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Acting Head of Mission and Force Commander visits GHANABATT area of operational responsibility in sector south

Ghanabatt  Visit .jpeg Members of the United Nations Interim Security Force

Mon, 11 Sep 2023 Source: Ghana Armed Forces

The Acting Head of Mission and Force Commander (Ag HoM/FC) of the United Nations

Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA), Major General Benjamin Olufemi Sawyer

on Wednesday, September 6, 2023, paid a working visit to the Second Ghanaian Battalion (GHANBATT 2) in Sector South.

The visit was to commiserate with the battalion, interact with soldiers, and commend them for their enthusiasm and professionalism exhibited so far. Places visited included Banton, Agok, and Anthony Company Operating Bases (COBs).

The Ag HoM/FC in his address condemned the recent crossfire incident by an alleged Twic armed group on Ngok Dinkas in the general area of Majbong and Abathok.

He emphasized the need for cooperation and unity among the Military, Police, and Civilian Components serving with UNISFA and also encouraged troops to remain vigilant while on duty.

He reminded troops of the United Nations' zero tolerance to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and racism. He outlined the implications of this act and cautioned troops to desist from anything that would dent the image of their battalion, country, and the UN.

Additionally, he urged GHANBATT to continue supporting the locals within its AOR

through Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) and Community Engagement activities to boost the chances of GHANBATT winning the Female Gender Advocate award again in the coming year.

Finally, he commended the Commanding Officer (CO), Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col)

Edward Sarpong Appiah for his hard work, professionalism, and performance so far.

He stated that the United Nations Headquarters has recognised his efforts and hard work in Sector South. He further encouraged him to continue working hard and he expressed his appreciation to GHANBATT for his commitment, professionalism, and dedication to duty.

Members of his delegation included the Deputy Police Commissioner, OIC Community

Liaison Officer, Chief Press Information Officer, Commanding Officer of the Pakistan Battalion, and some Military and UN Senior Civilian Staff from the UNISFA Headquarters.

Source: Ghana Armed Forces