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Who Has Seen Ghanaian Soldiers Tamed?

Mon, 21 Apr 2014 Source: Adofo, Rockson

Who has seen Ghanaian soldiers tamed?

Neither I nor you,

But when the shadow of Rawlings passes by,

And the soldiers feel cowed,

The soldiers are tamed.


Who has seen Ghanaian soldiers tamed?

Neither I nor you,

But when the soldiers keep mute, skiving off,

While NDC politicians and government "woyomize Ghana",

The soldiers are tamed


Who has seen Ghanaian soldiers tamed?

Neither I nor you,

But when they look elsewhere,

When personal jets full of gold,

Bearing American flag,

Fly out of the country to Iran,

The soldiers are tamed


Who has seen Ghanaian soldiers tamed?

Neither I nor you,

But when the taxpayers’ money,

Is fraudulently dished out in judgment debt payments,

With Alfred Agbesi Woyome claiming GHC51.2 Million,

While the soldiers keep their absolute silence,

The soldiers are tamed


Who has seen Ghanaian soldiers tamed?

Neither I nor you,

But when the soldiers watch,

While the NDC are ganging up,

Creating loot and share with impunity,

The soldiers are tamed


Who has seen Ghanaian soldiers tamed?

Neither I nor you,

But when Yaw Boateng Gyan,

Allegedly creates his own armed police,

And Asiedu Nketiah his Special Forces,

Then the soldiers are tamed


Who has seen Ghanaian soldiers tamed?

Neither I nor you,

But when the soldiers watch,

While an NDC family condones and connives,

To buy the Merchant Bank,

To the detriment of the nation,

Then the soldiers are tamed


Who has seen Ghanaian soldiers tamed?

Neither I nor you,

But when the guns refuse to crack,

In the face of politicians deliberately sinking the economy,

And elections being rigged,

Just to keep a sinking boat afloat for as long as it takes,

While petrol money cannot be accounted,

With things falling apart,

And the centre unable to hold,

Then the soldiers are tamed


The soldiers will undoubtedly come back to consciousness after all has disintegrated. Ghana is sinking. The thievery in perpetration and perpetuation by the current government is beyond the comprehension of many a sensible Ghanaian. All Ghanaians have become powerless and just resigned to fate taking its natural course while President Mahama and his family with the inner core NDC brigade looting the wealth of Ghana left, right, back and front.


What a Christian this family is? Where are their Christian values, yet they go to church, pay their dues and are applauded by their fellow church members. Yaw Boateng Gyan is a Pentecost Church elder, I am told. President Mahama is a Baptist Church member yet, he happily presides over corruption, selective justice and almost all the sins proscribed in the bible – oops!


Rockson Adofo




Columnist: Adofo, Rockson