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Sat, 28 Feb 2009 Source: Coalition of Democratic Forces! (CDF)

Press Release

The Coalition of Democratic Forces (CDF), a public policy and advocacy pressure group, has noted with grave concern the creeping state of insecurity engulfing certain parts of the country. Widespread reports of violence, intimidation, harassment and wanton destruction of life and property in Tamale and Abgobloshie in the Northern and Greater Accra regions respectively and the confirmation by the police of brutalities, murder and arson, have put Ghanaian citizens in a state of uncertainty, fear and insecurity.

Media and security related reports indicate and allege that activists of the ruling NDC launched a series of attacks on followers of the opposition NPP, culminating in the horrific incidents of violence and mayhem. This surely does not paint an encouraging picture of our fledgling democracy.

Last week, it was reported that several houses were burnt in Tamale, with one person, Rashid Harun, an NPP supporter being killed by persons suspected to be affiliated with the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) party. This resulted from a quarrel between the deceased and a colleague butcher as reported by the media on the 19th of February,2009.

Since that incident, Tamale has not known peace. It has continued to witness sporadic incidents of violence, with two more reported deaths.

The latest spate of violence erupted on sunday at Gubiani, a suburb of Tamale Central, when mourners who were returning to the home of the deceased after the burial rites, were set upon and attacked by NDC thugs. The house of one Kalua, a neighbour of the deceased, (Rashid Harun) was burnt and razed to the ground! Seven pick-ups in the immediate vicinity were also burnt. 

The appeal of Hon. S.S. Nayina, the Northern Regional Minister, for all residents of Tamale, to reflect on the needless death of Rashid Harun and live in a spirit of harmony and peaceful co-existence appears to have fallen on deaf ears, as more than 30 houses allegedly belonging to NPP supporters have been burnt.

Reports of bias by some security operatives who arrest victims rather than the perpetrators of these heinous crimes does not augur well for peace and stability in the metropolis.

The attacks on perceived political opponents at the Kokomba and Agbobloshie markets in Accra, resulted in one death and several injuries. Even though official reports have been made to the police, no effective action has been taken.

The current spate of child-related mystery murders among others have sent chills down the spine of Ghanaian citizens and heightened the state of insecurity.

The incessant snatching of cars of individuals and members of the former NPP government by thugs and operatives of the NDC-led government has left Ghanaians stunned and dismayed by the unprecedented display of hooliganism, vandalism, and thuggerism, that has characterized the Atta Mills NDC-led government. Specifically the seizure of the car of the MD of Barclays bank, the children of former President J.A. Kuffuor, and the unlawful seizure and detention of Hon. Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo-Addo’s vehicle among others, have raised serious security concerns and led to public outrage.

The CDF, as a pressure group, is appalled by the seemingly uncaring attitude of the ‘I Care For You’ President, who told Ghanaians, on his inauguration, that he would be a President for all. We therefore call, immediately, for a swift and decisive action from the government, to halt the blood-bath in Tamale and the Agbobloshie market and curb all acts of violence, harassment, and intimidation of political opponents.

We call on the government to ensure that the security agencies discharge their duties impartially, and effectively. Failure by government to act could lead to the detorioration of the security situation across-board. The security of citizens, and protection of civil rights and human liberties cannot and must not be compromised on the altar of political expediency.

We therefore charge the government of President Mills to forcibly demonstrate that ALL Ghanaians(irrespective of their political affiliations) can truly enjoy freedom, justice and security under this administration.

Signed: Ibrahim Adjei Tel: 024 333 8544  

Source: Coalition of Democratic Forces! (CDF)