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Why Are Fellow NPP Comrades Backstabbing Nana Akufo Addo?

Tue, 27 May 2014 Source: Adofo, Rockson

The sin of Nana Akufo Addo against his country, against humanity, and against his fellow NPP members is his audacious public declaration that he is not corrupt. He did not end there but further infuriated them by rubbing salt in their gaping wounds, probably. He threw an open challenge to the entire citizenries inviting anyone who believes contrary to his assertion to publicly come forward to prove him a liar. Nobody, not even the naturally highly emaciated and most fearful General Mosquito from the NDC camp, could emerge from the propaganda-churning machine to pierce Nana’s skin with his poisonous proboscis. ? Yes, many a more serious and sensible Ghanaian is proud of Nana Akufo Addo’s credential of incorruptible integrity, a foremost requirement of would-be successful leaders. "I am not corrupt, I have never been, and will never be", declared this proud son of the soil of Ghana. For his most adorable personality, he has become an enemy of those holding on to dubious characters. "Personality is the combined characteristics and traits of a person that makes them the individual person that they are - witty, charismatic, charming, intellectual, and introvert". ? Just because the man is dynamic, honest, selfless and very dedicated to being of service to his country and humanity, some people within his own NPP family find him very inconvenient. Such selfish and little minds within the NPP with one lady Hilda emerging conspicuously, often come out attacking Nana Akufo Addo’s physique and his age as if physical appearance and age are the sole determinants of winning elections to become a successful President. ? It was only too disgusting listening to this said Hilda expressing her infantile views on why NPP should side-line Nana Akufo Addo for someone new. I listened to her on the radio about four or five days ago. I found her views very childish and a behaviour unbefitting a serious or a thoughtful member of the NPP, let alone, a highly placed member. ? She opined if NPP desire to get stuck in opposition forever, then they should vote for Nana Akufo Addo in the upcoming NPP congress to elect the party’s flagbearer. Otherwise, they should vote for a new face able to win not only the party flagbearership, but also, the national presidency. She claims there is nothing like a third time lucky for Nana Akufo Addo anymore. She says, Nana has already lost all three election attempts to ascend the presidency. The first attempt was during his 2008 tenure as the presidential candidate for NPP to be quickly followed up by his second attempt during the run off of same 2008 elections. And his third was during the 2012 general elections to be followed by his fourth at the petition filed in the Supreme Court. She quoted some statistics to buttress her warped contention. ? Clearly, Hilda is a little-minded member of the NPP if that is how she evaluates the proverbial "third time lucky". In not wasting time on politically-immature, but those full of hatred for Nana for a reason or the other, like Hilda, let me boldly declare to them that they are complete saboteurs within the party. They are the very ones pulling not only Nana, but also, the party and the suffering Ghanaian masses down. Selfish as they are with avowed intention to satisfying their parochial and selfish interests, they have completely failed to see how Nana Akufo Addo was robbed of the 2012 presidential elections. Did they not watch the live telecast of the Supreme Court proceedings on Election 2012 petition? Did they not see how Dr Kwadwo Afari Gyan, Asiedu Nketiah et al were lying about agreed terms, and making a fool of themselves trying in vain to redefine certain electoral terms and agreements? If they could not tell the objective and intentions of the mentioned persons with the subsequent nonsensical declaration of the Supreme Court verdict by William Atuguba (JSC) and his corrupt bench, then God save them and Ghana. ? Where were all those once classed by Johnson Asiedu Nketiah as, "seventeen thieves congregating to choose the principal thief as their leader", during Nana’s 2012 electioneering campaign to contest for the presidency? They had all gone underground, wishing the failure of Nana, and then come out with their preposterous accusations and fantasies, I should think. This is exactly what we are seeing today. The NPP are doing self-harm to themselves. ? Has Nana been asking that no-one is allowed to contest him for the NPP flagbearership? If he hasn’t, why then this slanderous campaign against him? Those resorting to physique, but not personality attacks on Nana are the intellectual and moral weaklings within the party who stand no chance when genuine consideration is given to the qualities demanded of serious presidential aspirants. Subsequently, they have chosen the easier route of climbing to the top by tarnishing the reputation of their opponent – Nana Akufo Addo. I say, shame on them! ? If you are not ready to praise Nana for his astuteness, selflessness, dedication to duty, incorruptibility, love for humanity and his country, and farsightedness, please do not tarnish his reputation. This advice goes to all those within and outside the NPP that are arguing blindly to disparage Nana. ? Finally, to Hilda and her ilk, I will gladly refer you to Proverbs 26:26-28: "Though his hatred covers itself with guile, His wickedness will be revealed before the assembly. He who digs a pit will fall into it, And he who rolls a stone, it will come back on him. A lying tongue hates those it crushes, And a flattering mouth works ruin". ? I call on all discerning Ghanaians to rally support for Nana as he seriously stands for, and is pressing for, politics based on government accountability, social justice and respect for individual rights. Do Ghanaians in this tumultuous economic era of ours not require a person with demonstrable integrity and capacity, able to deliver to the satisfaction of the governed, to be the leader of Ghana? I leave it to you to battle out the answer with your own conscience. ? Rockson Adofo

The sin of Nana Akufo Addo against his country, against humanity, and against his fellow NPP members is his audacious public declaration that he is not corrupt. He did not end there but further infuriated them by rubbing salt in their gaping wounds, probably. He threw an open challenge to the entire citizenries inviting anyone who believes contrary to his assertion to publicly come forward to prove him a liar. Nobody, not even the naturally highly emaciated and most fearful General Mosquito from the NDC camp, could emerge from the propaganda-churning machine to pierce Nana’s skin with his poisonous proboscis. ? Yes, many a more serious and sensible Ghanaian is proud of Nana Akufo Addo’s credential of incorruptible integrity, a foremost requirement of would-be successful leaders. "I am not corrupt, I have never been, and will never be", declared this proud son of the soil of Ghana. For his most adorable personality, he has become an enemy of those holding on to dubious characters. "Personality is the combined characteristics and traits of a person that makes them the individual person that they are - witty, charismatic, charming, intellectual, and introvert". ? Just because the man is dynamic, honest, selfless and very dedicated to being of service to his country and humanity, some people within his own NPP family find him very inconvenient. Such selfish and little minds within the NPP with one lady Hilda emerging conspicuously, often come out attacking Nana Akufo Addo’s physique and his age as if physical appearance and age are the sole determinants of winning elections to become a successful President. ? It was only too disgusting listening to this said Hilda expressing her infantile views on why NPP should side-line Nana Akufo Addo for someone new. I listened to her on the radio about four or five days ago. I found her views very childish and a behaviour unbefitting a serious or a thoughtful member of the NPP, let alone, a highly placed member. ? She opined if NPP desire to get stuck in opposition forever, then they should vote for Nana Akufo Addo in the upcoming NPP congress to elect the party’s flagbearer. Otherwise, they should vote for a new face able to win not only the party flagbearership, but also, the national presidency. She claims there is nothing like a third time lucky for Nana Akufo Addo anymore. She says, Nana has already lost all three election attempts to ascend the presidency. The first attempt was during his 2008 tenure as the presidential candidate for NPP to be quickly followed up by his second attempt during the run off of same 2008 elections. And his third was during the 2012 general elections to be followed by his fourth at the petition filed in the Supreme Court. She quoted some statistics to buttress her warped contention. ? Clearly, Hilda is a little-minded member of the NPP if that is how she evaluates the proverbial "third time lucky". In not wasting time on politically-immature, but those full of hatred for Nana for a reason or the other, like Hilda, let me boldly declare to them that they are complete saboteurs within the party. They are the very ones pulling not only Nana, but also, the party and the suffering Ghanaian masses down. Selfish as they are with avowed intention to satisfying their parochial and selfish interests, they have completely failed to see how Nana Akufo Addo was robbed of the 2012 presidential elections. Did they not watch the live telecast of the Supreme Court proceedings on Election 2012 petition? Did they not see how Dr Kwadwo Afari Gyan, Asiedu Nketiah et al were lying about agreed terms, and making a fool of themselves trying in vain to redefine certain electoral terms and agreements? If they could not tell the objective and intentions of the mentioned persons with the subsequent nonsensical declaration of the Supreme Court verdict by William Atuguba (JSC) and his corrupt bench, then God save them and Ghana. ? Where were all those once classed by Johnson Asiedu Nketiah as, "seventeen thieves congregating to choose the principal thief as their leader", during Nana’s 2012 electioneering campaign to contest for the presidency? They had all gone underground, wishing the failure of Nana, and then come out with their preposterous accusations and fantasies, I should think. This is exactly what we are seeing today. The NPP are doing self-harm to themselves. ? Has Nana been asking that no-one is allowed to contest him for the NPP flagbearership? If he hasn’t, why then this slanderous campaign against him? Those resorting to physique, but not personality attacks on Nana are the intellectual and moral weaklings within the party who stand no chance when genuine consideration is given to the qualities demanded of serious presidential aspirants. Subsequently, they have chosen the easier route of climbing to the top by tarnishing the reputation of their opponent – Nana Akufo Addo. I say, shame on them! ? If you are not ready to praise Nana for his astuteness, selflessness, dedication to duty, incorruptibility, love for humanity and his country, and farsightedness, please do not tarnish his reputation. This advice goes to all those within and outside the NPP that are arguing blindly to disparage Nana. ? Finally, to Hilda and her ilk, I will gladly refer you to Proverbs 26:26-28: "Though his hatred covers itself with guile, His wickedness will be revealed before the assembly. He who digs a pit will fall into it, And he who rolls a stone, it will come back on him. A lying tongue hates those it crushes, And a flattering mouth works ruin". ? I call on all discerning Ghanaians to rally support for Nana as he seriously stands for, and is pressing for, politics based on government accountability, social justice and respect for individual rights. Do Ghanaians in this tumultuous economic era of ours not require a person with demonstrable integrity and capacity, able to deliver to the satisfaction of the governed, to be the leader of Ghana? I leave it to you to battle out the answer with your own conscience. ? Rockson Adofo

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson