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Dag Heward Mills

Ghana Famous People


Dag Heward-Mills

Dag Heward Mills81
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
London, U.K

Dag Heward-Mills, a Healing Evangelist is the founder and presiding bishop of the United Denominations Originating from the Lighthouse Group of Churches (UD-OLGC, formerly Lighthouse Chapel International). 

A qualified medical doctor, Dag gave himself wholly to the work of God in 1991 and has never looked back. Dag Heward-Mills has a multifarious ministry that has transformed and continues to impact millions of lives across the globe.

The UD-OLGC has a presence in 94 countries and on all habitable continents. In over three decades of ministry, Dag Heward-Mills’ passion for God’s work has been characterized by building churches, training pastors, helping the needy and invalid, authoring, producing music, speaking at conferences, pastoring young people, and holding massive evangelistic campaigns in many nations.

He has been welcomed by many presidents, chiefs, and leaders of nations, and has personally led several of them to Christ. Dag Heward-Mills is greatly admired for his candid and down-to-earth teaching and writing style.


Dag was born to Swiss mother Elisabeth and Ghanaian father Nathaniel Heward-Mills on May 14th, 1963. During his younger years, Dag enjoyed horse riding and hanging out with friends.

Dag gave his life to Christ when he was about sixteen years old and under diligent mentorship, grew in the faith during his high school and university years.

He became a pastor at the age of twenty-five and was later formally ordained by Pastor Michael Bassett of the Victory Church in London, and subsequently consecrated as a Bishop by the International Ministerial Council of Great Britain.

“From today, you can teach…”

In 1988, during his final year of medical school, Dag was on a community health rotation program in a town called Suhum. Dag Heward-Mills (then Brother Dag) was praying in his room on his knees and resting his head on his bed when he fell asleep.

He had left a message preached by Kenneth Hagin playing on repeat.

Dag later recounts, “At about 3 a.m., I was kneeling by the bed praying. I could see the tape recorder situated at the other end of the room. Then suddenly, something literally jumped out of the tape which was playing and moved into my belly.

I could feel it entering me. Then I heard a voice saying, “From today, you can teach.” Then I heard another voice, different to the first, that said, “I will prove it to you”. Upon his return to the church in Accra, Dag’s ministry began to change.

Today, we witness the tangible effects and undeniable proof of God’s calling on Bishop Dag Heward Mills’ life and the supernatural power behind those words, “From today, you can teach”.

Anagkazo Bible & Ministry Training Center

Bishop Dag in the spirit of nurturing and training pastors with the help of the Holy Spirit has founded the Anagkazo Bible & Ministry Training Center (ABMTC). The ABMTC campus is located in Akuapim-Mampong, Ghana.

Conference Speaking

Dag Heward-Mills holds the Give Thyself Wholly Conference several times a year, in different countries of the world, where he teaches and trains pastors.

Church Planting

The UD- OLGC, under the direction of Dag Heward-Mills has several hundred church buildings and cathedrals all over the world and has sent hundreds of missionaries to plant churches in the most remote areas of the world.

Best-Selling Author

Over 30 million books by Dag Heward-Mills are currently in circulation worldwide. Translated into 53 languages and dialects, Dag Heward Mills’ books have revamped the lives of Christians, leaders, and ministers of the Gospel everywhere. With over 80 titles.

Healing Evangelist

The Healing Jesus Campaign initiative spearheaded by Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills is an international evangelistic outreach that holds large open-air campaigns in cities, towns, and villages across nations. Free salvation books are distributed, and during many of the campaigns, the locals receive free medical care from medical professionals under the Healing Jesus medical missions initiative.

Through the Healing Jesus Campaign initiative, nearly 12 million people all over the world have received Jesus Christ into their hearts.


Dag Heward-Mills has also founded charitable institutions, including a school for the blind, a hospital, and an orphanage. He has visited many prisons in several countries to share the message of God’s love, acceptance, and hope with the inmates.

He has also renovated many prisons in various poor countries.

The First Love Church

Bishop Dag Heward-Mills currently pastors a young people’s church called the First Love Church whose headquarters can be found in East Legon, Accra, Ghana.

Today, the First Love Church has branches in 36 countries across Africa, Europe, Australia, and The Americas. 

Dag Heward-Mills has been married to his wife Adelaide for over 30 years. Can you kindly update Bishop Dag Heward-Mills' biography on the site for me?