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Park your car this Earth Day and ‘invest in our planet’

World Earth Day 7 World Earth Day is coming up on 22nd April

Thu, 21 Apr 2022 Source: Bolt Ghana

Earth Day is coming up on 22nd April. Every year around this time, we hear about all the ways we can stop global warming and protect the environment. From reducing our use of plastics to planting trees, from using energy-efficient bulbs to cleaning beaches, there are thousands of ways to do your bit to save the planet.

SeedBolts, a partnership between Bolt and Seedballs Kenya plans to plant over 11 million tree seeds in different areas across Kenya where natural afforestation is low to avert the emissions from Bolt rides and Bolt Food deliveries as part of its environmental sustainability goals in preserving our environment.

The Earth Day 2022 theme is ‘Invest in Our Planet’. What will you do?

Here’s one great idea we highly recommend: park your car.

Cars have been a necessity for the young and old alike for many decades. But as the population has increased, the number of cars has also increased, and with that, the number of carbon emissions from these cars. Even worse, since most cars have only one or two people in them at a time, there are many empty seats that could otherwise have been filled by other drivers.

As Earth Day approaches, choose to park your car for the day and give the environment a breather. Here are a few alternatives:

Take a Bolt

That means, there’s one less car on the road. By parking for the day, you reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to cleaner air. With a Bolt only a few minutes away, you can stay on schedule without a hitch. And since most Bolt drivers use efficient vehicles, imagine the difference to the environment if 10,000 car owners decide to park their cars.

Carpool your Bolt

How many of your work colleagues live in the same part of town as you? How about you share a Bolt? You’ll all arrive at your destination, and it’ll do wonders for your friends while you score a win for Mother Nature together.

Order from Bolt Food

Even though you would have parked your car on Earth Day, it doesn’t mean that your lunch plans must be ruined. With just a click, you can order food and it will be brought to you at your convenience wherever in the city you are, so you don’t even need to get up. And you know who will thank you most? The planet.

So, what are your plans for Earth Day? Wherever you plan on going, do it in a Bolt, because when the environment wins, we all win.

Source: Bolt Ghana