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America In The Hand Of God

Sun, 6 Sep 2009 Source: enoch immanuel a. agbozo

Enoch Immanuel A. Agbozo

The grace of God took me on a short missionary trip to the United Kingdom and the United States of America. In both places, the Spirit of the Lord came upon me to declare the mind of God concerning Europe and the United States to Church and nation, and to some extent the world.

In this article, we wish to bring this for the information, meditation and prayerful deliberation of the Church, people and government of Ghana for guidance in the conduct of the affairs of the country as well as the relationship we build with Europe, America and the nations of the world as a whole.

We do this because we know that Ghana is a budding nation of glory as STAR NATION, PEOPLE and GOVERNMENT ordered, established, prosperous in the KNOWLEDGE and FEAR, PEACE and RIGHTEOUSNESS of GOD. Such was the case of the United Kingdom and many of the nations of Europe who have now fallen from the glory of God. The United States of America has also begun to fall from glory because of the rejection of God and the knowledge of Him as happened in Europe.

Europe, The Vineyard of Wild Grapes. Let us begin by a brief statement of the mind of God about Europe. According to Jehovah God, the UK and Europe once grew in strength, prospered and flourished in the knowledge of Him and His blessedness. Instead of holding fast and spreading the truth, knowledge and liberty of God and the secrets of the Divine mercy, providence and blessedness to the nations of the world Europe went forth with wild grapes of unbelief and faithlessness. (Is. Chap. 5)

Europe not only turned against God, she polluted and diverted her privileged position, blessedness and glory in the pursuit of human earthly agenda of exploitation, oppression and robbery. Instead of peace and goodwill, righteousness and justice, joy and liberty in the knowledge and fear of God, colonialist-imperialist Europe turned the glory of God into a machinery of oppression and the spread of philosophies of anti-God and anti-Divine order for the nations and the human race. Indeed, the Church in Europe has become weak and unable to maintain and uphold the Christian heritage.

As a result, the nations have been brought to reject the God of Judeo-Christian Europe and the early Judeo-Christian godly order in law, governance and human relations in general. The humanistic and anti-God philosophies and systems turned Europe against God and the knowledge of Him. Later, the Christian faith came to be jettisoned with the colonial baggage

AMERICA, Saviour and God of the World. Whilst Europe sowed the seeds of unbelief and discord with God’s revelation of Himself and His will in the affairs of men and turned to the wild grapes of philosophies of human self-redemption and glory outside God and His Christ, America has on her part, turned Divine grace of blessedness, prosperity and glory into a position and posture of AMERICA, SAVIOUR and GOD of the WORLD. To America must bow nations and peoples of the world.

This has made nations and peoples of the world turn against America. It also led to the rejection of God and the Christian foundation of America, whose national motto otherwise is IN GOD WE TRUST.

According to the Lord, the original dream of the founding fathers of America was a nation and people established and governed through faith in God and the truth, law and statutes, knowledge, light and liberty of God. America can be said to have been conceived to uphold the peace, righteousness, justice, liberty and joy of the Kingdom of God in her affairs as a nation and people and in her relations in the world. It is this prospect that made America the land of freedom and liberty and dreams.

Unfortunately, the America whose spirit, strength and glory were founded, ordered and grounded in Jehovah, the God of Jacob, has not only turned her back to her God. She has also diverted the Divine ordered freedom and liberty, prosperity and glory to the glory of idols of silver and gold, weapons of war and the works of men’s hands.

To-day, secular super power America has turned her trust from Jehovah God the Creator, Father of Jesus Christ to money, economic power and military might. It is this new idolatrous thrust of faith, trust and hope in man and matter, money, machines and guns that has made America turn to posture herself as SAVIOUR and GOD in geo-politics and the world political-economy as a whole.

America has turned over her blessedness, spirit, strength and hope from IN GOD WE TRUST to money, economic power and weapons of war. Many nations and people have been compelled and are being compelled to do homage and bow to and worship GREAT AMERICA, Super Power. This is abomination before God hence America is facing the wrath and judgement of God.

Of course, America is not God. She cannot sustain her posture of Saviour and God of the world and spirit-power behind world order. In this connection, may we mention in passing that, atheistic communist Soviet Union fell from glory as super power not because of the thrust of challenges posed by the economic power and military might and/or success with the democratic ideals of America. It is the Almighty God who orchestrated the fall of atheistic communist Soviet Union of man and matter. The life-span of the Soviet Union was contained and confined to the seventy (70) years life- span of man. (Psalm 90: 10)

The Marxist-Leninist redemption plan, technological advancement and military might of the Soviet-Union could not prevent her fall. God caused her fall. He is on His throne.

Similarly, silver and gold, economic-power, technology and weapons of war are proving inadequate to sustain peace, stability and security of America in the current shakings of America and the global political economy. The truth is that, America is not God and cannot be God. In any case, the Lord God Almighty cannot and does not share His glory with any one, Satan or man, nation or people.

In this regard, the Spirit of the Lord revealed that the CHURCH IN AMERICA has failed to be a true and effective witness, apostle, prophet and priest of God to America. The Church has bought the humanistic imperialistic agenda of America. She has supported and is supporting America’s turn to idolatory in the worship of silver and gold, the works of men’s hands, and weapons of war, economic power and military might, in short. (Is. 2:6)

Thus, in the current shakings of the American and global political-economy, with credit crunch, economic crises and wars, the Church is yet to lead America back to her God, so she will cease from trust in money and matter, economic power and military might as basis of faith, hope and glory for the United States. America cannot prosper and flourish in the economy of war, blood and rumours of war.

This is the message the Most High God gave His servant to America. AMERICA, WHAT IS YOUR DREAM! WHERE IS YOUR DREAM! AMERICA, REPENT, COME BACK TO GOD!!!

August 13, 2009 [email protected]

Source: enoch immanuel a. agbozo