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Are we becoming GMO Human Test Tubes

Tue, 3 Sep 2013 Source: Food Sovereignty Ghana

GM Health Risk Week Sept 2-8

September 2-8 2013 has been designated GM Human Health Risk Week.

It grew from the ideas of a number of concerned individuals and

organizations, including the Food Sovereignty Movement. GM Health Risk

Week is a week of events and discussions examining health risks

surrounding GM food.

GM Health Risk Week aims to:

1 Introduce new

evidence which casts uncertainty over the safety of GM food

2 Begin a

public debate around the risks and regulation of GM food

3 Highlight

the results of a recent study by Prof Gilles-Eric Séralini, which found

that rats fed with Monsanto's GM NK603 maize and tiny amounts of Roundup

pesticide suffered severe organ damage and increased risk of tumours and

premature death.

Professor Seralini will be speaking in the UK during

this week, discussing his research and findings. Professor Seralini

found increased kidney and liver toxicity in rats fed GM maize leading

to liver and kidney failure and premature death, especially in males.

There was a general increase in tumors among the rats, especially

mammary tumors. Females died prematurely from mammary tumors and

pituitary dysfunction. You can find a summary of the findings and a link

to Prof. Seralini's full study



Pigs are particularly important study subjects because their

physiology and metabolism, particularly their digestive tract, resembles

human physiology and metabolism. Farmer Ib Pederson of Denmark says GM

crops are not fit for pigs. When Farmer Ib switched to non-GM feed, he

documented longer lifespans, and less defects in his pigs. His

experience and observations are featured in the 9 minute film Stop the

Crop, which you can watch at: [2]


SophieCo interviews Jeffrey Smith about the dangers of GMOs in the diet,

in animal feed, and in the water and soil. He describes how Monsanto

wants total control of the world seed supply through patented GM seeds,

and how it systematically covers up grave GMO dangers.


Research on pigs by Dr. Judy Carman in Australia reveals that GMOs

in the diet inflame the digestive tract. [4]

Dr. Carman and her team discovered a 25% increase in uterus weight in

the female animals fed the GM diet as compared to the control group. In

addition, GM fed male pigs were four times more likely to be afflicted

with severe stomach inflammation, while females had more than double the

risk of the control group. Pigs with these problems go into our food

supply and we eat them.

So far there have been no studies of the

effects of GMOs in the human diet. We are all the subjects of a giant

experiment whose purpose is to make giant corporations richer, not to

make human beings better fed or healthier.

Food Sovereignty Ghana has

published GMO Foods - The FAQs and is continuing to research and publish

more FAQs and more information about GMOs in our diet and our

environment. Keep yourself informed about our food. Watch for our press

releases in the news and follow them on the Food Sovereignty Ghana



Nana Ama

AmamooDirector, Research and Information Department,

Food Sovereignty


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Facebook: [7]

Source: Food Sovereignty Ghana