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Greenstreet vows "apam forfor?"

Wed, 20 Apr 2016 Source: TheNational Forum

Laments Ghana's poor state.

The Presidential Candidate of the Convention People's Party, CPP Lawyer Ivor Kobina Greenstreet has raised the tempo of this year's presidential campaign with the vow for a new order or covenant dubbed "APAM FOFOR?" which is a popular phrase in the Akan language of Ghana particularly in reference to the New Testament of the Bible.

Greenstreet, the Lawyer who wants justice for all is pledging to lead the nation out of the desperate and doubtful situation where the hopelessness of the people is inching up their necks and that he would work at ensuring that the high number of injustices in our system is reduced and banished.

The new covenant or deal would follow the lines of;

One Ghana' and its indivisibility and its unity. This is the main thrust of the campaign.

The CPP being a truly independent Party that is different from the NDC and NPP as well as offers the ONLY alternative to the status quo.

The belief in State led economic development should not be compromised, but the 5 pronged economics task which include Ghanaian private sector and joint state-private sector, foreign owned etc would be emphasized.

Taking full control of Ghana's Natural Resource.

Promoting Discipline as the surest means to success in the endeavour towards nation building.

The launch of the "APAM FOFOR?" began last Sunday when a powerful delegation led by the National Chairman and Leader Prof Edmund N. Delle took their campaign activity to the Brong Ahafo region. Among the delegation were the 1st Vice Chairperson, Hajia Haruna Hamdattu, National Organizer, Emmanuel Kwao Ogborjor, National Women Organizer, Hajia Aisha Sulley Futa, Director of Communication, Abdul Rauf Kadri.

Prof Edmund Delle has indicated that "the CPP intends to present a People's Interactive Manifesto which would be the generation of ideas from the people as to how to deal with numerous challenges facing Ghanaians."

Speaking a group of drivers in Techiman, Mr Greenstreet bemoaned the injustices they suffer in the hands of some unscrupulous policemen and women especially on the road while working hard for their daily bread.

"We travel in your cars and sometime even when we travel in different vehicles along the road with you we see how some officers of the State harass and squeeze money out of your hands or delay you unnecessarily which is nothing but pure exploitation of the citizenry with the power and authority that should be protecting us.' 'That must stop! And it would stop under our government. I shall lead that crusade myself. "He added.

"How can we continue to live as a population of less than 30million people by the largest stretch of our census statistics with abundant natural endowments; gold, diamond, timber, salt, sunlight, water, oil, arable land, great human capital yet be so poor that we cannot afford to fund our budget? That about 70% of our annual budget goes into paying less than 600,000 persons of our population working in the public or formal sector?"

Why must the Ghanaian go through so much stress and havoc in the bid to acquire basic driving licenses or passports from the DVLA and Passport Office respectively?

The lawyer who wants justice for all said this is going to be the basis for the new covenant, the new deal and surely things would be done differently. TNF gathered from the interactions.

Repeatedly he emphasized that "with this "apam" we shall not ask for accounting to you by the number of roads or schools we build which we surely would build anyways. But by the number of children who undergo quality education, the availability of the basic means to life to all the populace namely; food, water, clothing, shelter and where disease is brought under control and every potential is developed to the fullest."

"The welfare of our people and the pride with which live as a truly independent and respectable people who manage their own affairs shall be our chief aim. We shall focus on that, rather than live at the mercy of some foreign powers or Bretton Wood institutions who do not know, nor appreciate the excruciating conditions under which we live." The CPP Presidential Candidate added.

The Greenstreet 2016 Campaign has been preaching; the restoration of Hope to the despairing and doubting Ghanaian of the NDC and NPP respective regimes over the past 24years who have claimed regions as their 'world banks' yet do nothing for the people who live there; the Oneness and Unity of Ghana as one inseparable people who should live with love, sincerity and responsiveness; giving the Ghanaian control over their economic lives and activity; ensuring that the youth and women take their proper places in the build-up of a fair-sharing wealthy Ghana; making land available to all hardworking Ghanaians regardless their status in society.

"Ours is a well measured and modest campaign of sincerity and openness with the people of Ghana. We hope to give them a departure from the politics of deception that have characterized mainly the two parties that have had the opportunity to govern Ghana under this Fourth Republic. We hope to offer them some freshness and newness of doing things different, the CPP way." So said the Greenstreet 2016 Campaign Strategist.

Source: TheNational Forum