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Anlo state places eight demands before Akufo-Addo

Anlo Chiefs Awoamefia of Anlo, Togbi Sri III

Mon, 6 Nov 2017 Source:

The chiefs, and people of Anlo traditional area, of the Volta Region have put before the Akufo-Addo led government, eight (8) critical developmental projects, deemed confronting the Anlo-land currently.

The first, and the most important need of the people has to do with "the dredging of the Keta Lagoon", which the Awoamefia of Anlo, Togbi Sri III, believed will help preserve the integrity and stability of the lagoon, as well as to help improve on the aqua culture and fish production in the Keta Lagoon.

Addressing the Grand Durbar at Hogbe Park, Anloga to climax the 2017 Hogbetsotso Festival, Togbi Sri III, said, "the trunk road from Aflao to Ho, through Dzodze, Ave Dakpa, Ave Afiadenyigba and Ave Xevi needs to be constructed to meet the demands of modern economic development".

He also called, for the rehabilitation of the road from Denu to Keta, Srogbe to Anyanui, Shime to Kome trunk road, stressing the perennial flooding and Sea Defence challenges that he noted affecting his subjects along the coast, stretching from Fuveme, Agorkedzi and Atiteti at the Volta Estuary to Aflao, with Havedzi and Xorvi severely affected.

According to Togbi, the Weta-Metrikasa road linking the Aflao to Ho also needs an urgent attention without hesitation.

He again reminded the President of... "the Klikor-Agbozume, Anyako-Konu-Seva Potable drinking water project", in addition to "the construction of the long-cherished promise of building a Harbour at Keta.

Oil exploration and drilling in the Keta Basin".

He however, acknowledged the government for its flagship policies of free Senior High School, (SHS), One-District-One-Factory, Planting for food and job, which he hoped, Anlo will benefit when fully implemented.

The Awoamefia used the occasion to call on the youth to desist from cyber crime, armed robbery, prostitution, blatant disregard and disrespect to elders on airwaves.

He admonished, the students to learn, work hard and be disciplined, in order to come out with flying colours as the graduate from school.

Speaking on the theme:"re-branding our historical and tourism sites for development", The Awadada of Anlo State, Togbi Agbesi Awusu II, said, the theme was chosen, so as to build on the theme of last year, which he said stemmed from..."the fact that, we've identified certain salient historic sites we want government to assist us to explore and expand to enhance tourist and development attractions to our heritage".

He noted that, "our children must appreciate with deep gratitude the historic fact of some of these sites like, "Torkor Atorlia" the burial ground for recalcitrant youth in the past in Anlo, "Wenya Vudo" at Tegbi, the Monkey and Birds Sanctuary in Xavi in Xavi, Akatsi District, Awasadame, the sacred installation ground for chiefs in Tsiame, the Fort Prinzeinstein in Keta built by the Danes in 1784 etc. so that we proudly show them off to the World as tourist attraction sites".

Responding to many of the issues raised, the Volta Regional Minister, Archibald Yao Letsa, urged the Hogbe Planning Committee to forge closer cooperation and collaboration with the Ghana Tourism Board, The Volta Regional Coordinating Council (VRCC) and other stakeholders to ensure the formulation of an efficient tourism plan to facilitate the rapid development of the tourist attractions they have.

Dr. Letsa said, government is redeeming his promises to the people of Ghana.

"Government has created jobs for the youth through the Youth In Employment Agency and the recent employment done by the Ghana Education Service and the office of the Local Government Service.

The free SHS is also in progress for which many parents here present have benefited".

The colour event which showcased the rich culture of Anlo through beautiful Kete Cloth (Kente) and cocktail of music and dance from different communities, was attended by Members of Parliament, led by MP for Nadowli/Kaleo, and the Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Alban S. K. Bagbin, former MPs, former Ministers and Ministers of State past and current DCEs, was chaired by the former Member and Speaker of Parliament, Dr. Edward Doe Adjaho.

Mr. Adjaho lauded the chiefs and people of Anlo for a successful Hogbetsotso Za, 2017 and encouraged them to hold on to the unique collaboration, in order to organize more beautiful Hogbetsotso in coming years.
