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Have back pain?

Mon, 2 Sep 2013 Source: r Essel

– laugh often, walk & pray everyday

A few years ago I wrote on back pain and described its occurrence as “as certain as night and day.” Well I still think many people will experience some form of back pain in their lifetime and I had my fair share about a month ago. That was my first experience and fortunately it lasted less than seventy-two hours.

Though the pain I experienced was not very severe, I will still not wish it for anyone. It limits your activity and you just can’t get it out of your mind. I was unable to determine the immediate cause of the pain and my doctor did not request any investigations. Many people experience back pain for a few days and immediately want an X-ray or even an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). In many instances this is absolutely unnecessary but I appreciate their anxiety. My weapons were to watch comedy to relax and to walk and stay off my chair as long as possible. Imagine talking to a number of patients while standing behind your desk? It may actually be a good idea to consider such scenarios for doctors and other workers who spend countless hours glued to their seats.

After my experience I decided to share a few points with you on preventing and managing back pain. If you have not had your bout of back pain yet, you will still benefit from some points here since it may help you keep the pain away.

1. Walk Everyday:

a. An aching back will punish you further if you stay in bed for too long. Within 72 hours you should be on your feet and moving. I agree it may not be physically possible in some cases. If you do not have back pain, keep walking anyway.

b. You certainly know about applying ice to the painful area very often for the first forty-eight to seventy-two hours (each session may last up to 20 minutes) then you switch to heat therapy.

c. Keep your weight in check.

d. A physiotherapist could be very helpful before, during and after back pain

i. Learn to sit, stand and move appropriately and also exercise to strengthen your back muscles as well as abdominal muscles.

ii. If you have back pain and you sleep on your side, it may offer some relief if you place a flat pillow between your knees and if you are comfortable on your back, place the pillow under your knees.

iii. A professional massage offers relief but it may not be a very smart idea to let someone “walk all over your back.”

2. Laugh Often:

a. Anxiety, stress and depression have all been fingered as causing back pain. So if you already have this pain, spend time to unwind. Create time to relax and have fun. It is no crime to enjoy “me time”, but it becomes troubling when everyday is fun time all in the name of avoiding back pain.

3. Pray Every day:

a. This is very relaxing and a great way to de-stress. Couple that with walking while you pray and you have a winning formula.

4. Know the other options:

a. Some cases of back pain will require urgent investigations especially when it is associated with fever, crippling pain that radiates into the legs, blood in urine or stools and the sufferer is known to have cancer or paralyzed suddenly.

b. Medication may be necessary and it may include Acetaminophen (paracetamol) and/or NSAIDS (such as ibuprofen). Antidepressants have also been used successfully.

c. Nerve Stimulation where electric pulses are delivered to the nerves to block incoming pain signals is often used. This is referred to as Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation (TENS).

d. Biofeedback when available, helps to train your brain to control your response to pain. You learn to moderate your breathing, heart rate, and blood flow and muscle tension.

e. Spinal injections to block nerves may be explored.

f. In some situations back surgery may be the only solution.

Always remember to seek professional help when back pain persists. Better still get help to avoid back pain. Your choice of furniture at home and in the office and the general lay out of your work area should not be taken for granted. Get professional help!


Dr. Kojo Cobba Essel

Moms’ Health Club

([email protected])

*Dr Essel is a medical doctor and is ISSA certified in exercise therapy and fitness nutrition.

Thought for the week – “.”



Source: r Essel