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Statement Released By Arthur Kobina Kennedy

Thu, 17 Mar 2011 Source: --


Wednesday, 16th March, 2011

Today, I have filed my nomination to be elected as the Parliamentary candidate for Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese constituency.

Our constituency is underdeveloped. We are divided-- Abura against Asebu, Asebu against Kwankese and Kwamankese against Abura. In recent months, these divisions have led to demonstrations in our component traditional areas and led to unnecessary tensions. These tensions may have contributed to the removal of the DCE, Ms Aba Edusah.

Indeed, the divisions have even spilled into this primary contest. There are alleged candidates for Abura, for Asebu and even for Moree.

Today, let the message go forth from here that I am not a candidate for Abura. I am not a candidate for Asebu and I am not a candidate for Kwamankese. I am and will be THE candidate for all of Abura-Asebu -Kwamankese.

This constituency has focused too long on insults instead of ideas-- on what divides our traditional areas instead of what unites us.

I believe that it is time for this constituency to have a Parliamentarian respected by his peers and across the length and breath of our country-- one who will be ranked “A” and not “F”.

As the Parliamentary candidate, my campaign will focus on the issues and problems of the people of our constituency, our region and our country.

If elected to Parliament, I will focus on protecting the jobs of our fishing and farming communities, creating jobs for our youth and uniting our constituency. Nationally, I will fight to improve the health of all Ghanaians, to create jobs and to strengthen and make more accountable the institutions of governance across our country.

In pursuit of this agenda, I will reach out to people of all parties, all regions, all genders, all ages and all faiths.

Nationally, we are in the middle hour of our discontent with an NDC government that has clearly lost its way. President Mills and the NDC government have broken promise after promise to our farmers, fishermen, teachers, marketwomen and Ghanaians in every walk of life.

It has raised taxes on construction, on tourism, rice , the worship of God and virtually everything while increasing prices.

It has divided us as we have never been before and fostered a culture of violence and intimidation. It is clear that the “BETTER GHANA” agenda will never be realized under this government. Indeed, we are clearly retreating from it. I say to you that we can do better. Ghanaians are yearining for the NPP to return to government. Ghanaian know that despite our faults, we were and will be a far, far better government than the NDC.

Indeed, we are, for years to come, the hope of this nation if we “BELIEVE IN A BETTER GHANA”. To return Ghana to the path to a better country, with development and job opportunities for our youth, with peace and prosperity, we need to reclaim our Parliamentary majority and the Presidency in 2012.

The center of that struggle will be here in the Central Region and Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese will the spearhead. The is one campaign that will symbolize ideas, tolerance and the better angels of our nature. Get involved and get on board. We will bring on board and into the voting booths historic numbers of floating voters and NDC members. Let the contest begin and God bless you all.

Arthur Kobina Kennedy

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