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Eastern Youth Forum

Thu, 19 Feb 2009 Source: Eastern Youth Forum


The Eastern Youth Forum (EYF), a non partisan youth pressure group in the eastern region of Ghana who are committed to participate meaningfully, purposefully and actively in the affairs of the eastern region, Ghana and the world at large to promote unflinching solidarity and fraternity amongst the youth of the eastern region with a sense of patriotism to spearhead the region’s developmental agenda: by this press statement wishes to congratulate Hon. Samuel Ofosu Ampofo for his approval and further endorsement by parliament after his appointment as the eastern regional Minister by H.E President John Evans Atta Mills.

The EYF strongly believes that not only has honourable Samuel Ofosu Ampofo distinguished himself as a unifier but he has also exhibited and continues to exhibit explicit qualities as a committed and visionary leader who has the requisite experience to lead the eastern region. For the records, Honourable Samuel Ofosu Ampofo’s devotion to public life saw him as a former District Chief Executive, a Member of Parliament and a deputy minister of the eastern region and these positions he held with humility, honour and distinction.

The Eastern Youth Forum (EYF) is of the strongest conviction that as a region blessed with many natural resources; talk of diamond at Akwatia, the uncountable tourist attractions, the large forest areas, the Afram plains just to mention a few: then the poverty levels in the region is highly unacceptable. “ We are not ready and would not allow for a gap we can bridge now to be created before an eastern development fund is set up to bridge it!!!” Infact, the right time to act is NOW!! Thus we of the EYF wish to remind the incoming Minister that the task ahead is enormous and all efforts must be geared towards improving the lots of the good people of the eastern region

Again, it is the fervent hope of the EYF that all the good works of the former administration particularly construction and improving of road networks, the school Feeding programme, the free antenatal and post natal care for pregnant women just to mention a few are continued and improved. EYF also demand that issues pertaining to the youth especially education and employment would be given the topmost priority by the incoming Minister.

Finally, the Eastern Youth Forum (EYF) declares its unflinching support for the incoming Minister to spearhead the developmental agenda of the area and we would stay totally committed to making sure the right steps are taken to improve the lives of our people. We would also take this opportunity to invite and entreat all the youth in the eastern region or any youth who has any roots in the region but not resident there to as a matter of urgency come on board this train to move our region and for that matter mother Ghana to the promise land. Infact, the EYF is of the strongest conviction that Hon. Samuel Ofosu Ampofo would bring to bear his excellent leadership skills to find lasting solutions to the numerous challenges faced by our people. “Bro Sammy Photoo, We say congrats once again!”

SIGNED SIGNED …………………………………… ………………………………. Kingsley Owusu Anom Francis Osei Mensah Executve Director Coordinator Tel: 0208199461 Tel: 0243258904

Cc: The eastern regional minister The eastern regional House of chiefs The eastern regional caucus of parliament All media houses Issued in Koforidua on the 18th of February, 2009.

Source: Eastern Youth Forum