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Federation of Universities Senior Staff Association of Ghana on Single Spine

Wed, 13 Jul 2011 Source: Federation of Universities Senior Staff Association


It may be recalled that the Single Spine Salary Structure was introduced by Government as a measure to mitigate unfair disparities and relativities in salaries and wages of public sector workers in Ghana not excluding the Senior Staff of Public Universities of Ghana.

Though the implementation of the new pay policy has been protracted, slow, haphazard and or arbitrary, the Senior Staff of the Public Universities of Ghana have remained resolute in their commitment towards providing middle level manpower services necessary for training the requisite personnel to meet the needs of both public and private sectors of this country.

It appears however, that the good will, commitment and unalloyed desire of the Senior Staff of the Public Universities of Ghana to dialogue and negotiation have been misread, misinterpreted and ultimately, the Senior Staff of the Public Universities of Ghana taken for granted by the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission (FWSC) the leadership of the Federation of Universities Senior Staff Association of Ghana (FUSSAG)) and above all the Government of His Excellency President J. E. Atta Mills, a retired University Associate Professor.

It is no doubt, that the Senior Staff of the Public Universities of Ghana constitute the most over-worked, under resourced, relatively less paid and never motivated and non-remunerated working class within the Public Universities in Ghana. The plight of the Senior Staff of the Public Universities with regards to salaries and remunerations can easily be appreciated by anybody with a month long acquaintance with the Public Universities, not the least stakeholders such as the FWSC, Leadership of FUSSAG, and a Government led by a retired University don.

Therefore, we the Concerned Members of FUSSAG demand that the FWSC overcome its inertia and inability to have a workable timetable and migrate the Senior Staff of the Public Universities onto the Single Spine Salary Structure not later than 31st July, 2011.

We also demand that the FWSC and the Leadership of FUSSAG come clear on when the salaries arrears accruing from the Single Spine Pay Policy will be paid and how. We will not hesitate to remind all stakeholders that, this time around a piece meal approach to the payment of salaries arrears shall be met with the resistance that it deserves.

The Concerned Members of FUSSAG also wish to remind the Leadership of FUSSAG that the Members of FUSSAG have given them (Leadership of FUSSAG) the mandate to work toe and nail and without fear or favour towards the enhancement of their social and economic wellbeing. In this regard, the aims, aspirations and interests of the rank and file of FUSSAG should forever remain the top most priority of Leadership and not that of those they meet in the air-conditioned halls, negotiation tables and board rooms.

May the Leadership of FUSSAG and the FWSC be thus reminded that they are gradually but surely losing their legitimacy and touch with their constituents? What is the value of salt that loses its taste?

The time to migrate the Senior Staff of the Public Universities in Ghana onto the Single Spine Salary Structure is 31st July, 2011 and not any other month. A stitch in time, it is said saves nine.

Concerned Members of FUSSAG, UDS

Amos D. Dordah-0244426995

Mu-een Abdulai-0242268953

Joseph bagah -0246012091

Source: Federation of Universities Senior Staff Association