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Another way of stealing from God's people!

Sun, 19 Jan 2014 Source: Brother Amartey

FIRSTFRUITS: Another way of stealing from God's people!

We have talked so much about tithing and just as I thought this

matter of stealing from the Lord's people has been dealt with, here comes

another: FIRSTFRUITS !

I have already dealt with FIRSTFRUITS in my book, but not in the way it is

being presented in the Ghanaian media, and this is why I want to address

this issue for the benefit of those who are struggling to understand

firstfruits. Some teach that firstfruits is the same as tithing but that is

wrong. The two are not the same but are entirely different.

So the question is: What is firstfruits? As the name implies, firstfruits

are the fruits that ripen first ahead of the main harvest when the rest of

the crops all ripen together. This statute was instituted in Leviticus

23:9-14, 17. Now when you read your Bible, it is crystal clear that the

firstfruits they preach to you about is not the the biblical firstfruits at

all. Like the tithes, firstfruits has nothing to do with money; it has

nothing to do with cash, with Dollars, Pounds, Euros, Francs, Cedis or

Naira, but with the produce of the land ! While the tithes have to do with

a standard 10% of agricultural produce, firstfruits has no standards or

conditions as to when it is done, or in what manner it was offered. Just

like the tithes, firstfruits has been hijacked by some preachers to

manipulate believers to part with their money, and this is wrong, wicked,

unconscionable and unbiblical.

" Honour the Lord with your substance and with the firstfruits of all your

increase:So shall your barns be filled with plenty and your presses shall

burst out with new wine." Proverbs 3:9-10.

These verses were spoken by Solomon, and as believers, we are to honour the

Lord with the blessings He has bestowed on us in expanding His kingdom on

earth. We are to follow the same new covenant principle of giving freely

and cheerfully according to our abilities, according to how the Lord has

blessed us, without the coercion, the lies, the deceit, the manipulations,

the robbery, the stealing! 2 Corinthians 9:6-7.

Further, as believers, we have the freedom to give whichever way we want

but we shouldn't be under any pressure, intimidation or fear. Is your

pastor telling you to give your first salary of 2014 as firstfruits? Is he

or she telling you to give your first pay packet as firstfruits? That is

stealing, but you have to decide for yourself, whether you want to be

robbed in the name of God. Remember, the Lord Jesus wants us to be wise as

serpents, to use our common sense and not be stupid! Matthew 10:16

An important principle in giving is to consider our own obligations,

because the Lord requires that we take care of our own responsibilities

first. He says, " If anyone does not provide for his own, especially for

those of his own house, he has denied the faith and is worse than an

infidel." 1 Timothy 5:8. Would you rather give all your pay packet to some

"pastor" or "prophet" as firstfruits and neglect your rent, bills and other

obligations to family? You decide !


Going hand in hand with firstfruits is the first things law, which some

preachers misapply to steal from the people. What is the first things law?

The first things law, or the sanctification, is the setting apart of first

things, and we find it in Exodus 13:2; 12-16. Some misuse this Scripture,

saying that first things belong to God, so the first thing you do with your

money is to send their portion to them. Beloved, this is robbing and

stealing! This ordinance was established to remind the Israelites of how

the Lord protected their firstborn children and animals while he destroyed

those of the Egyptians, and it has nothing to do with money whatsoever !


It is not for us to determine why some things are important to the Lord and

why others are not. The sanctification of first things is important to the

Lord, but when it comes to the tithe on cattle, first things are not

important. Why? Only God knows! With regards to the tithe on cattle, it is

the TENTH that matters to the Lord and not the FIRST, whether or not the

animal is sick, deformed, good or bad or whatever. Leviticus 27:32-33. In

one instance, first things are so special but in another it is the tenth,

and not the first, so who are we to determine what is special to the Lord?

Now you know the truth so don't allow any unscrupulous preacher to deceive

you to part with your money in the name of "firstfruits" or "first things."

It is time for believers to wake up from their ignorance and stop being

deceived by so called "men of God," who are more interested in the money

than in the truth.


Oh, how I love firstfruits! The Lord Jesus is our firstfruits. He is the

first to rise from the dead to become the firstfruits or firstborn of the

dead, ahead of the general resurrection of believers, and we know that

those who believe in Him will rise from their graves at the last trump, and

together with those who are alive at His return, we shall reign with Him.

How cool is that? Isn't that really cool? 1 Corinthians 15:20; Colossians

1:18; Acts 26:23; Revelations 1:5; 20:4-6.

Source: Brother Amartey