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George Owusu Contributes $2m For Hospital Project

Tue, 26 Aug 2014 Source: NEW CRUSADING GUIDE

I won’t give up on ghana …

A Doctor of Philosophy, abbreviated as PhD, is a postgraduate academic degree awarded by universities.

However, in contemporary Ghana, this acronym seem to have assumed a different and very sinister meaning such that it is now derisively known as PULL HIM DOWN, and to some people, has become a syndrome that seeks to destroy anything good especially when it involves the efforts of men of goodwill who through their selfless contributions have advanced the cause of national development. The trend of impugning the integrity of anyone who seeks to advance the course of the nation by censurers, cavaliers, political opportunists and proponents of this syndrome just to tarnish the image of patriots and in effect prevent them from achieving or continuing in their stride of service to humanity continues to take dangerous dimensions.

How else could we have described the preposterous, malicious and diabolical attempt by some agents of the above described syndrome to drag to the mud of ignominy the hard earned and unimpeachable integrity of Mr. George Owusu, a trained Environmental scientist and one of the men through whose sweat and honest contribution Ghana is enjoying oil cash. Yet, the paradox and irony of this whole episode is that, those spiteful and envious elements who vilified and castigated him are those in the frontline scrambling for blocks in the sector.

In saner environments, the achievements of this likable gentleman should have been rewarded with a National Honour from a grateful nation, but rather what we saw was a humiliating attempt by sloppy conscripts to associate his genuine efforts with criminal intents.

He was bastardized and mortified, simply because he and his EO Group spearheaded transactions and transparent negotiations that led to the oil find in the deep waters of Ghana in June 2007 which is now a record in Africa. It is also possibly one of the largest oil finds in the last decade offshore West Africa.

In spite of the character assassination, apparent political harassment and in the face of one of the most atrocious offenses ever committed against his person, Mr. Owusu still stands tall and espouses the spirit of COUNTRY. He has stated strongly on several platforms that Ghana could only reap the benefit of the oil if more George Owusus were created. “These are the kind people who will stay and invest in Ghana. Until government supports the local entrepreneurs, the foreign players in the oil sector will continue to have the lion’s share,”

His unflinching spirit of survival that has so much characterized his work over the years is intact; the indomitable spirit that obviously led to many of his heroic feats, prominent amongst them being the oil find.

That spirit that musters the last ounce of strength and courage in time of despair to overcome adversity, he told this reporter still remains unadulterated.

Even as family and friends wonder aloud why Mr. Owusu would still be interested in investing or giving back to Ghana, you would hear comments like, "posterity is the best judge" "I love my country regardless..”, coming from him with broad smiles.

His devotion and psychological attachment to Ghana remains impeccable even though the State on countless occasions failed to protect his human dignity. “I will continue to give back to my country”

He told this reporter that “What you have acquired in your life, you should share with those who are not that privileged or possess less”. Mr. Owusu told this writer when he was explaining the motivation behind the birth of his new baby, The George and Angelina Owusu Foundation.

“Many of us have or will achieve financial success through businesses and our various professions. If this be the case, I say it is time to share it with those who have less or need more. Philanthropy in general, is an important aspect of the lives of people who have succeeded”.

His foundation has recently contributed a staggering $2m towards the construction of a $10m state of the art medical facility at Akyawkrom in the Ejisu Juabeng Municipality.

Mr. Owusu at a sod cutting ceremony bemoaned the spate of inadequate medical facilities and personnel in the country.

He intimated that the current death rates caused by the Ebola outbreak is at the forefront of everyone’s mind as the virus spreads like wildfire in some parts of West Africa due to inadequate health care, insufficient facilities and the lack of professionals.

He said no one should suffer for want of adequate medical facilities and personnel.

Touching on the construction of the health facility, Mr. George Owusu who is also a former Country Director of Kosmos Energy indicated that the $10m health facility is intended to alleviate that suffering by providing a first-class medical facility for the people in the area and beyond.

In 2012, there was less than one doctor per ten thousand people in Ghana, a situation he says the foundation is passionate about improving.

In an interaction with the media, the couple George and Angelina Owusu revealed their commitment to contributing $2m towards the project.