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Kwesi Pratt & others must join campaign against corruption

Sat, 24 Aug 2013 Source: PPP

and take the challenge of public declaration of income & assets

A couple of weeks ago, the Chairman of the Progressive People’s Party (PPP), Mr. Nii Allotey Brew-Hammond addressed a press conference on the subject of corruption, the rot that is destroying our nation. A founding member, Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom this week has called on political leaders in Ghana to “…let us get real and serious and deal with the corruption canker rather than the political parties hiding behind public relations gimmicks”.

Unfortunately, some political propagandists and media personnel have chosen to play a very dangerous game with this important crusade. The PPP cannot leave this matter alone. Kwesi Pratt and those who think like him must not be allowed to put down the fire lit by the PPP red sun to battle corruption.

Kwesi Pratt is reported to have said on television that he wants Dr. Nduom to take the next step by doing the right things prescribed by law because “this holier than thou attitude is sometimes worrying”. He also reportedly wished that Dr. Nduom had “ended his own corruption” before bringing up the topic. “He needs to end it……He must set the ball rolling and stop sermonizing…it doesn’t help anybody,” Kwesi Pratt said.

During the 2012 election campaign, the Progressive People’s Party (PPP) threw an important challenge to the aspiring Presidential Candidates by dedicating itself to a cause that is a crucial pre-requisite for lasting peace and prosperity – a crusade against corruption and an undying commitment to fundamental change in Ghana. This was our party’s commitment to move away from politics as usual – we wanted no part in “win at all cost”, “all die be die”, vote buying, vote stealing, using state resources and projects to pursue a partisan agenda. Our interest was and continues to be how to ensure that we conquer poverty of all types in Ghana for the benefit of all Ghanaians.

We of the PPP asked all of our leaders – politicians, businessmen and women, lawyers, MPs, Ministers of State, Senior Journalists and others to make a personal commitment to the principle of incorruptible leadership in a very practical sense. We challenged all Presidential Candidates to make a firm commitment to the principle of incorruptible leadership. Incorruptible leadership is practical leadership that cannot be perverted, bribed, or corrupted. It is honest and just. It is this incorruptible integrity the party continues to refer to. We do not want to be one of those who play political games with the future of our people.

In case Kwesi Pratt and others of his type have forgotten, Dr. Nduom indeed took the challenge. In 2012 Dr. Nduom in a truly unprecedented move, released income tax returns from 1982 to the current year at that time. He released asset reports filed with the Auditor-General. The PPP National Treasurer released a report on sources of campaign funding for the party. We take this opportunity to ask Kwesi Pratt and his type to follow Dr. Nduom’s example and make a personal commitment against corruption by releasing his income tax returns and sources of funding for his personal and media activities.

As our National Chairman said at the press conference, “…we will not be deterred. Indeed, we welcome the insults, the abuse from those who want the nation to remain in the rot, the corruption so that their selfish interests can be met. We will not be part of blame game of who has done what and who is worse than the other. We are humans and as such we may have made mistakes. But we are not afraid to commit ourselves to a higher principle and the truth about what is killing our people.

It is not enough for people to sit at radio, television studios and at home to claim that they are not corrupt. We are not accusing anyone of being corrupt. All we are saying is, let those who want to lead do so from the front and show a personal commitment that can be emulated by the rest. Transparency, accountability, the truth and personal discipline are needed if we want to move Ghana into a higher level of performance and give our people the opportunity to enjoy a world class standard of living in our lifetime.”

The PPP’s crusade against corruption knows no bounds. We are serving Kwesi Pratt and his type notice that this is not a Dr. Nduom fight.

Our party’s foundation rests on the principle of incorruptible leadership and if he and his type are uncomfortable with one person on this matter then, they must be ready to hear from the rest of us. We are not a “mouth-mouth” party on corruption. We are not like those who are merely “shout-shout” people in the media and during campaign time on corruption. We do not believe in “do as I say and not as I do” as some of our leaders continue to exhibit. That is why the PPP has made every attempt to comply with the Political Parties Law and filed its 2012 audited accounts.

The bright red PPP sun will continue to shine light on corruption

God bless our homeland Ghana.

Awake Ghana!

Kofi Asamoah-Siaw

National Secretary

23 August 2013

Source: PPP