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Solidarity Message

Thu, 6 Mar 2014 Source: The GREAT Trust Partnership

Solidarity Message to the Head of State, Government and Peoples of the Republic of Ghana on the Occasion of 57th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence – The GREAT Trust Partnership, 6th March 2014

On the Occasion of the 57th Anniversary of the Declaration of Political Independence of the Republic of Ghana on 6th March 1957, the GREAT Trust Partnership extends Fraternal Greetings and Well-wishes to the Ghanaian Peoples, the Government of His Excellency President John Dramani Mahama, the National Patriotic Party, the Convention Peoples Party and other Political Parties, the Legislature, the Judiciary, the National House of Chiefs and Traditional Leaders, the Ghanaian Clergy and Ecumenical Community, the Council of State, Leadership of the Public Services, the Diplomatic Corps, Leaders of Business and Enterprise, Leaders of Academia and Skills Training, Armed Forces and National Security Agencies, Civil Society Corps, Women and Children as well as Students and Youth. Leadership is a privileged opportunity to serve and liberate one’s people from every chain of injustices, oppressions and sufferings then restore total wellbeing, freedoms. Contemporary generation of ‘Ghanaians in Leadership’ have the Privileged Responsibility of Service and Duty of Care to All Citizens of Ghana to become the ones to bring the much prized Comprehensive ‘Freedom and Justice’ to All Ghanaians and that includes the complete dismantling of any presenting obstacles in the way, chiefly the Misconceptions of Leadership and Purpose of Political Power, the Disestablishment of the Edifice of Neo-Colonialist Dependency the Eradication of Incompetence and Poverty. Nearly six decades of Neo-colonialist indignities, torture, atrocities, dehumanisation, anti-Africanism and Afrophobia at incredible human, financial, opportunity costs is not tolerable. The time for Ethical Change to end neo-Colonialism in Ghana has come and you have our Goodwill. “Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great, you can be that generation” ? Nelson Mandela

Firstly, the GREAT Trust Partnership wishes to congratulate the entire Ghanaian people for exhibiting political maturity, tolerance, forbearance and commitment to Peace by resorting to Judicial Resolution of the outcome of the Presidential Elections 2012. We reiterate our clarity that historically Ghana has a political pedigree as leaders of Decolonisation in Sub-Saharan Africa from 1957 that triggered a concatenation of Independence Declarations by other Countries and its support to Liberation Governments across the remainder of Africa which were then still under Colonial Occupation. We are glad that Ghana demonstrated that it can uphold positive aspects of a political legacy of peaceful resolution of outcomes of democratic elections. Well done, Ghana.

Secondly, for this remarkable achievement, we call on the Ghanaian Leadership to institutionalise a Mission Critical, Inclusive, Protocol of Inter-Party Dialogue and Consultation to resolve matters of major national crises, to proactively diffuse tension and promote cross-party dialogue. We believe that such a Collaborative Culture between all political parties will be healthy for the strengthening and consolidation of democracy in Ghana, a model to facilitate talks, negotiations instead of the extreme toxicity that characterises political differences with potential to destabilise the public peace for everyone.

Thirdly, the GREAT Trust suggests for Ghana’s political pedigree to be translated into a rapid dismantling of the neo-Colonial State and its replacement with a fit-for-purpose 21st Century Statecraft of Total Political and Economic Independence to complete the unfinished business of the ‘Declaration of Political Independence’.

The GREAT Trust finds the Occasion of the 57 Anniversary of Ghana’s Declaration of Independence a sombre moment to reiterate the provable reality that a neo-Colonial State Machinery is unfit-for-purpose to create conducive conditions to facilitate, nor deliver the Total Liberation of the Ghanaian People – politically, economically, intellectually, industrially, scientifically, medically, pharmaceutically, engineering-wise, agriculturally, militarily, technologically etc.; let alone secure the Total Liberation of the African Continent.

We emphasize that the empirical, evidential purpose of the neo-colonial State is to keep Ghana and any country that has Declared Independence from Colonial Rule dependent in perpetuity, to ridicule and mock the very essence of the Public Act of Declaration of Independence. You may declare independence, but still find ‘Freedom and Justice’ sorely elusive.

In the spirit of fraternity and solidarity, we call for Contemporary Ghanaians in Leadership to be alerted to the reality that apart from its crushing bruises and dehumanisation, neo-Colonialism has nothing dignifying to offer, except forms of Modern-day enslavement of Majority Ghanaian Peoples and to inflict exacerbated harsh living conditions for the youth. The existing alarming statistics of unemployed Graduates in Ghana is a point of reference, demonstrating that neo-Colonial Education is incapable of equipping graduates with the skills and competencies necessary for the critical duty of post-Colonial and post-Neo-Colonial Nation-building.

Wisdom teaches that one cannot obtain different results by repeating the same method. The 57 years of Ghana post-Independence Declaration with characteristic appalling quality of lives for Majority Ghanaians, bears testimony that no matter the good intentions of Ghanaians in Leadership, there will be no sustainable positive improvement until the edifice of neo-Colonialism is completely obliterated and replaced by a Human Rights-Oriented, non-Dependency, Total Liberation Statecraft, competent to build a Sustainable, Holistically Prosperous, Industrial, Multiple-income Stream Nation.

Dependency is a cruel, evil and wicked albatross that is sinking the ships of post-independence African States and Continent. The advocates of Dependency, no matter the shades in which they show up, be they foreign or home-grown, have one thing in common – the vicious perpetual dependency, stagnation, misery, suffering of Majority Ghanaians and Indigenous Africans through pipelines of carefully choreographed mind-games of fossilising, internalising, disempowering inferiority complexes, infusing kinship and phenotypical hatred in the Psyche and Mind-sets of Ghanaians, Africans and institutions.

However, it is not all doom and gloom if Ghanaians in Power and Leadership dare demonstrate unflinching, iron-clad national patriotism. As late His Excellency President Nelson Mandela puts it, “It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.” ? Nelson Mandela

We note, that the flipside of neo-Colonialism presents opportunities for National and Continental Rebuilding of Ghana and the African Continent respectively, with all the advantages of modern scientific, medical, technological, engineering and industrial advancement. Fortunately Jehovah God The Father of Creation has blessed Ghana and Africa with tremendous aggregate natural and human resource pool which require Competent, Technical, Fiduciary and Ethical Management and Good Corporate Governance by Ghanaians in Leadership, to launch a 21st Century ‘Freedom & Justice Revolution’ where all Ghanaian and African Citizens are Equitable Stakeholders in a Commonwealth of Prosperity and Wellbeing.

Renewed progressive patriotic efforts and energies, strategically and tactically mobilised and honed to draw down proportionate pot of full compensation from Restorative Justice for Crimes Against Humanity, inflicted through untold atrocities and barbarism by Centuries of Colonialism, in itself has high prospects of colossal inward investment from Imperialist Democratic Governments of the Global North – whose blood-stained hands cannot be completely wiped-clean by any amount of aid. Human lives are priceless. Within this ‘Freedom and Justice’ Revolution promises abundant Employment Opportunities for All Contemporary Ghanaians and Future Generations to maintain, sustain and consolidate for global competitive advantage. “I had no epiphany, no singular revelation, no moment of truth, but a steady accumulation of a thousand slights, a thousand indignities and a thousand unremembered moments produced in me an anger, a rebelliousness, a desire to fight the system that imprisoned my people. There was no particular day on which I said, henceforth I will devote myself to the liberation of my people; instead, I simply found myself doing so, and could not do otherwise.” ? Nelson Mandela

From this perspective there is no excuse for the wasteful and miserable swathes and waves of unemployment that is heaving and heading inexorably towards record numbers and crises, nor is there any justification for a landscape of severely under-resourced hospitals with obscene health economics, widespread malnourishment, acute energy poverty or food insecurity etc. etc. “Let there be justice for all. Let there be peace for all. Let there be work, bread, water and salt for all. Let each know that for each the body, the mind and the soul have been freed to fulfil themselves.” ? Nelson Mandela

Fierce Sense of Urgency:

The Gold Coast and Ghana is a victim of 5 Centuries of costly imperialist exploitation, domination and dominion since the 15th Century by Portuguese, Dutch, Danish, German, Swedish and British Colonialism. For anyone who shares the anxieties of the longsuffering Majority Ghanaians and having partly shared the 57 years of continued drudgery with them, any program less than a Total ‘Freedom and Justice’ Restoration Revolution is unfit-for-purpose. The pains and suffering quotient of Majority Ghanaians, including preventable deaths call for nothing akin to reformist agendas such as Vision 2020 as these only serve to prolong the bleak, existential and torrential hard graft of Majority Ghanaians.

It is important to stress that an anti-foreign Dependency ‘Freedom and Justice’ Revolution will entail going back to roots [Sankofa] to pick-up the Highly Developed Civilizational Nuggets of African Culture, not the least Communalism and Ubuntu, to create a 21st Century Collective Prosperity Model, while also taking advantage of contemporary global technological, industrial, scientific and related advancement as part of Global Citizenship Rights. “Freedom is indivisible; the chains on any one of my people were the chains on all of them, the chains on all of my people were the chains on me.” ? Nelson Mandela

The GREAT Trust Partnership notes, that despite vast accumulation of financial wealth, not even the military-industrialised nations of the Global North have been able to eradicate poverty, drudgery or successfully established manifest Fundamental Human Rights for Majority Citizens. Besides, the Global Recession 2007/8 has exposed profound fault lines of imperfection within the economies of the Global North. That is why the 21st Century ‘Freedom and Justice’ Ghanaian and African Revolution must create a credible Ethical Sustainable Model of Inclusive Prosperity, Wellbeing, Security, Stability, Peace with Guaranteed Fundamental Human Rights for Contemporary and Future Generations.

We draw attention to the meaning of the Colours of the Ghanaian National Flag of Red, Gold and Green, which all must be reconciled with the lived conditions of Majority Ghanaian Citizens, not the least remembering the shed blood of those who perished for the opportunity of Total Independence from the troika evils of Imperialism, Colonialism and neo-Colonialism. This act of reconcilement should raise the temperature of the blood of every Progressive Patriotic Contemporary Ghanaian in Leadership to deploy every resource and wisdom in their arsenal for resounding victory of ‘Freedom and Justice’.

In conclusion, we quote below exerts from the address by President Barack Obama to Africa from the Ghanaian Parliament on 11th July 2011 that Yes Ghana and Africa Can!

• “It is an honour for me to be in Accra & to speak to the representatives of the people of Ghana. I am proud that this is my first visit to sub-Saharan Africa as President of the US.

• The 21st century will be shaped by what happens not just in Rome or Moscow or Washington, but by what happens in Accra as well.

• I will focus on four areas that are critical to the future of Africa and the entire developing world: democracy; opportunity; health; and the peaceful resolution of conflict.

• Governments that respect the will of their own people are more prosperous, more stable, and more successful than governments that do not.

• With better governance, I have no doubt that Africa holds the promise of a broader base for prosperity.

• People must make responsible choices that prevent the spread of disease… promoting public health in their communities and countries.

• America will support these efforts through a comprehensive, global health strategy.

• Africa’s diversity should be a source of strength, not a cause for division

• We must stand up to inhumanity in our midst. It is never justifiable to target innocents in the name of ideology.

• I am speaking to the young people. You have the power to hold your leaders accountable, and to build institutions that serve the people.

• I can promise you this: America will be with you. As a partner. As a friend.

• Ghana, freedom is your inheritance. Now, it is your responsibility to build upon freedom's foundation. And if you do, we will look back years from now to places like Accra and say this was the time when the promise was realized; this was the moment when prosperity was forged, when pain was overcome, and a new era of progress began. This can be the time when we witness the triumph of justice once more. Yes we can. Thank you very much. God bless you. Thank you.”

– President Barack Obama, President of the United States of America.

Ghana has already lost 57 years in partial independence at incredible high cost. We must keep in mind that time is that precious, priceless gifts of the Creator that once lost, can hardly be retrieved. It means we must expedite the 21st Century ‘Freedom and Justice’ Revolution, catch up with lost time, the get even now before Ghana’s political pedigree is neutered by an eclipse of time with deliberate abandon. We can afford no more tragedies of missed opportunities, times and the Urgent Calling of History.

The Urgent Call to Duty is not of reform when Fellow Citizens of Equal Precious Lives are perishing, languishing helplessly in abject poverty and misery. The call is for a ‘Freedom and Justice’ Revolution that ends the longsuffering of the Peoples and gives honour to our forebears, who shed precious blood for a noble cause.

On the occasion of the 57th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, the GREAT Trust Partnership invokes the same Spirits and Fervour of abiding Patriotism, Courage, Selflessness, Fraternal Love, Solidarity and Critical Sense of Vision, Mission, Purpose and Divine Assignment for manifest ‘Freedom and Justice’, beyond lip-service, empty promises and long speeches. Let Freedom and Justice ring across all the Administrative Regions of Ghana – from North to South, East, Central to West, from Coast to Coast, Border to Border, across all Political Parties, Halls of Worship, Educational Institutions, every Court room, Ministry of State, Defence and Security Agencies. Let Freedom and Justice echo across every Corridor of Influence, Power and Authority. Let Freedom and Justice echo from the Office of the President, his Chief of Staff, Ministers and Diplomats. Let Freedom and Justice echo from every living and no-living object. Let Freedom and Justice saturate the atmosphere!

With these sentiments, the GREAT Trust Partnership wishes the Peoples of Ghana and the Leadership Godspeed!


Koku Adomdza MIOD, DPMSA, FRSA

President and Senior Fellow

The GREAT Trust PARTNERSHIP incorporating

The GREAT Trust Group, The Council for Afrika International Group,

The Afrika Liberation Group, The GREAT Consortium Group, GREAT Sports Against Racism Worldwide Group, and

GREAT Partnership Press & Media Group

On behalf of the Board of Ambassadors, International Advisory Council and all Strategic Partners

Notes to Editors

For further information, please


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The GREAT TRUST PARTNERSHIP is a family of Think and Doing Tanks of Conscience that advocates for the Respect for Human Lives and Eradication of Human Misery through championing Holistic Race Equality, Justice, Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms across all facets of experience for Africans, excluded Indigenous Peoples across the world and all Humankind. It promotes 21st Century Ethical, Creative, Innovative Schools of Thought, Solutions, Paradigms, Approaches and Models towards the demise of all obstacles, impediments and constraints in thoughts and deeds that impede the rapid facilitation of Total Race Equality, Justice, Universal Human Rights and Freedoms, not the least Economic, Restorative and Cultural Justice.

Evidence-based Priority Strands of Life Equalities, Human Rights, Justice and Freedoms for the GREAT PARTNERSHIP include Economic, Political, Social, Cultural, Educational, Sports, Scientific, Technological, Industrial, Security, Military and Media that expedite Humane Standards and Quality of Lives for All Global Citizens in collaboration with a Community of Global Forces for Good.

The GREAT TRUST PARTNERSHIP incorporates the

? GREAT Trust Group

? Council for Afrika International Group

? Afrika Liberation Group

? The GREAT Consortium Group

? GREAT Sports Against Racism Group, and

? GREAT Press & Media Group

The GREAT Press and Media is the Corporate Communications and Information Directorate of the GREAT Partnership and its Constituents.

The GREAT Trust Partnership takes a Holistic Approach and Worldview and seeks corresponding fit-for-purpose, vision-driven and mission critical Sustainable Paradigms as opposed to the piecemeal, conventional, orthodox and hackneyed.

The GREAT Trust Partnership is underpinned by cardinal principles of

? Ethics;

? Justice;

? Excellence,

? Equality of the Human Race, Ethnicities and Nationalities;

? Fraternity;

? Egalitarianism;

? Collective and Inclusive Security, Stability, Peace and Wellbeing

for the Highest Human Civilisation which Guarantees, Protects the Fundamental Human and Global Citizenship Rights of All Citizens.

Source: The GREAT Trust Partnership