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Fmr. CCFC Country Director awarded

Wed, 29 Oct 2014 Source: GNA

The former Country Director of the Christian Children Fund of Canada (CCFC), Madam Sanatu Nantogmah , has been awarded for her contributions towards the development of the Northern Region.

In a citation, the Northern Youth for Peace and Development (NYUPED), organizers of the event, lauded the former Country Director, for contributing to poverty reduction in the areas of Education, Gender Empowerment, Child Rights, and Youth Skills Development, among others.

The organizers cited for instance, that under her leadership, the CCFC constructed 36 classroom blocks with offices and stores, 25 Early Childhood Development Centres, 30 boreholes and the provision of furniture to 32 schools, and sponsored many deprived students who have completed tertiary education and were working.

On the health front, NYUPED noted that Madam Nantogmah spearheaded the construction of clinics in some communities which had no such facilities, and had to commute for long distances to access such facilities, and provided beds , health equipment, and assisted families to settle hospital bills of their children.

Under Water and Sanitation, she facilitated the sinking and building of 26 wells to serve 10,000 people, one dam with filtration galleries constructed for about 2,500 people, the construction of four dams, water harvesting tanks, 1,000 soak ways , latrines and urinal pits, among others.

In terms of micro finance, the former Country Director empowered 3,457 people with loans which made them to expand their income generating activities to be able to cater for their families, particularly children.

“Your micro –Enterprise Development Programme, which you initiated, under your able leadership, also provided credit and small business management skills to about 3,000 beneficiaries, to enable them work and earn income to support their families, and also grow to become economically self reliant.”

The NYUPED noted that notwithstanding her retirement from the CCFC, she had made another milestone by establishing another Non-Governmental Organization known as “Tuma Kavi,” championing the development of the Northern Region.

After receiving her citation and acknowledging the honour done her, Madam Nantogmah stressed the need for peace in the three Northern Regions, and noted that conflict had been the bane of under-development of the area.

She called on development practitioners to as a matter of urgency include conflict management and resolution mechanisms in their development component, and to also empower more women to be able to empower their families and children.

Madam Nantogmah , lauded the CCFC, particularly the staff who supported her during her tenure of office, and pointed out that her award could not have been made possible without their cooperation and support.

Source: GNA