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2021 Women in Agribusiness Award ceremony

Mrs. Bettina Schoop Component Manager Mrs. Bettina Schoop Component Manager - AgriBiz presenting an award to a winner

Thu, 5 Aug 2021 Source: Kwaku Maxwell GIZ GH

The Sustainable Employment through Agribusiness program (AgriBiz), implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in partnership with Guzakuza, organized a press conference on the 2021 Women in Agribusiness Awards at the Ghana International Press Conference Centre, Accra.

AgriBiz is financed by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

The Women in Agribusiness award ceremony, an annual event organized by Guzakuza, is aimed at recognizing the invaluable contribution of women in the agribusiness sector in Africa.

The maiden edition of the Women in Agribusiness Awards was held together with the Women in Agribusiness Forum (WAF) on 30 June 2021 under the theme "Women Transforming Food Systems: What is the data saying?" The forum, which convenes successful women in the agribusiness sector from all over Africa and beyond to discuss and share ideas on issues pertinent to women in the sector, was organized by Guzakuza in partnership with AgriBiz, Ecobank Ghana Ltd, Chamber of Agribusiness Ghana, and African Fertilizer and Agribusiness Partnership. WAF 2021 focused on the critical role women play in transforming the food systems.

In all, 378 entries were received across the globe for five award categories; namely, Role Model Excellence Award, Sustainable Green Innovation Award, Dare to Defy Award, Agtech Innovation Award, and Covid-19 Agribusiness Resilience Award.

Of the five categories, three Ghanaian women-led agribusinesses emerged as winners within the categories: Role Model Excellence, Sustainable Green Innovation, and Dare to Defy.

The press conference, therefore, was to showcase these gallant Ghanaian award winners and their successes. Their awards were also presented to them during the press conference.

Initiatives to address the challenges of women-led enterprises that will enable them to contribute to the growth of the Ghanaian economy are prioritized by AgriBiz and Guzakuza. During a consultative meeting with all 26 Ghanaian women nominated for the competitive awards, which was facilitated by AgriBiz and Guzakuza, the possibility of forming an alumni group as mentors for young female entrepreneurs in the sector was discussed.

Speaking on behalf of GIZ Ghana, Mr Detlev Jahn said, "For more than 40 years, GIZ with financing from BMZ has been working with public and private institutions in various sectors, with the focus of late on job creation, particularly for women and the youth".

He added, "we are here today to celebrate the successes women in agribusiness have achieved and to congratulate the Award Winners who, on behalf of all businesswomen, receive their awards today.

Awards for their innovativeness, for their resilience and for being a role model to others."

From Guzakuza, Mrs Fortune Kyei indicated that the Women in Agribusiness Awards aims at highlighting the achievements of exceptional women in the agribusiness fraternity who have risen above the limit to lead the way for others to emulate.

"The Women in Agribusiness Awards does not only celebrate, but it also supports through networking, market linkage, and mentorship where these amazing women will pass on their knowledge and expertise to the younger ones", she added.

About AgriBiz:

Sustainable Employment through AgriBusiness (AgriBiz) is a project implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, with funding from the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

AgriBiz supports the Ghanaian Ministry of Trade and Industry to improve the framework conditions for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). This is achieved through interventions on capacity development for agribusiness MSMEs and the long-term institutionalization of this approach among private and public service providers, as well as strengthening the representation of interests through member-based organizations.

AgriBiz, which started in April 2021 and runs until March 2024, builds the capacities of MSMEs for aggregating and processing agricultural and natural products.

Interventions are focused on tailor-made training and coaching of enterprises, piloting and upscaling innovative technologies, support for improved quality management systems and certification, advisory services on the use of by-products, and exploration of new markets.

Additionally, MSMEs providing services and inputs along the agribusiness supply chain are supported to develop customized services, facilitate economically viable business models to improve access to finance for agribusinesses.

Business development service providers (BDS) and membership-based organizations are supported to enhance their capacity to offer professionalized services to MSMEs and their members.

To improve the business enabling environment for agribusinesses, AgriBiz works at capacitating the member-based business organizations to represent the interests of agribusiness MSMEs through evidence-based advocacy.

About GIZb

As a provider of international cooperation services for sustainable development and international education work, GIZ is dedicated to building a future worth living around the world. GIZ has over 50 years of experience in a wide variety of areas, including economic development and employment, energy, and the environment, and peace and security.

The diverse expertise of our federal enterprise is in demand around the globe, with the German Government, European Union institutions, the United Nations, the private sector, and governments of other countries all benefiting from our services.

We work with businesses, civil society actors, and research institutions, fostering successful interaction between development policy and other policy fields and areas of activity. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is our main commissioning party.

Currently, GIZ promotes sustainable development in Ghana via about 50 programs and projects. GIZ is boosting Ghana's potential by focusing its projects on three priority areas: Responsibility for our planet climate and energy, training and sustainable growth for decent jobs, as well as Peaceful and inclusive societies.

Additionally, our portfolio extends to other areas such as the environment, peace, and security. Another focus of GIZ's work is linking business interests with development-policy goals.

Most of the programs and projects we support in Ghana have successfully brought together national and international private companies, the public sector, and civil society groups to collaborate on development initiatives.

About Guzakuza

Founded in 2015, Guzakuza, a social enterprise that seeks to inspire young women in Agribusiness, has developed an ecosystem that inspires its target group to be profitable, achieve sustainable growth, and build resilient agribusiness in Africa.

In the past six years, Guzakuza has successfully inspired women to build disruptive agribusinesses through its game-changing initiatives such as Ignite, Drupal Natural Farm, SheFarms, Women in Agribusiness Forum, and MentorHer.

Ignite provides tools and resources for young African women to build resilient Agribusiness through virtual and residential training, coaching, mentorship, internship, field visits, access to ready markets, and a continental cooperative of young women in Agribusiness.

In the last 4 years, 131 young women from 16 African countries have graduated. 69% of igniters are still operating their businesses with over 200 jobs created.

Guzakuza's Drupal Natural Farm in Aburi works with communities to protect biodiversity, promote climate change, promote food security and sustain farmlands for future generations.

The Rural women in Agribusiness initiative known as SheFarms is a revolution to inspire rural young women to make income and impact through vegetable farming.

It also supports cocoa farmers with digital tools and services.

In the last three years, Guzakuza, through its Women in Agribusiness Forum, has brought together over 900 women within the agribusiness value chain to dialogue, share knowledge and experiences, as well as network and discuss relevant Agribusiness trends.

Amongst Guzakuza initiatives is the MentorHer program that connects young African women in Agribusiness with experienced global mentors to develop personal and Agribusiness skills.

For further information on the Women in Agribusiness Awards visit:

For further information on the Women in Agribusiness Forum visit:

Please contact:

- Dr. Elke Stumpf via [email protected] for further information about AgriBiz

- Henry Cofie Fordi via [email protected] or [email protected] for further information about Guzakuza

Source: Kwaku Maxwell GIZ GH