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Mayor Calls for Re-Count of NDC Delegates' Votes

Tue, 12 Jul 2011 Source: Uhuru Times

>>Acknowledging that His Excellency, President John Evans Atta Mills won the just

ended NDC Primary to elect a Flagbearer, 2004/2008 CPP Parliamentary Candidate for

Nhyiaeso Constituency in Kumasi, Ashanti Region, and former Los Angeles Mayoral

Candidate, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, popularly known by Ghanaians around

the World as "Kwame Mayor", (who plans to marry one of the daughters of the

Rawlingeses, with the sole aim of uniting Asantes and Ewes permanently) --- has

publicly called for a re-count of the Sunyani Delegates' votes to determine

whether the Delegates (truly and fairly), represented the aspirations of the

majority of ordinary brave People of Ghana, or "People's Power Representation",

comprising of the "Silent Majority" of the Dis-Enfranchised, the "Veranda Boys",

the Kayayos, the Yorko-Garri Sellers, the Iced Water Sellers, the Tuo-Safi

Sellers, the Chop Bar Operators, the Tro-Tro Drivers, the Taxi Drivers, the "Zongo


the neglected Asem Boys of the Government Boys School in Kumasi, Ashanti

Region, the Home-Town of "Ata, the Mortuary Man" in Kete-Krachi, the poor, the

hungry, to mention but a few.


>> "It is important that the name of Rawlings' darling wife, Mrs. Konadu

Agyemang Rawlings, should be cleared and the only way to do so is to ascertain

with "Chemical or Empical Evidence" that the NDC Delegates sincerely voted on

behalf of the "Silent Majority", said the "People's Politician" who is being wooed

into NDC Camp to become the first indigenous Asante to lead the NDC in the near



>>The self-appointed Spokesman for the "Silent Majority" of the People of Ghana,

called for "State-Burial" or National Holiday, for Rawlings' friend, "Atta, the

Mortuary Man" --- as a tribute to the sacrifices of ordinary and brave People of



>>The leader of Ghanaians Abroad Coalition (GAC), "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, who

recently joined ranks with the Rawlingses against their "Common Enemy" --- Major

(retired) Boakye Djan, whom he still blames for the selective and unjust public

execution of former Head of State, Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwah Afrifa, and

spectacularly endorsed Rawlings' wife, Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings for

NDC Flagbearership, amid vigourous campaign on behalf of the former First Lady to

encourage other Ghanaian Women to run for President --- has again, publicly

congratulated His Excellency, President John Evans Atta Mills on his election as

the 2012 NDC Flagbearer.


>>The "People's Politician" praised the President for boldly coming out to condemn

the evils of Homosexuality and Lesbianism threatening Ghana and Africa's Moral

Culture, and called for National Unity to wage "Peaceful and Non-Violent War

Against Gays and Lesbians in Ghana" to prevent Biblical's anger of "Sodom and



>> "In terms of the just ended NDC election to elect a Flagbearer, this is the

time for National Reconciliation within the Party's Camp for the sake of 'One

Country with a Common Destiny'", said the "People's Politician", and (aspiring)

2012 CPP Presidential Candidate, who still plans to marry one of the daughters of

the Rawlingses, perhaps, Ms. Yaa Asantewaa Rawlings --- in order to permanently

heal Akans / Asantes and Ewes.


>>It would be re-called that before the NDC race to elect a Flagbearer, the

Scholarly Politician had "philosophised" that former Military Junta Leader, Jerry

John Rawlings would be "Morally and Ethically bound to quit NDC under the

leadership of President John Evans Atta Mills whom he (Rawlings) himself, has

publicly accused of corruption --- else, he would send a wrong message to the

World Community that he endorses Mills' corruption, and "Politics of I

scratch your back, and you scratch my



>>The Maverick Politician advised His Excellency, President John Evans Atta Mills,

(not) to follow the footsteps of his predecessor, former President John Agyekum

Kufuor who displayed mean-spiritedness towards him, and failed to tap him into his

government, for the sake of Nation building --- (despite the fact that his (Kwame

Mayor's) ideas which the government of Kufuor stole, have benefitted the entire

People of Ghana, regardless of their Political affiliation.


>> " I am [still], the un-disputable Architect of several published ideas

implemented by former President John Agyekum Kufuor's government --- powerful

ideas which have tremendously benefited Ghana, for example : My Platform that

called for the "Importation of South Africa's Model of "Truth and Reconciliation

Commission" to Ghana --- (which I personally gave to President Kufuor in 2000, in

Los Angeles, California in the presence of several Eye-Witnesses) --- before he

(Mr. Kufuor) became President of Ghana); Erection of Statutes for the Martyred

Judges; My registered mail to the office of President John Agyekum Kufuor and

published news that called for Voting Rights for Ghanaians living abroad; my

public call and published news in for example, Ghana's Daily Graphic that called

for Cash Transfer to the Poor to ensure Equity, my public call; registered letter

to the office of President John Agyekum Kufuor, as well as published news to


Dr. Nkrumah's original idea of a Continental African Union Government and to

establish a United African States (UAS); my public call and published news to build

("State of the Art Presidential Palace in Ghana to attract Tourism like the White

House"), my public call and published news that urged Ghana to enter into the age

of "Civilian Nuclear Power", my public call and published news that called for

Annual Yaa Asantewaa Festival to remind Ghanaians of the African struggle against

Colonialism and Imperialism, my public call and published news that urged Ghana to

recognise her Heroes and Heroines - (which logically prompted Kufuor's

administration to institute awards for the "Nation's Heroes and Heroines"), said

the "People's



>> "Fellow Ghanaians, you should understand why I should seek for Fairness,

Truth and Justice by any legal means necessary", said the Ghanaian-born "America's



>>Returning to why he has united with the Rawlingses, the "Larger than Life"

Politician again, reminded Ghanaians that it was Major (Retired) Boakye Djan, a

dangerous anti-Akan and anti-Asante (who hates his own People) --- who ordered the

barbaric public execution of the brave Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa --- while

those who staged the 1966 Coup with Afrifa were left to enjoy their lives.


>> "Folks, to hate Rawlings who did not consent to the public execution of

Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa --- while, Boakye Djan is walking free as a

"Walking Criminal" is absolutely not fair", said the Fair-Minded Politician.


>> "We will use legal, peaceful and non-violent means to revenge against those who

shed the blood of Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa", vowed the Great Grandson of

Asante Adonteng Puduo War Generals, whose very biological Great-Grand Fathers led

Asante's heroic wars against Colonialism and Imperialism.


>> " Major (retired) Boakye Djan must be arrested immediately for murdering a

former Head of State who voluntarily relinquished power and returned the Country

into Civilian rule", said Kwame Mayor, who still displays a letter he received

from Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa shortly before he (Afrifa) was publicly

executed by the Cowards and Terrorists.


>> "After convincing myself based on the evidence that it was Major (retired)

Boakye Djan, an avowed Anti-Akan and Anti-Asante Tribalist who ordered the unjust,

barbaric and cowardly execution of the brave Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa, I

have joined Rawlings' Camp", said the Pan-Africanist who said that there is (no)

tribe in Ghana which should collectively be held accountable for the excesses of

the 1979 June 4 Revolution --- whether they are innocent Brongs, innocent Ewes,

innocent Asantes, innocent Kwahus, innocent Akyems, innocent Akuapems, innocent

Dagombas, innocent Frafras, innocent Sisalas, innocent Gas, innocent Fantes,

innocent Grushis, innocent Mamprusis, innocent Hausas, to mention but a few.


>> "For Heavens' sake, let's heal the Nation", pleaded "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame

Mayor, as he called for Rawlings-Kufuor Unity and Benefit Concerts, across the

Nation, to help Refugees in Ghana --- and, to prevent Ghana from turning into

another Ivory Coast, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Burundi or Rwanda.




Source: Uhuru Times