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Akufo-Addo Wants Power For Money

Mon, 10 Sep 2012 Source: Crystal Clear lens

TCCL Political Desk Report

Many Ghanaians who have being following the campaigns and comments by the Standard Bearer of the largest opposition party in the country, the New Patriotic Party, William Akufo-Addo have for the past one year questioned the reasons behind his desperate attempts to win the upcoming election at all cost if even shedding the electorate blood would be the last resort.

Accurate answers have not been offered but an article written by Dr. G. A. Agambila, former deputy finance minister under the Kuffuor administration has strongly suggested that the desperate flagbearer who declared all-die-be-die as his slogans towards the December poll is simply seeking to acquire more money and to amass wealth.

The minister who did not mince words on the entire leadership of the party in his article, entitle cleansing the NPP published on said the NPP party only seeks political power to amass wealth and money and has no any good intention for the ordinary Ghanaian.

“Why is it that a political tradition that traces its origins to the 1940s, and wonits first free and fair election only in 2000, lost power so soon and so painfully, now risks decline?

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) has lost power because its leadership desired money first, and power second. The National Democratic Congress (NDC), by contrast, pursued power first, and money second. The December 2008 election has allowed both parties to be rewarded with what they valued most.

The NPP leadership has since 2001 become wealthy. Don't ask me to bring the evidence, ask the 17 presidential aspirants how much their campaigns cost, and where they got the money to finance them. So long as the NPP leadership is motivated first and foremost by money, and the NDC by an unquenchable thirst for power, the NDC will govern, and the NPP will

pursue private business interests”, the minister’s article remarked

He furthered that the NDC has now come into the shade from the hot sun. “We have a saying that a fool falls asleep in the shade, unaware that the sun will soon scorch him. The longevity of the NDC's stay in the shade will depend on whether the NPP can reorganize itself, and (more importantly) whether the NDC will, in the fullness of time, crumble from within, due to gluttony and the inevitable internal power struggles”.

Read the full article below

Cleansing the NPP

Dr. G. A. Agambila (former deputy finance minister, Ghana).

The Castle Mafia suffered from a Samson syndrome (the Samson of Delilah fame): Alan

Cash or no NPP President. DCEs and Regional Ministers who had already been selected

as our Parliamentary Candidates were dismissed for insufficient fealty to Alan

Cash. Is this the action of a leadership that wants its party to win the coming


Why is it that a political tradition that traces its origins to the 1940s, and won

its first free and fair election only in 2000, lost power so soon and so painfully,

now risks decline?

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) has lost power because its leadership desired money

first, and power second. The National Democratic Congress (NDC), by contrast,

pursued power first, and money second. The December 2008 election has allowed both

parties to be rewarded with what they valued most. The NPP leadership has since

2001 become wealthy. Don't ask me to bring the evidence, ask the 17 presidential

aspirants how much their campaigns cost, and where they got the money to finance

them. So long as the NPP leadership is motivated first and foremost by money, and

the NDC by an unquenchable thirst for power, the NDC will govern, and the NPP will

pursue private business interests.

NAÏVE Many of us who entered the political fray in 2000, did so in the now naïve

assumption that our leadership desired power to develop Ghana, fight corruption,

and deepen democracy. In short, to realise the dreams of our fathers emblazoned on

our national crest - Freedom and Justice.

The NDC has now come into the shade from the hot sun. We have a saying that a fool

falls asleep in the shade, unaware that the sun will soon scorch him. The longevity

of the NDC's stay in the shade will depend on whether the NPP can reorganise

itself, and (more importantly) whether the NDC will, in the fullness of time,

crumble from within, due to gluttony and the inevitable internal power struggles.

The sources of the NDC's power struggles are legion - Rawlings versus Mills,

remnants of the PNDC era versus pragmatists/conservatives of the

post-constitutional era, ethnic tugs of war involving Ewes, Fantis and Northerners,

etc.. And there is of course the population's inevitable disillusionment with the

NDC. The people believe, literally, that the NDC will reduce the cost of fuel,

health, education and a multitude of other costs. No such thing will happen. And

when the disillusionment sets in, the NPP will afford a wan smile. The NPP's fall

from grace to grass, can, secondly, be traceable, not to the Akyem Mafia (as

'Maame Coomson' asserts), but to the Castle Mafia. What are the failures of the

Castle Mafia?

First, the Castle Mafia lacked interest in solving any national problem, unless it

involved either procurement or the sale of assets. Examples of national problems

that received eight years of neglect are corruption in such critical governance

institutions as the Police, the Judiciary, and other public services, public sector

reform, pair trawling, national identification, and sanitation. The half-hearted

feints at these particular problems were constrained by procurement opportunities.

Yet, these are problems that touch the lives of Ghanaians. It is out of this

preoccupation with the politics of procurement, that the government brought such

embarrassments as the IFC and CNTI 'loan' agreements. That our national debt is

still about $6 billion (post-HPIC debt reliefs) is eloquent testimony to this

ravenous attachment to the politics of procurement. Much of this debt has been

incurred, in practically sole source procurement arrangements.

The folly of the Valco purchase, was similarly motivated by the politics of

procurement (where shall Ghana find the cheap electricity to feed Valco? What

cost-benefit analysis was done to justify a government pursuing a divestiture

program, getting into a business it knows little about?) That reminds me; Question:

whatever happened to the much-touted Presidential Special Initiatives (PSIs)?

Answer: They were touched by the gangrenous hand of the politics of procurement.

The Castle Mafia pursued policies whose only useful purpose was to help galvanize

the NDC, and get them battle-ready for the elections of December 2008. A few

examples may drive home this point. ROPAB or ROPAL.

The NPP did not implement it, and any implementation could bankrupt our country.

The rush to pass this bill filled our streets with NDC hotheads and their

sympathisers. The incarceration of Tsatsu Tsikata, and the trial of Nana Konadu

Agyemang Rawlings. These two trials helped the NDC energise its troops, gave them

an emotional cause around which to rally, fight and die for the NDC. If Tsatsu was

so guilty, why the last-minute Presidential pardon? Only time will tell if these

flirtations will be requited.

I understand the case against Konadu is weak, and I will not be surprised if the

case is abandoned (or you prefer to believe that the Father and Founder will still

be going to court?) What good has come to the NPP or the people of Ghana from these

trials? The Castle Mafia had other better examples to demonstrate their abhorrence

of willful causation of losses to the state, but would not use them.

The Castle Mafia thought it was okay to 'leave northerners to solve their own

problems' when it came to the Dagbon and other problems. The NDC propaganda

machinery feasted daily on these issues. A day hardly passed without Radio Gold

trumpeting 'the death of the Ya Na and forty others,' and the 'death of Issa

Molbila.' While our support was being eroded this way, some NPP supporters

sanctimoniously blamed 'northerners' for being too hot-headed and violent.

The Castle Mafia believed that what they could not do to Nananom of their towns and

villages, they could do to Nii Mei. Hence, they sold government land to themselves,

friends, clansmen, and many others willing to make a deal. A man once came to the

building I lived in (next to Rawlings), and told us he was from the Zenith Bank,

and had bought the house and the next one belonging to Valco. All this, without the

knowledge of the relevant government agencies.. The sale of Ga land was another

rallying point for the NDC. As Jake presciently said, no party has won the

Presidency without Greater Accra. And so it came to pass that Jake became an

accurate prophet (without a church).

The Castle Mafia did not think Ghana was good enough for them to stay in, hence a

commitment to frequent travel (with the incidental benefit of unaccountable

imprests). Even a woman deeply in love can tolerate only so much absence from her

loved one; prolonged absence does not a fond heart make; it makes the heart to

wander. And in this case, into the waiting arms of the seductive NDC.

I could go on, but this paper does not have the space, and you don't have the time

to read a complete catalogue of Castle Mafia failings. Let me therefore summarize

by saying that the Castle Mafia suffered from a Samson syndrome (the Samson of

Delilah fame): Alan Cash or no NPP President. DCEs and Regional Ministers who had

already been selected as our Parliamentary Candidates were dismissed for

insufficient fealty to Alan Cash. Is this the action of a leadership that wants its

party to win the coming elections? The opposition Presidential Candidate was

singled out for national honours; will President Bush have done same to Obama

before the U.S. elections? While former President Rawlings was campaigning in hot

dusty villages of the North, the Castle folks were gallivanting abroad, sipping

wine in cooler climes. Finally, the blame for the failure of the NPP rests on its

executives at all levels: polling station, constituency, regional and

national. They too prefer money to power. Being a party without an ideology or

national vision, many of our members naturally tend to pursue personal pecuniary

goals (borrowing from Thomas Hobbes about a property-owning democracy is not an

ideology, certainly not for these enlightened times).

I know from personal experience that you cannot call a meeting of NPP activists,

without sending them away with some money and/or food and drink. And money that is

given for political activities, often sticks to the pockets of the recipients,

leaving political work undone or poorly executed.

Source: Crystal Clear lens