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CPP slams Amoako Baah for describing followers as lazy

Dr Richard Amoako Baah

Wed, 17 Dec 2014 Source:

The youth league of the Convention People’s Party (CPP) has slammed the head of the Political Science Department of KNUST for describing followers of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s ideals as lazy thinkers and bankrupt of ideas.

The Political Scientist said he was disappointed in the ‘professed believers’ of the ideals which he said are inconsistent and irrelevant to happenings in modern times and ‘would not work when put into practice.'

But in a statement by the Youth League of the CPP, they described Dr. Baah’s statement as disappointing and unfortunate.

According to them, successive governments after Dr. Nkrumah must rather be described as lazy for failing to continue the many development projects started by the former CPP leader.

Below is the full statement:

Angry CPP Youth League Replies Amoako Baah

The CPP Youth League has expressed disappointment at the irresponsible statement by Dr. Amoako Baah, calling all Nkrumaists lazy and bankrupt of ideas. The Youth League wonder if Dr Amoako Baah really knows what an ideology is and what its implementation meant for Ghana and Ghanaians

The Youth League wondered how Self reliance, Pan-Africanism and Social Justice, which are the three pillars of Nkrumaism can be referred to as a lazy ideology.

What the CPP Youth League considers lazy is the serial running of governments after the illegal overthrow of the Nkrumah regime, to the IMF for bailouts and HIPIC initiatives at the least sign of financial downturn; instead of planning and coming up with credible alternatives that will improve the lives of our compatriots and our nation’s coffers.

What the CPP Youth League consider lazy is members of the UGCC meeting to chant ‘self government at the shortest possible time’ while drinking tea, and taking care not to offend the whiteman; not the CPP and Dr. Nkrumah who demanded ‘self government now!’ and challenged the status quo.

We consider successive governments as lazy, for selling off the numerous factories and state assets, established with taxpayers’ money, and which provided millions of Ghanaians with jobs, only to import everything including underwear, matches, and toothpicks among other items, from China and elsewhere. We would like to remind Dr. Amoako Baah that his MPs were part of the legislature, which decided to import all the current furnishings in Parliament from China, instead of patronizing local manufacturers.

What we consider lazy is the fact that successive government have resorted to selling state assets including Ghana Telecom, Tema shipyard, Black Star Line, Ghana Airways, the drill ships, Merchant Bank among others. We are surprised Dr. Amaoko Baah did not see fit to criticize all these but rather attacked Dr. Kwame Nkrumah whose hard work and achievements earned him the name “OSAGYEFO” and whose achievements are what Ghanaians rely on today for their daily bread.

The CPP Youth League says what is lazy is that he, Dr Amoako Baah an academic of Political Science has not come up with a working document to help educate and re-shape our politicians who according to him have failed this country woefully.

We wonder if the policy of ‘Domestication’ which for instance, wants government to resource State Housing Corporation to put up more affordable houses for Ghanaians is a lazy idea, compared to those who want STX Korea to build our houses for us.

We also wonder if a proposal by the Limann government for each region to have its own dam to supply that region with electricity by the year 1990 is lazy as compared to successive governments including Kufour’s government which abandoned this brilliant idea, resulting in the current erratic and unbearable Dumsor?

We are seriously mystified as to how a brilliant idea such as Nkrumaism which led Ghanaians to manufacture their own TV and radio sets, cars, shoes, medications among other things is a lazy one.

The CPP Youth League marvel how Nkrumaism as an ideology conceived over 40 years ago and manifested in infrastructure and services such as healthcare, education including universities, which has trained millions of people and is now employing the likes of Amoako Baah could be a lazy idea.

The CPP Youth League said all the former Presidents of the fourth Republic have come to realize and appreciate the hardwork done by the CPP government of the first Republic, and have all one way or the other honoured its leader, Dr Kwame Nkrumah Were not surprised when former President Kufour in his birthday message advised Ghanaians to implement the 7-year development plan of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah. How can that can be a lazy idea?

We caution Dr Amoako Baah to speak on issues that suggest how to rebuild this country if he wants media attention instead of disgracing himself by making such irresponsible and academically lazy statements against Nkrumaists and Dr. Nkrumah.
