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Food vendors in Bolgatanga lament over surge in tomato prices

Tomatoes1213110312112121 The hike in prices of tomatoes continues to derail businesses in Bolgatanga

Tue, 31 May 2022 Source: Sarah Dubure, Contributor

Food vendors in Bolgatanga in the Upper East Region are currently downcast, following a hike in the price of tomatoes.

The hike has been attributed to the fact that the vegetable was out of season in Ouagadugu.

This reporter spoke to some food vendors within the municipality and they had this to say.

A food seller, madam Gifty Ali, indicated that the situation was draining them financially. She detailed, that she initially used 20 cedis worth of tomatoes, to prepare her meals, but now used 50 cedis worth, following the hike.

"I used to buy tomatoes for 30cedis to cook the food and it will be ok, but now, l have to buy 80 cedis and use all," she noted.

Madam Gifty further indicated that the hike in price has rendered the food business unprofitable.

"We don't get anything again. We are seen to be working, but we get nothing. There is nothing profitable" She said.

She added that she would have to part with a whopping sum of 200 cedis to buy tomatoes.

"I will have to buy tomatoes up to 200 cedis because tomorrow is a market day," She hinted.

Madam Linda, a chop bar operator, similarly indicated that she initially used 30 cedis worth of tomatoes to prepare her soups, but now had to use 60 to 80 cedis worth of it.

"When the price was still down, l was buying 20 cedis worth of tomatoes to cook my food. Now that it is expensive, I have to always buy 60 cedis, sometimes 80 cedis or I will have insufficient tomatoes for my food," she stated.

She observed that the development had massively affected her profit margins, and consequently affected her greatly.

"The profit is very low, you can't buy things the way you want as before. Things have changed. It is not easy at all," she lamented.

A kenkey seller, madam Lydia, intimated that the situation was so difficult to the extent that it compelled her to tamper with her savings, just to be able to sustain her food business.

She further intimated that she was not able to accrue enough from her business to keep it going, due to the cost of the tomatoes.

"Just look at the susu(savings ) collector going. I asked her to give me my savings so that l can be able to buy the tomatoes.

She said the tomato situation was greatly affecting her business, as it was a major ingredient she used in preparing her food.

She added that she was still managing the business not because it was profitable, but because it was just due to the fact that she had no alternative.

"I am still doing the work not because there is money, but because l don't have anything else to do. If l leave it, l will just be sitting down," she stated.

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Source: Sarah Dubure, Contributor