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Ghana School of Law's SRC provides financial support to 90 students

Ghana School Of Law 550x375 1 Ghana School of Law

Tue, 14 May 2024 Source:

The Students' Representative Council (SRC) of the Ghana School of Law (GSL) has demonstrated remarkable support for its members by providing financial assistance to cover school and exam fees for 90 students.

This initiative aims to alleviate the financial strain faced by many students and ensure that no student is left behind in their academic pursuits.

The 61st Emefa-led SRC has launched the Onuado Scholarship Fund, fulfilling a campaign promise by the SRC President, Gertrude Emefa Donkor.

This initiative has been warmly welcomed by the student body, highlighting the SRC's commitment to creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment.

Gertrude Emefa Donkor, the SRC President, expressed the SRC's dedication to supporting their colleagues in their academic journeys, stating, "We believe that every student deserves the opportunity to succeed, and we are committed to doing everything in our power to remove financial barriers to education and empower ourselves to focus on our studies."

The announcement of this scholarship fund comes at a crucial time for many students as they prepare for their final exams.

The gesture has been met with gratitude and appreciation from beneficiaries who now have the opportunity to concentrate on their studies with renewed determination and confidence.

Justice Owusu, a beneficiary of the fund, expressed his gratitude, saying, "The scholarship is very timely. Many of us were wondering how we were going to overcome this challenge. For me, this is not just financial assistance; it is a demonstration of the commitment of the SRC executives to our success and a belief in our potential to achieve greatness."

As students gear up to write their exams in June, they can do so with the assurance that they have the unwavering support of the Students' Representative Council, propelling them toward success and fulfillment.

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