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Stop defending Mahama on Kenya's elections - Jacob Osei Yaboah to Dr. Akwetey

Jacob Osei Yeboah Fresh Jacob Osei Yeboah, 2012 and 2016 Independent Presidential candidate

Thu, 7 Sep 2017 Source: Daniel Kaku

The 2012 and 2016 Independent Presidential candidate, Jacob Osei Yeboah know in a political circle as 'JOY' has called on Dr. Emmanuel Akwetey to stop defending former President John Mahama and observers who went to Kenya to observe the 2017 presidential elections of Kenya.

Dr. Akwetey who was an observer of the Kenya's elections said all the observers agreed that the voting, vote counting and the e-transmissions of the results were transparent and credible.

He, therefore, commended former President John Mahama of Ghana and former President Mbeki of South Africa as experienced African statesmen who uncompromisingly pointed Kenya in the direction of the Kenyan Supreme Court; "thereby, they played a critical role in steering Kenyan away from a second post-elections violence in August 2017".

But speaking on a radio station in Jomoro District of the Western Region on September 6, 2017, Hope FM 107.1 with Nyhiraba Gideon, Jacob Osei Yeboah (JOY) refuted the calls made by Dr. Akwetey that Ghanaians should commend former President John Mahama for playing critical role in Kenya's elections as an observer.

"It is rather unfortunate, though that former President Mahama has once again been sacrificed at the horizon of elections observers diligent and prudent statements".

Mr. Osei Yeboah, therefore, advised former President John Mahama to withdraw and purge himself before taking any leadership mission being local or international.

He also said it on Hope FM that former President John Mahama should stop thinking of contesting in 2020 as flag-bearer for the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) and salvage his image.

He stated emphatically that former President Mahama can't win elections again for the NDC.

Below is the full argument of Dr. Emmanuel Akwetey and Mr. Jacob Osei Yeboah:


Dr. Akwetey O. Emmanuel writes

Please hold your fire. Prez Mahama and Prez Mbeki acquitted themselves well as leaders of the Commonwealth and AU Elections Observer Missions to Kenya, respectively. I was in Kenya as an observer of the elections too.

First, all observers agreed that the voting, vote counting and the e-transmissions of the results were transparent and credible. Therefore if the results published by the IEBC followed logically from the observations at the polling stations, then the results ought to be accepted as credible too. However, Raila and the NASA'S allegations about hacking and tampering with Form 34 A/B, they effectively raised doubts about the transmission of the IEBC results.

Secondly, the international observers and their leaders could neither investigate the hacking etc allegations on the spot nor stop the declaration of the results, which the IEBC alone was empowered to do. The two leaders however engaged the IEBC and reported back to observers and the international media the IEBC had rejected the allegations by Raila & Co. Prezs Mahama and Mbeki repeatedly advised Raila & Ci to resort to the Supreme Court to deal with their claims.

Thirdly, Raila & Co initially rejected the two Prezs advice and rather accused them of being friends or sympathisers of Kenyatta. But the leaders maintained their composure and their stand that the elections as observed were transparent and credible. But doubts about the credibility of the results ought to be sorted out in the SC, which was empowered to scrutinise the issues being raised by Raila & Co.

Fourthly, Raila & Co proceeded to resort to the streets by calling for a nationwide strike. But the strike flopped; thereafter they decided to go the SC, as Prez Mahama and Mbeki had earlier advised. It is a good thing that Raila &Co eventually went to the Supreme Court as they had earlier been advised.

By eventually respecting the advice of Prez Mbeki and Mahama to pursue justice in the SC, Raila and Co saved Kenya from explosive post-elections violence. Both those who insisted on the SC route and those who acted accordingly have been vindicated.

The Kenyan SC has ruled that the process of transmitting the results had serious flaws. Serious enough to undermine the integrity of the results and warrant a re-run of the Prez elections in 60 days.

Today is a good historic day on which Kenya set a higher standard for credible elections, democracy and the rule of law in Africa.

Let us therefore commend, rather than condemn, Prez Mbeki and Mahama as experienced African statesmen who uncompromisingly pointed Kenya in the direction of the SC; thereby, they played a critical role in steering Kenya away from a second post-elections violence in August 2017.

Jacob Osei Yeboah replies Dr. Akwetey

This is a mediocre argument from Dr. Akwetey. It does not matter the names of the dignitaries involved whether former Presidents Clinton, Tony Blair or Bush or Mandela. Election observers always put up 'see No Evil' attitude. They were economical with dissenting voices and let me admit it requires high level strategic diplomacy as its very sensitive and unpredictable.

But Ghana's 2012 and 2016 elections experiences coupled with Fmr Prez Mahama as the leader of CWO and the Kenya Authorities repatriating some key observers indeed raised doubts about the credibility. More especially, when the head of IT of Kenya's Electoral Commission was murdered a few days to the elections.

They were not prudent in their observation when they limited themselves to no ballot box snatching, no intimidations, etc. Whilst neglecting, Ghana's experiences of hacking to prevent riggings.

Declaring results without due cognisance of probable hacking is not acceptable and prudent enough.

Let's not try to eulogise mediocrity. I am optimistic that from now onwards, elections observers statement will change to procure truly free and fair in the context of applicable technology and probable contestation of results in court.

It is rather unfortunate, though that Fmr Prez Mahama has once again been sacrificed at the horizon of elections observers diligent and prudent statements.

Though Fmr Prez Mbeki was part, Fmr Prez Mahama has been at the receiving end because from his own mouth, he is a dead goat to the feeling and dignity of the living.

If there are elders in Prez Mahama's family and there are indeed true men of God, he needs to withdraw and purge himself before taking any leadership mission being local or international.

But some loud mouthed men with spirit of divination just like the slave girl in Acts 16: 16-19, parading themselves as Prophets and making noises all over our radios may always deceive because they want money.

Source: Daniel Kaku
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