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What you need to know about the NPP Greater Accra Regional Chairman

Divine Otoo Agorhom NPP CHAIR Divine Otoo Agorhom, NPP Greater Accra Regional Chairman

Sat, 5 May 2018 Source: j. f. davis

On the 21st day of April, 2018 the New Patriotic Party in the Greater Accra Region elected a new Regional chairman at a congress that will go into historical annals as the fiercest regional competition in our country.

The man who emerged victorious in this competition is Hon Divine Otoo Agorhom. He is the man who fought all the odds to beat his closest contender with 7 votes.

Who then is Divine Otoo Agorhom?

AGORHOM DIVINE OTOO has been an NPP National Council member; this is his second term in this position. The NC is the highest decision-making body of the NPP after the National Delegates' Congress. He was the Greater Accra Regional First Vice Chairman. He has served on the Greater Accra Regional Campaign Team in several elections including the just-ended 2016 elections. He has been a three-time parliamentary candidate of Sege constituency with highly impressive outcomes on all three occasions. Now he is the Greater Accra Regional Chairman.

Divine is an Adangme from Goi in the Sege Constituency. He lives in Tema West Constituency with his family. He is a successful businessman and entrepreneur with chain of businesses doted across the country and beyond.

Divine has a unique political personality. People believe his perception of life is not political enough in the context of African politics, but he gets the results rather because of his personality. He is too frank than an average politician, he sees politics through the lenses of corporate management.

Politics as usual, is not run in Ghana the way he expects it. He sets targets with timelines and aggressively demands they are met.

He allocates resources and demands accountability. He plans every step of his political moves before executing it. He is a master strategist. In fact he is a gifted strategist and a visionary leader. Divine sees the future in a way many people will not see and intelligently develops strategies for it.

He stops at nothing when a mission must be completed. That is where people around him feel uncomfortable. He gets pushy when targets must be met, and he does it forcefully. “? nti gyae”. From afar, you may misconstrue who the man Divine is.

He is of a very high political stature but plays very low profile and very jovial. When you get closer, you may underrate him because of his low profile nature but then he surprises you with the results. You may underrate him but don’t underrate his strategic capabilities. From afar he appears bossy but when closer you know he is a consultative and democratic leader who will consult nearly everybody near him on every decision he wants to take.

When asked the secret of his extraordinary achievements, he says it is God. Divine is a man of prayer. He prays in all things. People who were at the venue of the just ended regional Congress saw him moving from place to place mouthing unheard words.

His close associate said that was just another moment of prayer for Divine. When in the face of difficulties he prays for God’s direction.

Divine Otoo Agorhom announced his decision to contest in the regional chairmanship race immediately after the 2016 election. He was so firm in his decision that nothing was going to change his mind. It is said that he turned down advice to lobby for ministerial appointment because he was clear in mind he wants to contest and serve in the party rather than in the government.

He started his campaign by seeking advice from key people in the party at the constituency level, at the regional level and at the national level. He also sort the advice of people in government. Almost all the people who he consulted blessed his intention. Divine obviously would not be denied the blessings to contest in the region. He is well known by the party at all levels for his capabilities.

He has been a National Council Member who sponsored the party’s National and Regional Congresses over the years. He has been a party financier. He has brought in amazing number of votes for the NPP from one of the difficult constituencies of the NPP; Sege. People who knew his capacity were suggesting that he should contest at the national level with a pledge to support him financially and logistically. But Divine was so convinced that he needs to lead the Greater Accra Region that he turned it down.

He continued his campaigns by visitations to the then constituency executive members. NB: The party had not started with the internal reorganization yet. He declared his intention to them and they blessed him. He continued to launch the campaign during the Cape Coast Congress in 2017. It was a night of excitement. MPs, MMDCEs, Ministers of State and party members enjoyed that night with him. They loved him and pledged their support.

He continued his campaigns after the Kumasi Congress. He visited the constituencies over and over. When the reorganization was completed he went to the new executives and presented his vision as the Regional chairman. They were connected to his vision, they love it and they propagated it.

Divine presented his vision clearly to the people. The vision is to increase the Presidential votes for the NPP to a 60% share, and also to increase NPP parliamentary seats in the region from 21 to 24. He thus, explained how he intends to have a participatory leadership at the region, how to empower the base through what he called Partnership for Development, how to touch base with the grassroots through a zoning system, and how to guide and guard the constituencies through the God Father concept. These pillars he hoped when implemented successfully will help him achieve his vision.

Now that we have Divine Otoo Agorhom as the Greater Accra Chairman for NPP, the party in the region should look different. He is someone who will soon be described as a firebrand. He will whip everybody into action; including the opposition parties. He gets involved in the field job just to ensure nobody is being lazy on the job. Nobody in the party will rest until targets are achieved.

The Greater Accra should soon become a stronghold for the NPP. The grassroots of the party will feel they now have a chairman who speaks for them. MPs will be given targets that they must work on, MMDCEs should get ready to work for the party and Ministers must expect pressure to support the party base. Divine stops at nothing to make the party strong.

H.E Nana Addo should be the happiest man by now because it appears with the election of Divine as Greater Accra Chair, his vision of handing over to another NPP president after a second term is achievable.

His darling boy Divine will fan the funnel that softens the challenged areas in the region. Divine has worked in a difficult constituency for the NPP and achieved great results. He will do that in the entire region.

Interesting days ahead for Greater Accra NPP politics.

Source: j. f. davis
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