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Why Pay the NDC Rented Press with Taxpayers Money?

Tue, 5 Jun 2012 Source: Boasiako, Peter Antwi

….. Mills Must Answer.

Many Ghanaians are questioning as to why should the President of Ghana, Prof John Evans Atta Mills use the tax-payers money to pay for the perverse, gullible and rented NDC press, just to cast aspersions and destroy people’s hard earned integrity and reputations, as vehemently alleged by the former Attorney General Mr. Martin A.B.K. Amidu.

Those who used to argue have now concluded that, the happenings in President Mills’ government as divulged by the former Attorney General Mr Martin Amidu, vis-a-vis the precarious nature of NDC as a ruling party, have revealed a lot including the true questionable character of the current sitting president, John Mills.

Today in Ghana, any honest and sincere criticism in the present NDC government can only be accepted if the leader and his unscrupulous gov’t officials with their rented press can use it to hatch schemes and stratagems to destroy the integrity and the character of the critic, looking at the recent concentrated vilifications on the former Attorney General, Hon. Martin Amidu, Ex-Prez Jerry John Rawlings, Dr Sekou Nkrumah, Dr Spio Garbrah, Nana Kunadu Agyemang Rawlings and many other ordinary Ghanaians who have openly criticized this particular government.

The ongoing tussle between the former A.G and the capricious Mills’ rented press, spearheaded by the notorious newspaper ‘The Enquirer’ has depicted only one agenda, which is to ensure that there is a credibility gap in the statements and revelations of the former Attorney General Mr Martin Amidu, just to enable Mills, Mahama and their pedestrian government officials to continue the looting spree unabated.

The salvos fired recently by the former Attorney General Martin Amidu, are seriously causing fear and panic in NDC government. Seeing the repercussions, the official rented, gullible and perverse NDC press, especially ‘The Enquirer”, have been urged officially to stop attacking the personality of the former attorney general, as reported by Peacefmonline on 31st May. The report stated that “The National Organizer of the ruling NDC party, Wofa Yaw Boateng Gyan has called on the party’s media and newspapers, specifically ‘The Enquirer newspaper’ to cease fire on the constant insult ruin on former Attorney General”. He stated emphatically and pleaded in an interview on Peace FM's Kokrokoo Morning Show that, Mr. Martin Amidu is still a leading and important member of the NDC party and it is unacceptable for anybody, either rented or paid to be attacking his personality.

Not long ago, the former Attorney General Mr Martin Amidu went on record, threatening to expose the President of Ghana John Evans Atta Mills’ misconduct in the controversial Alfred Woyome’s fraudulent judgment debt saga if he is pushed to the wall. Since then, Prez John Mills’ government has cowardly refused to openly dare Mr Amidu on his threats. Interesting stuff!!

Mr Amidu expressed that “There are several excellent reasons why I count myself very lucky to have left President Mills’ Government. In view of the deceit and betrayal I have gone through in the hands of the President, I do not therefore have any reasons for bitterness against the Government for exiting it, because my letter of 27th July 2011 contained ample notice that I was in the wrong place”. On the Woyome case Martin wrote, “The opponents of the case within Government panic at my single minded efforts and they resorted putting pressure on the President against my efforts”.

To me, all these quotations by the former AG, Mr Martin Amidu are making it extremely difficult for the Mills/NDC gov’t to gather any moral locus and strength to fight back on Mr Amidu’s threats.

Another reflective revelation Mr Amidu recounted in his statement was that “In accordance with Northern Ghanaian tradition and custom, I briefed Alhaji Iddrisu Mahama, as the most Senior Northerner in the Government on the morning of 14th January 2012 on what transpired at the meeting with Prez Mills of 13th January 2012 (leading to my exit) and the persuasions from my colleague elders from North and my acceptance to hold on fighting in court to retrieve the gargantuan money. I told Alhaji Iddrisu Mahama of my suspicions of what was in stock for the northerners in the government, some of which have come to pass”.

We all know that, around the same time when Martin Amidu was relieved of his post as Ghana Attorney General and Minister of Justice, two other prominent ministers from North were also sacked by Prez Mills. These are Mr Joseph Yieleh Chireh, Minister of Health and Mr John Tia Akologu, Minister of Information and National Orientation, further confirming “what was in stock for the north’ in Mills’ government”.

For sometime now, I have been contemplating seriously, as to how the Old Prof, Mr Mills is going to be able to solve obvious growing wrangling between himself and Mr Rawlings; then tackle the gargantuan tussle between his government and Mr Martin Amidu; and then prepare to solve the conspicuous problem between Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings and the NDC Party; and perhaps try his hands on solving the latent hatred between FONKAR and GAME; before (maybe) flexing muscles to face the very experienced communication and campaign machinery of the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP).

From the look of things and in order of priority, it appears solving Ghana’s numerous economic and social problems is the least of his concerns. The high cost of living, the dying of the cedi, rising unemployment, high cost of education, bribery and corruption, the failing NHIS and lack of confidence in his government are not the concern of the NDC government.

Peter Antwi Boasiako,

Concerned Ghanaian

London, UK.

Tel: 0044-7985687721

Columnist: Boasiako, Peter Antwi