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Jailed DCE gets rousing reception

Osei Hyeama Jailed DCE

Wed, 15 Oct 2014 Source: Daily Guide

The District Chief Executive for Twifo-Ati-Morkwa in the Central Region, Bossman Osei Hyiaman Jnr, who was jailed 14 days by a High Court in Cape Coast, brought commercial activities in his area to a halt after his release from jail.

The DCE received a rousing welcome by the supporters of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) as well as the residents.

The ex-convict, who was wearing white up-and- down attire and holding a white handkerchief which he waved at the people, was made to stand in a pickup vehicle and paraded through the principal streets of the town together with his wife, amidst brass band music.

This supporters included regional and constituency executives of the party, Members of Parliament (MPs), DCEs, among oth­ers.

The people later con­verged in front of the party office where the DCE addressed them.

In his address, Mr. Hyiaman thanked God for any situation he had found himself in. The DCE was jailed for insulting judges as well as threatening to beat a court bailiff who went to serve him with a motion.

The DCE stated emphatically that tasting jail would not discourage him from undertaking more developmental projects in the area and there­fore promised to work hard to uplift the image of the Mahama-led government.

He thanked his fellow DCEs and MPs from the regions, the Interior Minister, Mark Woyongo and Madam Akua Donkor, who visited and encouraged him at the prison.

The MP for the area, Samuel Ato Amoah, under­scored the need for people holding political positions to watch their utterances in order not to find them­selves in trouble, adding that no one is above the law.

A vacation High Court judge, Justice Nana Adjoa Coleman, had imprisoned the DCE for 14 days in a contempt case for describing judges as corrupt as well as threatening to beat a court bailiff w7ho went to serve him with a motion.

The DCE was dragged to court about a year ago by the traders at Twifo- Praso for attempting to relocate them to a new market.

The court gave an order that the traders should be relocated to the new market built for them in the area since they had encroached the Praso court.

The traders filed an appeal against the decision and filed for a motion for stay of execution.

The DCE got infuriated and started pouring invectives on judges and threat­ened to boot the bailiff if he did not go away.

The bailiff, stunned by the behav­iour of the DCE, used his mobile phone to record all the insults and threats

The judge invited the DCE to produce the list of corrupt judges in the court.

His failure to do so made it easy for the judge to consign him to jail.

Source: Daily Guide