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C-section babies more likely to develop allergies


Wed, 27 Feb 2013 Source: Medical News Today

C-section babies are five times more likely to develop allergies by age two than those born naturally.

The finding came from a new study conducted by researchers from Henry Ford Hospital and was presented at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology yearly meeting in San Antonio.

The findings coincide with previous research which demonstrated that babies born by c-section are more likely to have asthma than babies delivered naturally.

A different report showed that caesarean section babies have an increased risk of food allergies and diarrhea during their first year of life.

The new report indicated that c-section (cesarean section) babies are more vulnerable to allergies. They found that the chance of developing allergies for c-section babies is five times greater than for those born naturally when exposed to high levels of common allergens in the home, including those from cats, dogs, and dust mites.

Leading author Christine Cole Johnson, Ph.D., MPH, chair of Henry Ford Department of Health Sciences, said:

"This further advances the hygiene hypothesis that early childhood exposure to microorganisms affects the immune system's development and onset of allergies. We believe a baby's exposure to bacteria in the birth canal is a major influencer on their immune system."

Source: Medical News Today