, Seth