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A Press Release By The Coalition Of Youth For Positive National Development

Sat, 5 May 2012 Source: Coalition Of Youth For Positive National Development

A Press Release By The Coalition Of Youth For Positive National Development(WA), ON THE UNGUIDED UTTERANCES OF HON. KENNEDY AGYAPONG (MP FOR ASSIN NORTH) AND THE AFTERMATH EVENTS(3/5/12)

Ladies and gentlemen of the Media, we the Coalition of Youth for Positive National Development here in referred to as CYPOND; wish to warmly welcome you all to this forum to deliberate on issues of National concern. There is no gain saying ladies and gentlemen, that the hub to a nation’s progress and development depends solely on a relatively serene environment characterized by equality before the law, respect for all interest groups and above all tolerance for all disparities such as multiple ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds. It is on this background that we find it unfortunate and worrying that in the current democratic dispensation of our beloved country Ghana, no mean a person than a democratically elected legislator, who is supposed to make laws, defend the constitution of Ghana and foster unity among Ghanaians, could on his own accord have that impudence to mount a public platform such as a radio station and incite passions of violence and tendencies to shed blood among Ghanaians.

Ladies and gentlemen, we want to unequivocally state that, the threat that the nefarious conduct of the Hon. Legislator posses to national security cannot be over emphasized as he has to his credit packs of sordid and unhealthy utterances targeted at orchestrating ethnic hatred and aggravating rivalry among hither to united Ghanaians. We equally want to reiterate that no Ghanaian and indeed no particular Ghanaian is above the laws of the land and for that matter any particular person who attempts to elevate himself above the law should be made to face the full rigours of the law. We think that the call of the Hon parliamentarian to order by those constitutionally mandated to safeguard the security and laws of this nation have been long overdue. For this particular parliamentarian has indulged in acts ranging from verbally assaulting public figures, flagrant in- subordination for the laws of the land, inciting party youth to indulge in mayhem and among others uttering malicious sentiments precarious to the peace and security of our Nation. Coincidentally, it has come to our realization that he does this through his personally owned media houses. We find the conduct of these media houses as an act of conniving and condoning with the Hon Member of parliament to commit crime.

We want to use this opportunity to commend the Ghana Police Service for the swift intervention in, this particular occurrence and as we commend them we are passionately appealing to them not to waiver their sense of professionalism in favor of any particular group to the detriment of national interest. We also admonish them to be on their feet and bring to book any body found to be a threat to national security. In this same vein ladies and gentlemen, we as youth would wish to use this platform to prompt the Ghanaian judiciary that, this very instance brings their integrity to test, as Ghanaians as well as the International community are keenly watching to see the end of this case. We are therefore appealing passionately to the judiciary to handle this particular case with all the professionalism within their reach. There should be no sense of downplaying the interest of national security for the interest of any particular group. We also appeal for a fair trial for the Hon. Member of parliament for Assin North as well as a fair consideration of national security and peace.

Ladies and gentlemen, we find it quiet unacceptable and a hard thinking fact that, even till this very moment, the honorable legislator has not shown any sincere sense of remorse. We are therefore calling on him to render an unqualified apology to the ethnic groups on whose toes he stepped with impunity. We also want to appeal to supporters of political parties to decouple issues of national interest from politics. We are appealing to political party supporters to show solidarity to their members within the tenets of the law and not when members deliberately cause fear, panic and threat to the peace that we all yearn for. On this note we humbly appeal to all those in solidarity with the embattled Member of Parliament to do so with circumspection and within the confines of the law. They should allow the independent judiciary and police to do their work in the interest of the state.

In conclusion, ladies and gentleman, we are appealing to all interest groups including political parties to give priority to the peace and security of this nation in their endeavor. We also appeal that politicians and media houses alike should be decorous in their utterances and transmissions respectively. The security agencies should also be apt and bring to book anybody found to be inflaming violence or undue processes during this year election.

Long live GHANA – Long live CYPOND.

Thank you.

(Puo-ire Prosper) Spokes person Contact: 0245158578 / 0204852735

Source: Coalition Of Youth For Positive National Development