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An Open Letter To The People Of Ghana

Tue, 17 Aug 2010 Source: --

Enoch Immanuel A. Agbozo

Blessed be Jehovah, the God of Ghana, Creator of heaven and earth.

We invite all the PEOPLE of GHANA TO SHOUT A SONG of PRAISE to the glory of God, the Father of Jesus Christ for His mercy and loving kindness towards our country.

The Lord God Jehovah in His mercy and goodness has established, kept and sustained the peace, stability and fortunes of the country in spite of the challenges in governance and politics in the land, the harsh economic conditions due to the low key and subtle AUSTERE BUDGET, FISCAL and MONETARY MEASURES, mixed with frugal spending on one part, and the politics of lies and treachery, exacerbated by foreign intrusion, manipulation and influences, to say the least on the other.

Thanks be to God that the intra-party tension and open internal denunciations and demonstration against the stated incompetence of the government has not prompted the opposition parties and the military TO SEEK TO OUST the government. Ghanaians are settling with the virtues and challenges of democracy. But above all, the Spirit of God is in control.

Ghanaians have borne the brunt of the political, economic and social crises with a religious spirit of patience and endurance, trust and hope in God. This could not have been possible except there be a fundamental SPIRIT of the knowledge and worship, faith, trust and hope in God and love of country. Thus, we can declare with full assurance of faith that IT IS THE HAND of GOD upon the country that has kept the country in the present state of peace and quiet, inspite of everything.

To be sure, spirits, men and powers have tried and are working together to destabilize things, to disturb the peace, overthrow the government and rob the country not only of her assets and treasure but more important still, her state of peace and quiet, stability and progress and defile the Divine glory bestowed upon the nation and her shinning light as star of Africa.

Indeed, Ghana stands safe and secure because JEHOVAH GOD is her keeper.

With this background information, we take liberty in the name of Christ Jesus, the King of Glory to humbly appeal to Church and Government, Chiefs, Elders and People of Ghana that IT IS TIME TO ACKNOWLEDGE and HONOUR JEHOVAH GOD, the Creator as GOD of GHANA.

It is also TIME TO BE TRUE, RIGHTEOUS and FAITHFUL in our declarations of faith, trust and hope in God for His mercy and goodness, beneficence and full providence to abide with us on a continual basis till end of time.

It is only by such declarations and befitting righteous and responsible conduct in consonance therewith that we can AFFIRM and CONSOLIDATE the DIVINE HAND upon the country and our LOVE, LOYALTY and TRUE SERVICE of GOD and COUNTRY.

Third, we appeal in this regard to ALL POLITICAL PARTIES in the land to OPENLY ACKNOWLEDGE GOD the Creator as the God of Ghana and VOW TO UPHOLD THE HONOUR and GLORY of GOD and COUNTRY, Freedom and Justices, the motto of the nation and the Sacredness of Life and Human Dignity in the knowledge of God. The parties must cherish their stipulation in the provisions of the constitution of the country. The God loving and honouring people of Ghana CANNOT, DO NOT and WILL NOT ACCEPT ANYTHING LESS.

Perhaps, it might be necessary to remind the political parties and people, churches and governments of Ghana that it is the acknowledgment and honour of God, His Law, Light and Way that worked to bring glory to Israel, Europe and America. Their advances in science and technology and breakthroughs in man’s encounter with nature came mainly from PEOPLE and COUNTRIES with OPEN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, TRUST and HOPE in God the Creator. Britain, of “God Save The King,” and America of “In God We Trust” became the ultimate mantle carriers and custodians of human advancement through faith, obedience and honour of God. Germany and other strong nations of Europe abandoned the God-Christ heritage and lost the race to America.

Other nations in North and South, East and West, the world at large indeed have benefited from the Divine bestowed human heritage. Ghana in particular and Africa as a whole must take full cognizance of this. Then will princes come out of Africa, when Africa stretches out her hands to God. Africa’s kingdoms will flourish when they surrender to the Creator (Ps. 68: 31-34). Africa will become the PEOPLE of GOD with Israel and the Middle East as a whole (Isaiah chap. 19: 25)

Ghana is set on a path of destiny and glory. Glory be to God in the highest. Thus saith the Lord God of Ghana in this respect: “I said, it will be well with Ghana and it is already well with Ghana and the nations surrounding Ghana will wonder what kind of country Ghana is. They will marvel that all is going well with Ghana. And they will also declare that LET US GO and WORSHIP the God of Ghana……..and when they come…they will see and declare that indeed the God of Ghana is God and He alone is worthy to be worshipped…..I am God and I am able to do all things, and I will glorify My name in My nation, Ghana for all nations of the world to know that indeed I AM GOD. Listen, man listen, with My mouth I have spoken and it is already established. I am God.”

We end by calling upon the government of the day, to take full note that Ghana is fully established and enshrined in God’s plans, works and purposes for Africa, the oppressed, poor and captive millions of the world, and the human race as a whole.

For this cause Christ came. For this cause, Ghana has been chosen to herald the new world of the Kingdom of God and Christ’s reign and rule of the world.

Ghana is no more under the yoke and domain of satanism, love, idolatory and blood sacrifices, the cleavage to tradition of demonic and ancestral spirits and social order and governance based on blood and bankrupt and empty philosophies and ideologies. Ghana cannot worship and serve God and Money, Kwame Nkrumah and Demons, and foreign powers in the name of social advancement, cultural renaissance and Pan-Africanism.

The Most High God is about to set the stage for His heavenly kingdom order in the land. As the scriptures reveal, this will be preceded by the shaking of all things in the land. Only those things that are in the Kingdom of God, His domain and purposes will remain. (Heb. 12: 25-29)

We take this opportunity to warn CHRISTIANS WHO HAVE TAKEN ON THE NAME of GOD and who though not called, are describing themselves as Prophets, Pastors, Teachers, Lawyers, Doctors and Elders of the Faith and are using evil means, and killing people in God chosen Christ reigning and ruling Ghana.

Finally, we assert that Ghana is chosen by God for His Kingdom Glory in Africa and the world. Ghana is to set the pace in THE WORSHIP and SERVICE of GOD via grace and truth of and faith in Jesus Christ, the Saviour, Redeemer, King, Lord and Governor of the nations. Christ Jesus is the Hope of humanity, creation and the world. He is God of the universe.

Christ reign and rule of the earth has begun. The set time of the new heaven and new earth is on the horizon. Let the daughters of Zion rejoice. Let the Church wash her garments in the blood.

May the government and people, politicians, chiefs, elders of the land know, acknowledge and honour God the Creator as God of Ghana. For unless and until that is settled as a spiritual and social reality, the FULLNESS of GLORY of even chosen Ghana will not come.

Meanwhile, all works to build and establish the country otherwise will not survive, much more prosper. Indeed as scripture reveal, unless the Lord builds the nations, they labour in vain that build it.

Jehovah God is the Father and Redeemer, Builder and Keeper of Ghana. Hallelujah! Let Ghana Acknowledge and Honour this!! It is and shall be well with Ghana. Amen!!

August 13, 2010 [email protected]

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