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Weija-Gbawe CHRAJ office marks International Women's Day in Djaman

 Weija Gbawe CHRAJ Commemorates International Women's Day With Women In Djaman.jpeg Weija-Gbawe CHRAJ commemorates International Women's Day with women in Djaman

Wed, 9 Mar 2022 Source: Frank Kwabena Owusu, Contributor

The Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice at Weija-Gbawe Municipal office in collaboration with New Generation for Africa Project commemorated the International Women's Day on the Theme: 'The rights of Ghanaian women and gender equality under the United Nations Convention on Elimination and Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)'.

Mr. Frank Kwabena Owusu, the Municipal Director posited that, the aim of the convention is to ensure that the rights of all women are respected and recognized.

According to him, all states, which are members of the United Nations have expressed their faith in the following;

All human beings, men and women alike, have rights that cannot be taken away from them except where the law permits. He further stated that all men and women should be treated fairly with honor and dignity.

Mr. Owusu asserted that men and women have the same rights and should enjoy these rights equally.

The Municipal Director in throwing more light on the issue indicated that all countries have the responsibility to ensure that men and women alike enjoy equal rights with regards to social, cultural and economic matters and also in political activities.

He underscored that, all countries should recognize the important role which women play in bringing up a child, parents, and society as a whole, share the responsibility of bringing up children.

Mr. Owusu remarked that there should not be unfair treatment against women for the role they play in childbirth.

In his concluding statement, he emphasized that, in order to bring about full equality between men and women, the traditional or common beliefs about what men and women are supposed to do need to change.

Emmanuel Dubik Mahama (Esq), the Managing Partner of Pax and Wells, Dubik and Associates Chambers, who is also the Chief Executive Officer of New Generation for Africa Project, a human rights NGO, in addressing the audience at Djaman in the Weija-Gbawe Municipality, advised the women to assert their rights which is inalienable. According to him, women have the right to own property in accordance with Article 18 (1) of Ghana's Constitution.

Lawyer Mahama further stated that the women have the right to think and speak freely and to hold any belief, the right to practice any religion of their choice, the right to move in freedom, and to belong to any society or group of their choice.

The Chief Executive Officer admonished the women, they have the right to engage in social and economic activities, the right to be protected from abuse, etc.

Lawyer Mahama expressed his opinion that all countries which are parties to the Convention including the Republic of Ghana condemn all forms of discrimination against women.

He suggested that to achieve the objectives of the Convention, all countries should ensure the following measures,

Ensure that men and women enjoy the same rights.

Prohibit any form of abuse of the rights of women.

Give adequate protection to women against those who infringed on their rights.

Impose penalties on persons who infringe on the rights of women.

Likewise, all public officials (both local and national) and public institutions such as Civil Service, the Military, the Police, Educational institutions, Hospitals and others are under obligation to accord women their rights to equality.

Source: Frank Kwabena Owusu, Contributor
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