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Will Akuffo Addo Provide Free Sanitry Pads Too?

Mon, 8 Oct 2012 Source: Sarpong, Justice

Koku Anyidoho was at his usual idiotic self during the NDC's manifesto launch which was held at the Jubilee Pack in Ho. The director of communications at the Presidency bewailed as to whether Nana Akuffo Addo would add freebies such as sanitary pads for ladies to use at schools during their menstrual periods.According to Koku, his niece who is about to enter secondary school came to him and asked him this question;

“In fact two days ago, a niece of mine asked me...“Uncle Koku so this free SHS thing, is Nana Akuffo Addo telling us that, I will walk into a dormitory and go and meet a trunk and a chop box full of provisions, as well as books? So does it mean daddy and mummy will not pay a pesewa? Uncle Koko, so I have just begun to… have my period, will I be provided with free sanitary pads as well?” ...and this is a young niece of mine”, Mr. Anyidoho proudly said."

My guess is that,maybe the niece was asking about IPAD and not sanitry pad but Koku being a fool as he is misunderstood it for sanitry pad.How can the Director of Communications at the Presidency of the Republic of Ghana be this stupid? Decorum and intergrity are two things missing in Koku's arsenal which makes him the worst person to be the Spokesperson or Director of Communication of the Presidency.What answer did Koku give to his Niece? Unfortunately this unintelligent man whose brain is located in his stomach failed to tell us what answer he gave to her niece who might be about thirteen or fourteen, I am just guessing but seems to be unfortunately been afflicted by the stupidity disease that is the bane in his family. I pray to God if this story is true, the family send this little one to a Psychologist to learn what personal responsibility is. There is no free lunch anywhere in the world and whatever is given to somebody without that person paying for it, somebody has to pay for it through the taxes taking from their paycheck or taxes they pay for government services and I wish Koku would have told her niece this basic responsibility expected from any human being to maintain a modicum of decency. Free education does not mean government is going to strip parents of all their parental responsibilities but you cannot trust people like Koku to be witty enough to drum into the head of their family members the basic responsibily expected from parents. Koku has no decency.

The decency train left the station without Koku or any NDC leader aboard hence their pronouncements sometimes leave one with an agape mouth. How any decent man can stand in a public podium and talk about women sanitry pads because that person is trying to ingratiate himself into the positive side of the President to save his job haven maligned Mahama to President Mills as the one who started the rumor about his death is plain insanity.

What kind of hallucinating intoxicant was Koku Anyido on when when he told this story about how her niece asked him whether Nana Akuffo Addo free secondary education policy will also provide her free sanitry pad and chop box full of provisions? His Niece should have asked if Nana Akuffo Addo was going to provide her panties and brassieres too. The death of President Mills has affected Koku his wife if he has one needs to send him to a Psychiatry hospital because it is the same Koku who said sometimes he calls President Mills Cell phone hoping he Mills will pick it up.It is only in a deranged mind where a dead person is called all the time and expect him or her to respond.Koku has mental problems because no sane man will talk about the menstrual period about women if the person is not a Health professional advising women about that issue. Koku Anyidoho lacks the decency and integrity to speak on a political platform and I wonder if anybody in the NDC hierarchy knew Koku was going to say such a stupid thing and still allowed him to make a mockery of himself and NDC.

NDC will do itself a lot of good if they will keep to their edict of screening Koku Anyidoho speeches before he will be allowed to deliver them. NDC put a freeze on Koku after he dismissed a ECG official on the air and attributing that directive as having come from President Mills which was later found to be untrue and he should not be speaking on public domain and representing a political party and government. If Koku is the face of this government,then we can easily come to a conclusion how irresponsible such party or government is. NDC is a disgrace to Ghana and must be voted out before Ghana's integrety is tainted.

Justice Sarpong

Houston, Texas


Columnist: Sarpong, Justice